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Gilbert Thomson, M.A., C.E., Civil Engineering and
Lewes R. Crosskey, Director.
'j | Harry Thomson, James Morton, George H. Graham,
{ and James Thaw, Art Class and House and Church
I Decoration.
.'John Wilson and James Broadley, Sign Writing.
■J I James M'Lean, Imitation of Woods and Marbles.
George Miller, Ornamental Metal Work.
James M. Dodds and Henry Rhodes, Lithographic
J. G. Murray, Lithographic Drawing.
R. Clouston Young, Lithographic Design.
Duncm King, Furniture Design.
Charles Milne, Workshop Instruction in Woodwork.
Alex. Macgregor, Wood- carving.
Richard Ferris. Modelling
The classes in Carriage Building are conducted by
Mr. Arch. Laurie, under the direction of Mr. Alex-
ander Henderson (carriage builder).
Officer of the College, Francis Magauran.
68 North Hanover Street.
Head Master, John G. Kerr, M.A. Staff:—
T. A. Cheetham, F.C.S., Chemistry; L. R. Cross-
key, Art ; John Dick, M.A., David Duncanson,
John Gemmell, M.A.. George George, A.I.C., F.C.S.,
Robt. Hunter, James A. M' Bride, B.A., J. H. A
M'Intyre, M.Inst.M.E., Engineering; Peter M'Leod,
M.A, B.Sc, Geo. Murdoch, B.A., B.Sc, P. Pinkerton,
M.A, Thos. J. Primrose, Walter Stewart, M.A. B.Sc,
John Storry, Workshop ; James Struthers, B.A.,
W. S. Templeton, M.A. , B.Sc, James Thaw, David
Waddell, M.A. ; Louis Janton B.A., B.Sc, French;
R. Kirkpatrick, F.R.H.S., Shorthand.
John Irving, drill instructor and janitor.
Assistants for Physical and Chemical Laboratories.
University Avenue, Hillhead.
Lectures and demonstrations are given, in the
usual winter and summer sessions, on various subjects
H of the medical curriculum, and on special subjects.
!H Secretary, J. N. Morton, M.A., writer, at Alexander
I M'Lennan's, 92 St. Vincent Street.
(Constituted by Scheme No. 149 under the Educa-
tional Endowments (Scotland) Act, 1882.)
This school, which has been built on the site of
1 1 the original school in Greenhead Street, was recently
I opened, and the scheme is now in operation. The
I subjects of instruction are (1) sewing, (2) cooking,
l (3) washing and laundry work; other subjects of a
V similar nature may be introduced. A certain num-
ber of girls (age 12 to 16) are admitted on the foun-
I dation and receive their instruction free. They are
I fed on the premises and receive an allowance for cloth-
I ing. Classes are also open to the public on payment
|! of fees. Secretary, W. H. ^lacdonald; treasurer, John
I Wilson; office, Hutchesons' Building, 158 Ingram St.
Kelvin Bridge, Great Western Road.
Instituted 1846.
Directors — Wm. Ker, president ; Robert Murdoch,
vice-president; John W. Arthur, Robert Balloch,
Gilbert Beith, Sir James Bell, Bart., W. G. Blackie,
Ph.D., LL.D., Hugh Brown, D. S. Cargill, John J.
Coats, Sir John Neilson Cuthbertson, James Deas,
C.E., Geo. Younger, John Wordie, R. C. Mackenzie,
C.A.; secretary and treasurer, Arthur Hart, C.A.,
63 St. Vincent St.
School staff — D. Morrison, M.A., LL.D., rector.
Classics, the Rector, Wm. Robertson, M.A., Wm.
Melven, M.A., J. C. Scott, M.A, David Duff, MA.,
and George L. Moffat, M.A.
French and German — head-master, Louis Barbe*,
B.A. ; assistants, J. C. Scott, M.A., and David Duff,
English — head-master, Lionel W. Lyde, M.A.
Oxon. ; assistant masters, Wm. Melven, M.A, Wm.
Mackenzie, M.A., and J. S. Heath, B A.
Initiatory classes, Misses Wright and M'Calhrm.
Mathematics and Science — head-master, James
Wood, M.A., late Fellow of Queen's College, Cam-
bridge ; assistant masters, Andrew Muir, George L.
Moffat, M.A., J. S. Heath, B.A, and Duncan Sin-
clair, B.Sc.
Writing and Book-keeping — head - master, J.
Drawing — John Dunlop, of the School of Art.
Gymnastics — S. Stewart.
Phonography — Duncan Sinclair, B Sc.
Music — Academy choir, John Maclaren.
Pianoforte — Montague Smith, jun., Misses Wright,
M'Callum, and Scott.
Violin— J. A. Melville.
Janitor, Wm. Smith.
Founded 1799.
Governors. — Thos. A. Mathieson, president; Dr.
J. B. Russell, vice-president ; A. Malloch Bayne,
Dr. George A. Turner, J. B. Kidston, T. P. Miller,
Chas. M. King, Dr. A. L. Kelly, Wm. Gibson, John
Thomson, W. Boyd Anderson, Dr. Thos. Lapraik,
Geo. Macfarlane, James Dick, John Albert Black,
Dr. S. Gemmell, Dr. T. Kennedy Dalziel, Dr. W.
G. Dun, Dr. J. D. M'Laren, Dr. Archibald Sloan,
James Ferguson ; J. B. Kidston, writer, 50 West
Regent St., Glasgow, secretary and treasurer.
Faculty of Medicine. — Dean, Professor T. Kennedy
Dalziel, M.B.; Anatomy, Prof. A. M. Buchanan, M.A.,
M.D. ; Chemistry, Prof. J. R. Watson, M.A. ; Physio-
logy, Prof. W. Ernest Thomson, M.A, M.D. ; Surgery,
Prof. T. Kennedy Dalziel, M.B. ; Practice of Medicine,
Prof. Samson Gemmell, M.D. ; Materia Medica, Prof.
R. Barclay Ness, M.A., M.B. ; Midwifery, Prof. John
Edgar, M.A., B.Sc, M.B.; Medical Jurisprudence, Prof.
R. M. Buchanan, M.B.; Botany, Prof. B. G. Cormack,
M.A., B.Sc; Hygiene and Public Health, Joseph Car-
roll, M.B. ; Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery, T.
Spence Meighan, M.D. ; Aural Surgery, James
Erskine, MA., M.B. ; Diseases of Throat and Nose,
John Macintyre, M.B. ; Zoology, Prof. George Bell
Todd, M.B ; Physics, Prof. Peter Bennett; Mental
Diseases, Dr. John CarswelL.

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