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TRADES' HOUSE— 1897-98.
John F. Miller, Esq., deacon-convener; James
[acfarlane, Esq., collector; Robt. Ramsey, Esq.,
ite convener.
Hammermen. — David Richmond, deacon; Andrew
[aclean, late deacon; John F. Miller, David Tullis,
ames Fergus, James M'Ewan.
Tailors. — Andrew M'Cracken, deacon; William
mrystie, late deacon; Charles Crimean, James Borland,
ohn Williamson, Alex. Jenkins.
Cor diners. — Thomas M' Bride, deacon; Robert
lotherwell, late deacon; James S. Crawford, Wm.
pier, A. H. Ewing, James Crookston.
Maltmen. — Robert J. Bennett, visitor; Robert
obin, late visitor; James M'Lennan, Robert Marr
enzie, George Herriot, A. M. Bayne.
Weavers. — James Alex. Duncan, deacon; M.
earce Campbell, late deacon ; Adam White, Angus
Bakers. — John Bilsland, deacon; Arch. Hamilton,
,te deacon; William Morrison, jun.
Skinners. — Wm. Howatt, deacon ; John Glen, late
lacon; H. P. Macneill.
Wrights. — James Hunter, deacon; James Maben,
ite deacon; John Porter.
Coopers. — Robert Hamilton, deacon; R. B.
acouat, late deacon ; John Ramsay Metcalfe.
Fleshers. — Finlay Swan, deacon; Jas. Colquhoun,
L.D., late deacon; Geo. Thomson.
Masons. — Michael Alexander, deacon; William
'. Anderson, late deacon ; Allan Muir.
Gardeners. — George Walker, deacon; Daniel
t [rainer, late deacon ; Matthew White.
Barbers. — Andrew L. Fleming, deacon; William
ampbell, late deacon ; William Morrison.
Dyers. — Moses Forsyth, deacon; Wm. Jack, late
Harry Lumsden, clerk, 105 W. George St.; John
arrell, officer, 85 Glassford Street.
Established in 1878.
Registered office, 26 Renfield Street.
President, Colonel Wm. Clark, J.P.; vice-president,
ames Taylor, jun.
Objects : — To encourage habits of saving, to assist
lembers in acquiring heritable property or purchas-
lg dwelling-houses.
Manager, James Wilson, C.A., 26 Renfield Street.
(Registered pursuant to Act of Parliament.)
Head Office, 81 St. George's Place, West George
Street, Glasgow.
Thomas Berrie, General Secretary.
In addition to the insurance against sickness, loss
f employment, old age, and death, it is the object
f this Association to introduce to employers clerks,
lOokkeepers, cashiers, travellers, secretaries, com-
lercial managers, and assistants of good business
apacity and character. Careful investigation is made
3 to the character and antecedents of all applicants
efore their names are placed on the " Situations'
Vanted Register."
Office, 26 Renfield Street.
President, J. Harrison, J.P., 7 Granby ter., Hill-
head ; hon. treas., C. L. Dobbie, 21 Hamilton Park
Terrace, Hillhead; secretary, Jas. Wilson, C.A., 26
Renfield st. ; law agent, Thomas M. Stewart, LL.B.,
173 St. Vincent st.
Objects. — The objects of the Association are : — To
take into consideration all or any matters affecting
heritable property; to procure the removal of alt
fiscal and other burdens upon such heritable property
of an oppressive and inequitable character; to
originate and promote improvements in the law
relating to heritable property, and to support or
oppose alterations thereon, and to effect improve-
ments in the administration thereof; to advise and
assist members of the Association, or others, in ques-
tions as to owners' rights and liabilities in relation
to heritable property ; to aid members, or others,
pecuniarily in litigating questions of importance; to
collect and diffuse useful information on all matters
affecting heritable property, &c.
Entry-money, £1 Is. ; the present capital is
£2088 15s. 8d., the interest of which is apportioned
amongst decayed members and their widows. Clerk,
Harry Lumsden, M.A., B.L., writer, Fyfe Chambers,
105 West George street.
Head Offices, 67 West Nile Street, Glasgow ;
Robert Walker, Organizing Agent ;
Hon. secretary, James Stevenson.
Edinburgh District office, 33 Castle St., Edinburgh.
Office-bearers — President, Robt. Mowat,Esq., Glas-
gow ; vice-presidents, Daniel Mowat, James Allan,
J. Clarkson and Roderick Scott, Glasgow ; William
Alexander, Kirkintilloch ; J. M'Phie, Dumbarton;
Wm. Richmond, Kilmarnock; A. Peden, Edinburgh;
Alex. Walker, Aberdeen, and Geo. Huoter, Galashiels;
auditors, T. Alexander, Kirkintilloch, James David-
son, Glasgow, and George Brown, Edinburgh; and a
board of management appointed from different dis-
tricts. Solicitors, Messrs. James Stevenson & M'Kin-
lay, 67 West Regent Street, Glasgow.
The objects of the Association are to inform the
public by lectures, literature, &c, in regard to the
injurious effects of Co-operative and Civil Service
Stores on the trade of the country, and to establish
branch Associations throughout Scotland; to bring
before the Legislature the unjust burden traders have
to bear in comparison with these Stores in reference
to income tax ; to protect the interests of its members
under the parliamentary acts affecting traders, and,
in connection therewith, to provide free legal advice
to member*, and legal services on special terms fixed
by the board of management ; against harassing in-
terference and undue restrictions by government and
other inspectors; against unequal taxation, local and
imperial ; and to procure direct representation of
traders on local boards, municipal councils, and in

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