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Muir, Mrs H. grocer and spirit dealer. Haw- j
thorn bank '
Mrs W. 3 Upper Gilniore place
» Mrs, 7 Wellington place
Miss E. dressmaker, 8 Earl Grey stroet
Mure, David, esq. advocate, 15 Ainslie place
George, M.D. 53 Canongate
* Wm. cooper, 8 Old Bridge end
— — Mrs, 8 Albyn place
» Mrs, 62 Queen street
Murdie, Jn. corn dealer, 4 Old Broughton
Muirhead, Charles, poulterer, 79 Queen street
— house 16 Young street
-^— Claud, esq. {Edin. Adver,,) 7 Heriot row
Daniel, cowfeeder, Tyne castle
— — George, spirit dealer, 52 Rose street
Jas. carver & gilder, 10 n. Richmond st.
— — James, esq. printer, 21 Heriot row
James P. esq. advocate, 26 Heriot row
* Wm. agent for the Anti- Dry-Rot Co. 21
Sheriff brae
— — - Mrs, Robert, grocer, 155 West port
* Mrs, spirit dealer, 1 Dock place
Mullar, A. & Co. manufrs. and importers from
Berlin, 43 and 44 Princes street
Midler, J M. teacher of music, 21 Heriot row
— — C. M. teacher of music, 21 Heriot row
Mullo James, coal mercht. and victual dealer,
31 St Leonard st. — ho. 10 Hill square
Mundell, John, artists' colourman, printseller,
picture frame maker, and fancy sta-
tioner, 60 Princes st. — h.8 Gt. Stuart st.
— — Mrs Capt. Maiiland place, Newhaven
Monro, Dr Alexander, professor of anatomy
and practical surgery. College
— — Alex. Binning, W.S. 28 Rutland square
George, esq. S.S-C. 3 Regent terrace
George, esq. advocate, 28 Northumb. st.
. Miss, boarding school, 13 India street
Munro, Alex, pawnbroker, 276 Canongate
Alex. esq. 109 Princes street
— - Alexander, spirit dealer, Bonington
— — - Arthur, esq. Trinity crescent
* David, shipmaster, 29 Couper street
— — Donald, mason, 150 Cowgate
— — George, grocer & spirit dealer, 12 Canal st.
' George, pawnbroker, 14 Sali>bury street
* Hector, watchmaker, 52 Bridge street —
house Bowling Green street
■ Henry, tavern keeper, 4 Milne square
— — Hugh, esq. 31 Saxe Coburg place
— — Captain John, 1 Lauriston terrace
James, ( Wilson and Co.,) 6 Malta ter.
* Robt. boot & shoema. 47 Tolbooth wy.
— Sutherland, cap manuf. 97 High street
* Thos. Bush tavern, 67 Timbtr bush
* Wm. spirit dealer, 4 Portland place
Wm. boot & shoem. 2, Roxburghe place
— — W. J. macer, High Court of Justiciary,
4 St James' square
' Mrs Andrew, 7 Rankeillor street
— — Mrs. spirit dealer, 70 St Leonard street
— — Mrs J. lodgings, 26 Cumberland st. }
I Mrs, Munro place, Jock's lodge 1
* Munro, Mrs, 8 King street
Mrs, lodgings, 6 Brighton street
Miss, 31 Buccleugh place
's and Drysdale, messengers-at-arms, 4
St James' square
Murdoch, C. seal engraver and gem sculptor,
25 George street
Geo. printer, 44 Cowgate — h. 21 Coll. st.
James, Lighthouse service, 24 Calton h.
J. B. esq. advocate. Dean house
* Jn. S.S.C. 120 Constitution street
Mrs (of Gartincaber), 6 Charlotte place
Miss M. lodgings, 132 Rose street
Murie, Geo. cabinetmaker and house-agent, 39
Lothian street
Murison, Mrs J. 2 Arniston place
Murphy, Alex, factor, 5 w. Newington place
Wm. engraver and copperplate printer,
62 Thistle street
Miss, paper & china warehouse, 2 Cowg.
Murray & Gibb, printers, 21 George street
& Logan, esqrs. W.S. 16 Rutland sq.
A. & Son, cabinetm. & upholsterers, 1 no.
w. Circus place
* Alex. (Z. Pottery, ^25 Salamander st.
Alex, printer, 377 High street — ho. 6
Hope park
Alex, esq Callander house, Canongate
And. (of Murrayhall, esq. advocate) and
sheriff of Aberdeenshire, 34 Heriot row
Andrew, jun. esq advocate, 36 India st.
Andrew, Turf hotel, 3 Princes street.
And. esq. W.S. 13 Pitt street
And. bootmaker, 9 London street
And. printer, 1 Milne's square
Ant. esq. of CriefF, W.S. 16 Rutland sq.
Charles, wright, 78 Constitution street
— house 10 Wellington place
Daviti, spirit dealer, 1 Abercromby pi.
David, esq. W.S. 31 Queen street
D. accountant, 39 George street — ho. I
Middleby st.
D. R. teacher of music, 4 Great King st.
Lieut. Francis, barrackmaster. Castle
George, esq. 24 Clerk street
Geo. teacher of mathematics, 8 Infirmary
street — house 4 Pitt street
George, baker, 2 Market street
George, wright, west end Jamaica street
Geo. grocer and tea dealer, 15 Howe st.
Geo. acct. 15 Queen st. — ho. 19 Ann st.
G. tailor & clothier, 3 s. St Andrew st.
Geo. lodgings, 4 n. Melville place
Henry, esq. 19 Pitt street
— — Henry, confectioner, 109 Xicolson st.
James T. esq. W.S. 31 Queen street
* Jas. sui-geon and druggist, F.R.C.S.
Lon. 147 Kirkgate — ho. 2 Morton st.
* James, of Customs, 6 Cannon street
James, baker, 13 Broughton street
* • James, ship chandler, 25 Citadel
James H. esq. 5 Norton place
* J. and E. grocers, I Charlotte street
John, esq. advocate, 34 Heriot row

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