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Gillespie, H. G. 12 Broomielaw
Gilmour & Dean, 50 North Han-
over street
Gorman, Robert, 7 Crny place
Gorman, Wm. & Co. 153 West Nile
Gcurlie, John F., 160 St Vincent
Grant, John (glass), 24 and 26
Union street
Hamilton, Archibald, brass, 35
Ann st. off Jamaica street.
Hamilton & Co., calico, 13 Cum-
berland st. Calton
Henderson, Wm. 106 Montrose st
Hill & Hodge, 56 Waterloo st
Humphreys, H. J. & Co. (brass
and stencil cutters), 83 Cam-
bridge st
Johnsons, Messrs. office for regis-
tering designs and trade marks;
handbook gratis; 115 St. Vin-
cent st
Kincaid, Malcolm, 138 Renfleld st
King, Alfred, glass, 24 and 26
Union st
Kirk Brothers, 209 Hope street
Knox, James, 52 Howard street
Laidlaw, Wm. P. & Son, 80 St.
Vincent st
Law, A. M. 101 West Nile st
Leggat Brothers, draughtsmeo, 38
Sauchiehall st.
Lindsay & Paisley, 96 Buchanan st
Litbgow, John, & Son, 76 West
Howard street
Livingstone Bros. 85 Maxwell st
Lockwood, Joseph, 263 Argyle st
Lorimer, Wm. & Co. 95 St. Vin-
cent st. and 24 Renfleld st
Lugton, Richard, 4 New wynd
Lyon, Wm. 389 Sauchiehall street
and branches ; wholesale, 474
Sauchiehall street
MacBride & M'Intyre, 1 5 2 Sauchie-
hall st
M'Dougall & Sons (glass), 77, 79
Buchanan st
M'Gown, Jno. 3 Bothwell st
M'Gregor, Alex, stamp and seal,
40 John st
M'Innes, Neil, 93 Finnieston st
M'Kenna, John, 81 High John st
Mackenzie, William, 43 Howard st
M'Laren & Meikle " Practical," 25
Gordon st. — See Adv. in App.
M'Lean, James B. 52 W. Nile st
Maclure, Macdonald & Co. 2 Both-
well circus. Bothwell s'reet
M'Millan, H. & Co. 15 Drury st
Malcolm, Alex. & Co. 34 Ann
st. city
Marquis, Robt. 16 Scotia st
Mathieson & Erskine, 63 North
Frederick street
Miller, John, 116 Renfleld st
Miller, Stephen, wood, 183 George
Mitchell, W. R. 62 Argyle st
Mollison, Ness & Co. 120 Kent
Morison Brothers, 52 Renfleld st.
— See Advt. in App.
Morrison, Geo. 11 Miller st
Morrison, Geo. & Matthew (photo
process), 92 St. Vincent st. — See
Advt. in Appen.
Morrison & Sheperd (silver), 74
Buchanan st
Muir, Alex. S. 3 Sanchiehall st
Murdoch, Thos. & Co. 54 Union st
Napier, Alex. 394 Crown street
Napier & Wilks, 134 Renfleld st
Nisbet, T. (onwood), 62 St. Vin. st
Ramsay, Wm. &Co. shop and office
brass plates, 11 Jamaica st
Robertson, Robert, 304 Duke st.
Robertson, Wm. 62 Argyle st
Seaton, J. & Co. 83 Dunlop st
Smith, Thos. & Son, silver and
electro- plate, 25 and 31 Queen st
Steven, R. M. & Son, 176 Ingram
Stewart, John, 33 Renfleld st
Strathern, Alex. S. 25 Gordon st
Strathern & Freeman, 145 West
Nile st
Tait, Wm. 9 Shuttle st
Tennant, John, and designer, 30
Gordou st
Terras, Robt. wood, 57 W. Nile st.
The Metallic Art Co. (metals and
ivory) 53 Waterloo st and at
2l2"01d Dumbarton rd
The Scottish Engraving Co. Ltd.
(photo process and on wood), 12
and 14 Bath st
Thomson, W. R. M. & Co. 96
Buchanan st
Urquhart, Geo. G. 85 Buchanan st
Walker, William, & Co. brass and
seals, 125 London st
Wardrop, D. C. 57 Oswald st
Watson & Cook, 13 South Ex-
change pi
Watson, Gavin, 33 E. Howard st
Watson, Wm. 60 St. Enoch sq
Welsh & Horn, brass and xylonite,
15 and 17 Douglas st
White & Montgomery, 54 Gordon
Wilkie, Robert (silver), 34 St.
Enoch square
Wilson, Guthrie & Co. 335 St.
Vincent st
Woodrow, Alex. & Son, 75 Glass-
ford street
Wright, C. L. 100, 102 W. George
st. and 100, 106 Stirling road
Young, W. 15 Margaret st
FICES, 83 Jamaica street.
Telephone 4439. — See Advt.
Allan & Ferguson, 126 Renfleld st.
Anderson, Whan, & Co. (knives
for cutting envelopes), 139
Grasme street
Baird, Alex. & Son, Kelvinbridge
Baxter, Thcs. S. 40 John st
Begg, Kennedy, & Elder, 25 and
35 Hope street
Bertram, Peter, & Sons, 335 Argyle
Cameron, Ferguson, & Co. 63
North Frederick street
Campbell, D. & Son, 96 St. Vine, st
Carlaw, D. & Sons, self-feeding,
folding, gumming, and stamping
machine makers, also cutters for
envelopes, 11 Finnieston street.
Telephone No. 5363
Collins, W. Sons, & Co. (Limited.),
139 to 153 Stirling rd. and 133,
139 St. James' id.- See Ad. in Ap.
Cowan, Alex. & Sons, Lmtd. 17
Royal Exchange square
Craigside Envelope Co. 17 Royal
Exchange sq
CruicksbarJks, J. & E. 15-19 So.
Portland st
Dalziel, David, 45 Bridge street
Dickinson, John, & Co. Lid. 52
St. Enoch sq
Findlay, James, 68 Mitchell street
Hobbs, C. 35 Mitchell street
Laidlaw, W. P. & Son, 80 St.
Vincent st
Livingstone Bros. 85 Maxwell st
Logan, Geo. & Co. (envelopes for
bottles, &c.) 101 St. Vincent st
Lumsden, James, Son & Co. 19
and 21 York st
Lyon, Win. 389 Sauchiehall street
and branches ; wholesale, 474
Sauchiehall street
MacLachlan, Peter, & Co. straw
bottle, capsules, capsuling mach-
ines, corks, &c. 134 St. Vincent st
M'Murtrie, Adam, 98 Dunlop tt
M'Naughtan & Gowanlock, 109 St.
Vincent st
Miller, John, 116 Renfleld st
Morgan, Chas. & Co. 93 and 97
Holm st
Pirie, Alexander, & Sons, Lmtd. 43
Queen st
Raeburn, John (knife maker for)
173 Grasme st
Robertson, Robert, 304 Duke st
Smith, James <& John, Ltd. (and
relief stampers), 92 Union st
Spicer Bros. Ltd. 93 Hope st
Spicer, Jas. & Sons, 58 to 64 No.
Frederick st
Thompson, Kemp, & Co. straw
envelopes, Eclipse Works, 83
Dunlop st
Thompson, Robt. B. & Co. straw
envelopes, 54 W. Howard street,
near St. Enoch sq
Walton, James, & Co., 51 Coch-
rane street

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