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*Gordon, John, of Customs, .Taiiefield
Jn. T. esq. advocate, 6 Gloucester pi.
Major John, 12 Great King stieet
John, esq. 2!) east Claremont street
John, woollen draper, 33 North bridge
■ Jn. W. esq. R. S. A., 52 Albany street
Lieut-Col. Jn. of Cluny, 4 St Andrew sq.
— — John, esq. of Cairnbulg, advocate, 38
Drummond place
Jn. of Avochie, esq. W.S. 22 Heriot row
• Jn. chemist and druggist, 32 Bristo st.
Jos. esq. W.S. 21 Royal terrace
Richard, accountant, 35 Drummond pi,
Rev. Dr Robert, 42 St Cuthbert street
R. esq. (Bank of Scotl."), 28 London st.
Robert, esq. W. S. 53 Northamb. st.
* Thomas, of Customs, 56 Bridge street
Wm. & Son, builders, 7 St Anthony pi.
. • William, painter, Jock's-lodge
Lady, 10 Royal crescent
. Mrs Agnes, midwife, 25 Crosscausey
Mrs A. 28 Buccleugh place
* Mrs Charles, midwife, 28 Water Lane
* Mrs M. spirit dealer, 13 St Andrew St.
Mrs of Milrig, 18 Rutland square
. Mrs Colonel, 23 Inverleith row
ISIrs, 3 Moray place
Mrs, of Kaockespock, 10 Ainslie place
Mrs, 15 Hart street
— ~' Mrs Captain, Lavcroek bank
Mrs G. 3 Mayfield loan
Miss, milliner anddressmr. 6 Castle st.
Miss, 10 south Gray's street
■ Miss, 31 Scotlaijd street
Miss, 4 Hoj)e street
Miss, 13 Rankeillor street
Misses, 15 Scotland street
Gorham, R. writer, 173 Causey side
^ R. Y. ( I'ei^d office,) 173 Causeyside
Gorman, James, bioker, 120 Cowgate
■ .James, coal merchant, 21 Earl Grey st.
Natb. furniture dealer, 253 Cowgate
Gorrie, VVillJam, asst. consr. of Hitrhiand and
Agricultural Society's Museum, 1 Hill
. — ■ — Mrs D., jun. 23 Downie place
trouinlock, Wra., fles^her, 6 Chapel street
Gould, John, esq. 6 Upper Dean street
Goulding, James, broker, 128 Cowgate
• William, (Baths,) Argyle square
"Gourlay, David, esq., 49 Charlotte street
James, gardener, Bruntsfield House
* Mrs, 3 Duncan place
' R. & T. tailors and clothiers, 142 High st.
' William, esq. 23 Recent terrace
' Wm. & .John, golf-ball maker, (Links)
— ho. 28 Wrights houses
Mis, Tet total Coffeehouse, 219 High st.
* Mrs A. spirit dealer, 12 Johnston street
' Mrs Dr, 10 Torphichen street
Miss, 13 Rankeilior street
Govan, John, esq. W.S. 13 Walker street
Gow, Alex., wine and spirit- merchant, 17
India pi — ho. 3 Sanders st.
Gow, James, paper ruler, 16 Canal street
* Daniel, tinsmith, 41 Yardheads
Donald, cowfeeder, 18 .Jamaica street
— — Forbes, tailor, 187 High street
.James, chairman, 10 Forres street
M. spirit dealer, 4 Church lane
Mrs, sicknurse, 44 Howe street
Miss E. straw-hat maker, 44 Howe st.
Miss, 19 Gayfield squnre
Gowan,, Alex. esq. solicitor, 18 IMoray place
Chas. baker and confectioner, 8 Elm row
Mrs, 60 George street
Miss, 5 Pitt street
Gowans, Thomas, grocer, 99 Causeyside
Mrs Jean, merchant, 21 Brown square
Gracie, John B. esq. W.S. and commissary
clerk. Parliament sq.
Mrs, 39 filontagu street
Grady, ,Jno. messenger-at-arras, sherifF-ofHcer,
5 High terrace
*Gra3rae, David, vintner, 36 Sandport street
Mrs, 18 Heriot row
Graham and Anderson, esqrs. W.S. 31 Great
King street
Weddel & Co. clothiers and shirt mer-.
chants, 88 South Bridge
A. gardener and dairyman, 1 Scotland st.
A. tea, wine, and spirit dealer, 70 Bristo
St. — house 18 Lothian street
Frederick, esq. Cherry Bank
G. F. esq. 31 Gilmore place
Henry C esq. W.S. 89 Great King st
house 1 1 Darnaway street
Henry, esq. surgeon, 1 1 Shandwick place
Humphry, esq. W.S. 11 Shandwick
place — house 14 Atholl crescent
J. esq. of Leitchtown, 26 Rutland square
Jas. Gillespie, esq. archit. 60 G. King st.
John, governor of House of Refuge
J. & D. wine merchants and grocers,
328 liawnraarket, and 71 Nicolson st.
J. confectioner, 2 Catharine street
— John, of Blyth &: Grahame, 13 Bank st.
— John, farmer, Egypt
— Patrick, esq. W.S. 31 Gt. King street —
house 37 Inverleith row
— R. M. merchant, 25 Pitt street
— Robert, esq. 7 east Claremont street
— Robt. jun. (Simpson Sf" G.,) 2 Rutland st;
Robert, R.N. 6 Hope terrace
— Robert, esq. advocate, 18 Heriot row
— Dr Ro. general practitiiiner and professor
of medicine and botany, 62 G. King st.
— Samuel, horse dealer, 29 Frederick street
— T. painter and glazier, 1 so. Melville pi.
Thos. corn merchant, 70 Giles street —
house 7 Spence's place
— Tho. & Co. victual dealer, 133 Grassm.
— Walter, esq. Merchiston lodge
W. agent, 75 Constitution street
— Wm. teacher of elocution, &c., military
academy and private teacher, 78 Queen
street — ho. 1 1 Ann street
— Wm. letter-carrier, 18 Scotland street

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