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3rd Month, 1
1899. J
MARCH— 31 days.
Lbbttee than precept.
Last Quarter 5tli,
New Moon lltli,
First Quarter 19th,
Pall Moon 27th,
7 min. past 4 morning.
53 min. past 7 afternoon.
24 min. past 3 morning.
18 miu. past 6 morning.
St. David's Day.
John Wesley died, 1791.
"Habit is second nature."
Saladin died at Damascus, 1193.
5rtr ^xttttra^ in W^nt,
Michael Angelo, artist, born, 1474.
Pope Innocent XIII. died, 1724.
" Step by step one goes far."
William I., (German Emperor) d., IS
Prince of Wales married, 1863.
Income Tax imposed, 1842.
4tlj .^itntra^ itt l^citt.
Marshal Richelieu born, 1696.
Humbert, King of Italy, born, 1844.
Close Season for Fresli-ivater Fish begins.
Duchess of Kent, Queen's mother, d.,
St. Patrick's Day. [1861.
Princess Louise born, 1848.
6t\j MnnH^ in ^znt.
Spring covimences.
Robert Southey, poet, died, 1843.
Rev. Adam Sedgwick, geol., b., 1785.
" What smarts, teaches."
Queen Elizabeth died, 1603.
Anmmciation — Lady Day.
Palm ^utttra^.
26. Duke of Cambridge born, 1819.
Duke of Albany died, 1884.
Hilary Law Sittings end.
29—31. The Three ''Borrowed Days."
Good Friday.
6 49r
5 39s
6 44r
5 43s
1 11
6 40r
2 18
5 46s
3 16
6 35r
4 2
5 50s
4 38
6 31r
6 6
5 53s
5 29
6 26r
5 57s
7 23
6 22r
8 45
6 Os
10 5
6 4s
6 13r
6 7s
6 8r
2 19
6 10s
2 58
6 4r
3 28
6 14s
3 53
6 59r
4 12
6 17s
4 30
5 55r
4 46
6 21s
5 2
5 50r
6 24s
8 28
5 46r
9 44
6 27s
10 58
5 41r
In nothing do men approach
so nearly to the gods, as in
giving health to men.
When we are willing, we shall
be surprised at how mtich we
can do. A child can hold a
candle for a strong man to tVork I
If ycmrcoKscience approves of
•everything you do,it's a sure sign
you are beooiiiing conceited.
Thb; goodiwss of some people
is like some kinds of flsli— you
must pick ®tit a good many
toones before 3'ou get anything
worth having.
I submit that Duty is a power
which riseth with us in the morning,
and goes to rest with us at night. It
is coextensive with the action of our
intelligence. It is the shadow which
cleaves to us wherever we go, and
which only leaves us when we leave
the light of life.~W. E. Gladstone.
2.— The Rev. John Wesley was a
great advocate of early rising.
'■ Healthy men," he says in one of
his works, "require little above six
hours' sleep, a healthy woman a
little above seven, in four and
twenty. If anyone desires to know
exactly what quantity of sleep his
own constitution requires, he may
very easily make the experiment
which I made about sixtyyears ago.
I then waked every night about
twelve or one, and lay awake for
some time. I readily concluded
that this arose from my being longer
in bed than nature required.
"To be satisfied I procured an
alarum, which waked me next
morning at seven (near an hour
earlier than I rose the day beforej,
yet I lay awake again at night. The
second morning I rose at six, but
notwithstanding this I lay awake
the second niglit. The third morn-
ing 1 rose at Hve, but nevertheless
I lay awake the third night. The
fourth morning I rose at four, as
I have done ever since, and I lay
awake no more.
"And I do not now lie awake,
taking the year round, a quarter of
an hour together in a month. By
the same experiment, rising earlier
and earlier every morning, may one
find how much sleep he really
13.— M. de Richelieu, the father
of Marshal Richelieu, was as incon-
stant m friendship as others are in
love, and his friends could always
see what place they bad in liis heart
by the positions which their por-
traits had in his house.
When he first formed a friendship
with anyone, he had his portrait
Eainted, and placed it at the foot of
is bed ; and as new friendships
succeeded, the picture passed from
its first position to the chamber
door, from the chamber to the ante-
chamber, from thence to the corri-
dor, and finally to the garret.
16i— An astronomer almost as
eminent as the great Sir William
Herschel himself was his sister,
Caroline Lucretia Herschel, who was
born 149 years ago, on the 16th of
March, 1750. Many of the comets,
nelntlae, and clusters of stars men-
tioned in her brother's catalogue
were described from her original
observations ; and in 1828 she was
awarded the Gold Medal of the
Astronomical Society.
21.— The character of the poet
Southey, according to Coleridge,
was all that is estimable, and has
for its only enemies, " qmicks in
education, quacks in politics, and
quacxs in criticism." The Ettrick
Shepherd says, "Southey is as
elei-'Mnt a writer as any in the king-
doni. But those wiio would love
Southey as well as admire liijn,
must see him in thebosoni,not only
(if one lovely family, liut of three,
all attached to him a- a father,
and all elegantly maintained and

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