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Underwood, R. G. , of Sinclair & Ewing, 2 Blackness crescent
Union Assurance Society, Limited, 27 Panmure street (Telephone No.
134) ; G. M. Kidd and W. F. Suttie, local secretaries
Union Bank of Scotland, Limited, 2 Panmure street; James Shand, agent
Union Castle Line, 4 Whitehall crescent
Union Marine Insurance Co. , Ltd. , 67 Reform st. ; Jas. Logic & Co. , agts.
United Alkali Company, Limited, Liverpool, Newcastle, and Glasgow ;
13 Albert square ; James Rankin & Co., agents for Scotland
United County Theatres, Ltd. ; proprietors. Palace Theatre, 160
Nethergate ; S. M'Intosh, manager
(Tele. No. 1290) ; Alfred Ferguson, local secretary. See Adv. p. 131
United States, Consul for — John C. Higgins, 31 Murraygate ; vice
and deputy consul, Allan Baxter, 31 Murraygate
University Club, 104 Nethergate ; James Allison, secretary
University College, 149 Nethergate (Teleph. No. 660) ; J. Yule Mackay,
M.D., LL.D., principal ; W. A. Watterston, secretary and treasurer
Upper Dens Mills, 2 Princes street ; Baxter Brothers & Co., Limited
Ure, George L., clerk, 183 Clepington road
Ure, John W., engineer, 2 North Wellington street
Urquhart, Alexander, sorting clerk, 3 Baltic street
Urquhart, Alexander, journalist, 362 Perth road
Urquhart, David S., manager, 168 Lochee road
Urquhart, Henry, overseer, 17 Alexander street
Urquhart, James, fruiterer, 202 Hawkhill
Urquhart, James, plumber, 22 Annfield row
Urquhart, James, compositor, 5 Ellen street
Urquhart, James, & Walker, solicitors, 10 Reform st. (Teleph. No. 736)
Urquhart, James, of Urquhart & Walker, 30 Magdalen Yard road
(Telephone No. 1549)
Urquhart, James, cork, bottle, and metallic capsule merchant, shop and
bar outfitter, 25 and 27 Baltic street ; h. 7 Chalmers street
Urquhart, John T., telegraphist. Post Office ; h. 73 Annfield road
URQUHART, LINDSAY, & CO., Ltd., engineers, and iron and brass founders,
Blackness Foundry, Larch street (Telephone No. 810; Telegrams,
"Engineers"). See Adv. p. 7
Urquhart, Miss Maggie, fancy goods merchant, 45 Main street
Vacuum Oil Co. , Ltd. , oil manufacturers and refiners, 6 and 8 Allan
street (Telephone No. 268)
Vair, Captain John, secretary. City of Dundee Territorial Association,
Drill Hall ; h. Monifieth
Valentine, Alastair, of Valentine & Sons, Ltd., Kinburn West, St Andrews
Valentine, Archd., foreign produce broker, 15 Castle st. ; h. 30 S. Tay st.
Valentine & Co., photographers, 4 High street
Valentine, Easton S., M.A., headmaster, English Department, High
School ; h. AshclifF, Wormit
Valentine, Harben James, of Valentine & Sons, Ld., Sandford cot-
tage, St Fort
Valentine, James, dealer in art manufactures, British and foreign fancy '
goods, 59 Reform street (Telephone No. 501)

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