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George H. B. Macleod, Esq., M.D., Glasgow.
David Christison, Esq., M.D., Edinburgh.
W. L. Gibson, Esq., M.D., Dundee.
Alexander Eilgotjr, Esq., M.D., Aberdeen.
Messrs. Mitchell & Watson, C.A., Glasgow.
Resident Secretary, G lasgow— Michael Thomson, Esq.
„ Edinburgh- Jas. Wordie, Esq., S.S.C.
„ Dundee— J. A. Gloag, Esq., Writer.
Resident Secretary, Aberdekn— LESSEE STEPHEN, Advocate.
A T the Annual Meeting of the Proprietors, held at Liverpool
-^*- on tbe 27th October, 1864— Bernard Hall, Esq., Chairman of the Com-
pany, in the Chair, the Directors' Report for the year stated—
That the Fire Premiums for the Year amounted to £101,085
being an increase over the preceding year of 30,785
and greater by 7,900
than the largest increase shown in any previous year
of the Company's existence.
That the Fire Reserve Fund now stands at 114,312
That the Claims paid and outstanding were 65,267
showing losses beyond the usual average, the year having, in this respect,
proved an exceptional one for the " Queen " as well as for other Fire In-
surance Companies.
(It is believed that an Income from Fire Premiums of £101,000 has
rarely, if ever, before been reached by any Office in its Sixth year.)
In the last Report reference was made to the Government return of Fire
Insurance Duties as one of the tests of the growing popularity of the Company
within the United Kingdom. It now appears that for the past year the In-
crease of Duty (£4,897) exceeded the increase of any former year by upwards
of £2,300, and represented new Annual Insurances to the extent of over
Three Millions Sterling.
The Report showed that during the year 533 Proposals were made to
the Office for Assurances, to the extent of £326,558, of which 118 Proposals
for £88,600 were, for various reasons, declined. That 63 Proposals for
£32,870 were not proceeded with. That 352 Life Policies were completed
and issued for £205,088, being an increase over tbe preceding year of £57 508.
That the New Life Premiums were £6,371, being an increase over the pre-
ceding year of £2,421. That the Life Income was £23,531, and that upwards
of 60 per cent, of the entire Net Premiums was added to the Life Fund.

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