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2 William Anderson, salmon mercht.
— John B. Bannerman (of P. B. and
Son) shipowner
3 Arbuthnott and M'Combie, paper
— Robert Scott, manager (A. & M'C.)
S Nicholson & Simpson, coal brokers
9 George Cowieson, vintner
69 Green.
From Castle street to Union place.
■4 & 6 Brown Gibson, furnishing tailor
8 Samuel Maclean, bookseller
12 Alexander Badenoch, tailor, &c
14 Alex. Yule, general ironmonger
16 James & Charles Fraser, clothiers
18 Alex. Russell, tailor and clothier
20 Alexander Steele, hatter
22 Daniel Gray, tea merchant, &c.
23 John Falconer and Co., haber-
24 Hugh Fraser, clothier, &c.
25 David Grant, tobacconist
— "William Gumming, Union Hotel
26 M. A. Levy, tailor, clothier, &c.
27 James Connon, clothier
28 Wm. Russel, confectioner
29 R. S. Elmslie, auctioneer
— Mrs Currie, lodgings
31 J. Shirres, clothier
32 Philip and Cooper, clothiers
33 Isaac Mathieson, silk mercer, &c.
34 Samuel Martin, hat manufacturer
35 Mrs Robert Milne, stay maker
36 Johnston & Laird, furnishing tailors
— Miss Bruce
— Mrs Captain Jamson, lodgings
37 Buyers & Skene, wholesale merchts.
— Patrick Collie, clothier
— Brown & Carr, wholesale clothiers
38 Jamieson and Mitchell, grocers
39 James Blackhall and Co., drapers
40 James Forbes and Sons, wholesale
clothiers, &c.
40£ P. and G. Brown, auctioneers
41 John Hodge, cutler
43 Mrs Cassie, milliner
44 J. and S. Macbeth, ironmongers
45 George Reidand Sons, chemists, &c.
46 Gall and Bird, clothiers, &c.
47 Henry Cooper and Co., drapers
48 James Roy, jun., nurseryman, &c.
John Roy, nurseryman
William Shepherd, confectioner
John Smith, bookseller
and 53 Pratt and Keith, silk mercers
William Walker, grocer, &c.
North of Scotland Equitable Loan
R. S. Willocks, temperance hotel
John Drummoud, bootmaker, &c
James Ferguson, advocate
John Ferguson, advocate
Thomas Ruxton, advocate & agent
William Mitchell, bookseller, &c.
Wm. Duffus, temperance hotel
Robert M'Killiam, h.
Donald Sinclair, teacher (Academy)
Robert Ross, teacher
Fraser and Laidlaw, grocers
William Lumsden, merchant
Robert M'Killiam, confectioner
David Robertson, Royal Hotel
Archibald Hossack, fruit merchant
Miss Maver, lodgings
Mrs Milne, lodgings
Mrs Webster, lodgings
Mrs John Cattanach, lodgings
Lambert Barron, advocate, h.
Mail and General coach office
Machray, Croall, and Co., mail
James Clark, clothier
Alexander Taylor, woollen draper
Thomas Thomson, gunmaker
Wm. M. Miller and Co., hatters
Charles Play fair, gunmaker
Angus Fraser & Co., grocers
James Milne (A. Fraser & Co.,
John Forbes, men's mercer
Wm. Rattray, manufacturing chem.
John Kay, druggist
Mrs Al. Gordon, lodgings
James Milne (A. F. and Co.)
Adam and Anderson, advocates
David Rust, clothier, h.
Samuel Paterson, book-keeper (N.
of S. Railway)
Robert Findlay (Allardyce & Jopp)
Aberdeen Railway office
Alexander Anderson, advocate
Smith and Cardno, seedsman
A. Brown and Co,, booksellers
Mathieson's millinery •warerooms
Miss Roy, milliner
Gill and Smith, watchmakers
W. and J. Marshall, drapers
Alexander Troup, merchant tailor
Mrs Dr Gordon, lodgings
Mrs M'Kenzie, of Ord
Lauchlan M'Kinnon, jun., advocate

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