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Abbey, foot of Canongate
Abbey-hill, Spring Gardens to
Abercromby pi., foot Duke st.
Adam square, South bridge
Adam street, Roxburgh place
Advocates' el., 357 High street
* Admiralty street, Couper street
Aird's close, 135 Grassmarket
Ainslie place, Great Stuart st.
Aitcheson's close, 58 West port
Albany street, foot Duke street
Albany cottage, York lane
*Albany street, north Fort street
Albert place, India place
Albyn pi., west end of Queen st.
Alison's close, 34 Cowgate
Alison's square, Potterrow
Alison's place, foot Leith Walk
Allan street, Stockbridge
Allan's close, 269 High street
Allan's close, 79 Grassmarket
Allan's court, 269 High st.
*Allanfield, Queensferry road
Alva St., Charlotte pi. to Wm. st.
Amphion pi,, n. b. Canongate
Anchor close, 243 High street
Anchortield, Newhaven
Anderson's pi., foot Leith Walk
Anderson's close, 14 Cowgate
Annandale St., head Leith Walk
Ann street, St Bernard's
Anniield, Newhaven
Autigua street, Union place
Archer's hall, Buccleuch et.
Archibald place, Lauriston
Argyle sq., north College st.
Argyle place. Meadows
Argyle park, Meadows
Arniston place, Newington
Arthur's lodge, Dalkeith road
Arthur st. and places, Pleasance
*As8embly St., e. end Bernard st.
Atholl crescent, by IVIaitland st.
Atholl place, Atholl crescent
Bailie Fyfe's close, 101 High st.
Bailie's court, 50 Cowgate
Bainfield, Fountainbridge
Baird's close, 146 Canongate
Bakehouse close, 146 Canongate
Baker's pi., n. w. Circus place
Ballantyne's close, 7 Grassmarket
*Baltic St., east end Bernard st.
Bangholm, Queensferry road
Bangholm bower, near Trinity
Bank street, Lawnmarket
Bank street, north Mound place
*JBank stieet, Bernard street
'Bank pi. and ho., Queensferry rd.
*Barm close, 15 Coalhill
Baron Grant's close, 15 High st.
Barony st., foot of Broughton st.
Barringer's close, 91 High st,
*Bathfield, near Leith fort
*Bath street, James' place
*Baynefield, Queensferry road
Baxter's close, 469 Lawnmarket
Baxter's pi., head Leith Walk
Beattie's close, 84 Grassmarket
Beaumont pi., head of Pleasance
Beaumont cottage, do.
Beaver hall, Canonmills
Bedford street, top Dean street
Beggrie's entry, 69 St Leonard st.
Bellmount, Coltbridge
Belleville, King's park
Bellevue crescent, Mansfield place
Bellevue terrace, e. Clareniont st.
Bellfield, Trinity
Bell's close, 272 Canongate
Bell's entry, 17 St Leonard street
Bell's mills, near Sunbury
Bell's wynd, 146, High street
B.!lville, Dalkeith road
* Bernard street, Baltic st. Shore
*Binniu's close, 36 Giles' street
Bishop's close, 129 High street
Blacket place, Jlinto street
Blackfriar's wynd, 96 High street,
and 236 Cowgate
Blackford, Canaan
Blair street, from Hunter square
Blandfield row, Canonmills
Blanfield ho., Broughton road
Blenheim place, Baxter place
Blyth's close, 517 Castlehill
Boghall, Borougbrauirhead
Bonington park, Bonington
Bonington road, Claremont cres.
to Newhaven
Bonington bank, Queensferry road
Bonington bi'ae, Bonington
Bonnington place, Bonington
*Bonington bank, Bonington road
* Bonington ro., w. end Yard heads
Bonington lt>dge. Ferry road
* Bonington ho. Hillhousefield
Borough loch, Archers' hall
Boroughmuirliead, Bruntsfield pi.
Borthwick's close. 1 90 High st,
Boswell's cnurt, 392 Castlehill
Botanic gardens, Inverleith row
Bow bridge, Boroughmuirhead
*Bower hall, Bonington place
*Bowie's close, 27 Queen street
*Bow!ing-green st , Junction road
Boyd's entry, St Mary wynd
Braid, Boroughmuirhead
Brand place, Abbey hill
Brandfield place, Fountainbridge
Brandon street, Henderson row
Bread street. Port Hopeton
*Brickfield, Restalrig road
* Brickwork close, 104 Kirkgate
Brighton street, Lothian street
Bristo port, Candlemaker row
Bristo street. Chapel street
*Broad wynd, Shore
Brodie's close, 304 Lawnmarket
Brown's close, 79 Canongate
Brown's c'oee, 385 Lawnmarket
Brown's court, 125 Canongate
Brown's court, 396 Ca>^tlehill
Brown's court, 27 Crossciuseway
Brown's entry, foot Leith Waik
Brown's place, Vennel
Brown street, 134 Pleasance
Brown street lane, Brown street
Brown's square, Argyle square
Broughton markets, Broughton st,
Broughton street, Catherine st.
Broughton place, Broughton st.
Broughton lane, 33 Broughton st.
Broughton parkcfiiouse, Claremont
street, east
Broughton hall, Claremont cres.
Broughton point. Powder hall
Brunswick street. Hillside crescent
*Brunton's cl., 70 Tolbooth wyud
Brunswick street, Clarence street
Bruntsfield ho., Bruntsfield links
Bruntsfield links, Wrightshouse*^
Bruntsfield place, Bruntsfield link*
Brunton place, G. London road
Buccleugh place, George square
Buccleugh pend, St Patrick square
Buccleuch street, Buccleugh phice
Buchanan's co., 300 Lawnmarket
Buchanan's court, 283 Cowgate
Buckstane, Boroughmuirhe.id
Bull's close, 181 High street
Bull's close, 307 Cowgate
Bull's close, 106 Canongate
*Burgess cl.. Shore and Water lane
*Burns street, Lochend road
Burnet's close, 156 High street
Burt's close, 139 Grassmarket
Byers' close, 373 High street
*Cable wynd, 5 1 Giles* street
Calder's place, Canongate
Caldwell lane, St Ann's yards
Callender's h. and en., 67 Canongt!
Calton street, Leith street
Caltonhill, from Calton street
Calton place, Calton street, south
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