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In cases to which neither of the rules prescribed in the immediately pre-
ceding article may be applicable, the following shall apply, viz. — From any
place to any other place within five miles from the General Post Office of the
burgh, if not more than a mile, One Shilling ; and for each additional half
mile, or any part of a half-mile, Sixpence additional.
The foregoing fares to apply to cases where the number of passengers does
not exceed four. If five passengers are carried, Sixpence extra, irrespective oi
mileage or distance, may be charged. In the case of children imder twelve
years of age, two are to be reckoned and charged for as one adult.
When engaged by the hour in shopping or calls, the fares shall be, per houj
Two Shillings ; and when engaged by the hour in pleasure or country driving
Two Shillings and Sixpence.
When required to ply after eleven o'clock p.m. to twelve o'clock p.m., a fare
and a-half to be charged ; after twelve o'clock p.m. to five o'clock a.m., double
fares ; after five o'clock a.m. till six o'clock a.m. , a fare and a-half to be charged,
Lviggage not exceeding in weight 100 lbs. shall be taken free of charge ; above
that weight it shall be liable to a charge of Sixpence extra.
Half fares to be charged for returning by the same carriage (when not engagec
by time), but the carriage not to be detained beyond fifteen minutes, unless bj
agreement. If a carriage be required to take up two or more parties at differeni
places, or to go out of the ordinary route betwixt two ]3laces. Sixpence extrjj II
may be charged.
When a carriage is called, but not used, a charge of Sixpence will be allowec
if the place to which it is called be under half a mile from the nearest stand
and One Shilling if beyond said distance.
Any party shall be entitled to withhold payment of the Fare : When th(
Name and Number are not painted outside, or when there is no card or plat<
inside the carriage in terms of the Bye-Laws. When the Eeference Ticket is no
offered on being asked for. AYhen the Bye-Laws, Table of Fares, and Driver';
License, are not shown on demand ; and when an Overcharge is made.
Persons contravening any of the foregoing Bye-Laws shall be liable (except h
special cases where other penalties are hereinbefore stipulated) in a penalt;;
not exceeding Five Pounds for each ofl^ence, but with power to the Judge t<
remit the whole penalty.
Co., Esplanade buildings. Carting Agents for the N.B. Railway Co. , Dundee am
Arbroath Joint Railway, and East Coast Railways, viz.. North Eastern Railwa;
Co. and Great Northern Railway Co.— Forward and receive goods to and fron;
all Stations in Scotland, England, and Ireland. John M 'Cowan, Manager. |![
Wordie & Co., Soiith Union st., Carting Agents for Caledonian, Dundee an
Arbroath Joint, Great North of Scotland, and Highland Railway Companie
— Forward and receive goods to and from all Stations in Scotland, England
and Ireland. H. Pollock, Manager.
J. & P. Cameron, General Cartage Contractors and Agents for Nort:
British Railway. Convey goods to and from all places in Scotland, England
Ireland. Office for Northern District, 17 and 18 S. Union street and Ta
Bridge Station. John Wallace, Manager.
Sutton & Co., General Carriers to all parts of the world. Agents of th
German and Indian Parcel Post. James Cant, 24 and 26 Greenmarket, Agenl
Paterson's Traffic Express Co., General Carriers, and local Deliver
Agents.— Agents for Carter Paterson, Ltd., London; Burgess & Co., Mai
Chester ; Neale & Wilkinson, and Pitt & Scott, foreign parcel carriers. Dail
despatches to all parts. Offices, 5 Thorter row and 41 Castle street.
Globe Parcel Express.— Parcels forwarded to and delivered from all pari
of the world. G. Montgomery, 19 LTnion street, Agent.

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