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It Cures Old Sores.
Cures Sore Legs.
Cures Scurvy.
Cures Eczema.
Cures Sores on the Neck.
Clears the Blood from all
impure matter from what-
ever cause arising.
It removes the cause from
The Great " FOR TH ^ BL0Q P 8S THE L ^ E > ' Largest
Blood 'lil W A ^l It 4^ SKJn' 1 ^ e °^ an y
Purifier WORLD-FAMED Medicine
For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly
recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases and sores of all
kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure.
Cures Ulcers.
Cures Glandular Swellings.
Cures Pimples on the Face.
Cures Blood & Skin Diseases.
It is the only specific for GOUT and RHEUMATIC Pains.
the blood and bones.
As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to
the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a
trial to test its value.
Thousands of Testimonials from all Parts of the World.
83 Great Georges Street, Leeds, May 13, 1889.
u I am a missionary, and go about a great deal. Some time ago a man asked me to be-
come surety tor him to a chemist, at Darlington, for some of your ' Clarke's Blood Mix-
ture.' He obtained what he wanted, and it completely cured him. He had blotches on
his skin, was generally debilitated, and could not attend to his work. I saw him every
day during the time he went through the course of your Mixture, and I never saw such
a change in a man in my life. He was as clear and as ligbt as a feather, so to speak, in
three weeks. 1 think I ought to let you know that ' Clarke's Blood Mixture,' and nothing
else, cured him. You can make what use you like of this. Henry Welfare."
11 Wood Street, Kidderminster, April 13, 1889.
" I write to tell you of the great benefit my boy, aged 17, has received from the use of
vour Blood Mixture. Nine months ago he was taken with severe pains all over the body,
and in a few weeks there, came dreadful eruptions all over the body, about the size of a
shirt button, and of course he could not go to work in such a state. I took him to the
Infirmary, and the doctor said his blood was in a fearful state, and he was in there nearly
three months, and they could not do him a bit of good. And one day reading in the ' Kidder-
minster Sun ' of your Blood Mixture, 1 got him out and got a small bottle to try it.
After he had used one bottle he seemed so much better I got him another. He has now
nsed five small bottles, and the eruptions are all gone, and everybody is astonished at
the wonderful cure. Emma Tomlinson."
4 Pleasant Place, Bond Street, Vauxhall, London, S.W., March 16, 1889.
" I have suffered from a virulent form of Eczema for the past fourteen months, and
have been attended by different doctors during the whole of that time without any good
result. I also attended a hospital for a time, but received very little benefit. About
eight weeks ago, however, I was persuaded to try Clarke's Blood Mixture, the effect of
which was truly marvellous. The unsightly and painful spots commenced at once to
disappear. I cannot speak too highly of this medicine and its blood-cleansing properties.
You may make what use you like of this letter, and I shall be happy to answer any
questions on the subject at any time. Francis Hbmell."
" Messrs The Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln."
Sold in Bottles 2s 9d eaoh, and in eases containing six times the quantity, lis— sufficient to effect a permanent
eure in the great majority of long-standing cases.
Bv all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, or sent to any address on
receipt of 33or 132 stamps by the Proprietors, THE LINCOLN and MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COM-
And do not be persuaded to take an Imitation.

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