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Letters whether containing Coin, or not, can be registered, on payment
of a fee of 6d., in addition to the Rates of Postage, Inland, Colonial, or
Foreign. On those for delivery in France, the charges, besides the Re-
gistration fee, will be the English rate to France, in addition to double the
French rate.. A printed acknowledgment will be given to any person regis-
tering a letter. Registered Letters will be taken at the Bar Window and
Receiving Houses within half an hour of the closing of the Box for the
particular Mail by which they are to be dispatched. Letters for Registra-
tion, addressed to places within the United Kingdom, must be paid by
affixing a sufficient number of stamps ; when addressed to parts abroad they
may be paid either in money or by means of Postage Stamps.
The arrangements for carrying out the system of registration have been
made with the view of ensuring the safe delivery of Registered Letters.
On their delivery, the parties to whom tliey may have been addressed will
be required to acknowledge, in writing, their receipt. Parties transmiubig
Bank Notes. Bank Post Bills, Drafts, Jewellery, &c, should invariably se-
cure their transmission by Registration; and Persons having occasion tu
Send by Post small sums, are recommended to make use of.
which is open every week-day, (fast days excepted) from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.
The charges tor such Orders is 3d. on sums not exceeding two pounds, and
6d. on sums between two and five pounds. No order will be given for sums
beyond this amount; but if the sum to be transmitted exceeds five pounds,
as many orders may be taken out as will make up the sum to be sent.
In cases where the personal attendance of the party to whom an order is
payable is inconvenient, if the order is receipted (his or her name written in
full,) and the person presenting the order be able to give full information as
to the Christian name, surname, and address, of the person who transmitted
the money, payment will be made, but not unless these conditions are com-
plied with, Orders will not be granted in favour of any person, unless the
Christian name of such person can be given by the party obtaining the
order. Orders cannot now be granted in favour of the " Secretary" of any
Society, the " Publisher'' of a paper, &c. In cases of Firms the initials
only are required.
A Money Order must be presented for payment before the end of the
Secoud Calendar Month after that in which it was issued ; for instance, if
issued, in January, it must be presented before the end of March, otherwise
a new order will be necessary, for which a second commission must be paid ;
and if it be not presented for payment before the end of the Twelfth Calendar
Month after which it was issued, the money will not be paid at all.
After an order has been once paid, by whomsoever presented, the Officer
will not be liable to any further claim.
1. — Printed forms of application for Money Orders to be sold at one half"
pennv for five, or any smaller number.
2. — When an Order is to be paid through a Bank, the Remitter need not
state the name of the Payee; and, when presented for payment, it will be
sufficient that it be receipted, and presented (crossed with the name of the
Receiving Bank), by some person known to be in the employment of the
3. — An Order, not originally made payable through a Bank, on being
erossed by the holder, will be paid on the above conditions.
4.— Compensation for alleged injury from the delay of paying an Order,
©r of paying it to a wrong person cannot be allowed.

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