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Hyatt, T. & Co. London (original
inventors and patentees of
"Tile and Lens" and other
lights); sole agent, A. C.Mackay,
227 West George st
Shirra & Black, 82 M'Alpine
St. Pancras (The) Iron Work Co.
Ltd. London ; representative for
Scotland, Wm. Ross Key, 93
Hope street
Wilson & Co.; Potier, Stewart &
Hardie, agents, 93 Hope st
Alcatraz Asbpalt Paving Agency»
134 St. Vincent street
Argon Asphalt Co.(bitume paving)
67 Hope st
British Paving Co. Ltd. 134 St.
Vincent st
Christie, Devlin & Findlay, 2 St.
James' st., Paisley road
Cnrrie & Co. Ld. Caithness pave-
ment and damp course, Arbroath
steps, slate slabs, &c; office, 18
Bothwell street ; depot, General
Terminus, 308 Pais'ey rd.; tele-
phone Nos., Nat. 547 and 548
Argyle ; P.O. 542 and 544
Forbes, Wm. (granolithic), 167 W.
Graham st
Field & Allan, Ltd. (marble, tile,
mosaic, terraszo pavements, and
lignite fireproof flooring, &c),
63 West Regent st
Gilchrist, Alex, (brass pavement
rollers), 25 Eglinton st
Greensbields, James, & Co. 42
Bath st
Howatson, R. B., 180 West Regent
Imperial Asphalte Co. (asphalte
paving), 2 St. James' street,
Paisley rd
Johnstons, Ltd., 74 York st
Kean & Wardrop, tile, 167 Bath st
Neilson & Co., 116 Bishop st,
Port- Dundas
Ritchie, D., & Co., Pinkston
Mineral Station, Pinkston road
Boss, A. Mackenzie (granolithic,
Caithness, &c), 12 Ann street,
city; telegraphic address, " Ma-
cross," Glasgow ; telephones,
Nat. and P.O., 4825; branch,
389 Byres road, Hillhead ; tel.,
Nat. 7i8 Hillhead and 23 Temple
place, Anniesland
Scott & Rae, Caithness, Arbroath
and slate slab depots, Eglinton
toll, and 348 West st(West street
Station); office, 91 Bothwell st ;
telephone Nos., Nat. 1380
Argyle; P.O. 1380
Speedwell Asphalt Paving, 177
Crownpoint road
Steven, Charles, & Co. (late with
Scott & Rae), 34 St. Enoch
square; yard and store 516
Eglinton st
Struthers, Robt. (Arbroath and
Caithness), also see Cause-
wayers, 22 Crookston street ;
telephone Nop., Nat. 2000 S.S.;
P.O. X91
Struthers, John, & Sons (grano-
lithic) 90 Pitt st
Val de Travers Asphalte Paving Co.
Ltd.; ageDcy for Scotland. 74
York street ; manager, Arthur
Walker, W. G., & Sons,
Limmer, Seyssel, and other
asphaltes, tar macadam pav-
ing, &c; office. 60 St. Enoch
square; works, 550 Pollokshaws
road; tel. Nos. 751 P.O., 6490
Royal; also at Ayr and Edin-
Wardrop & Murray, 42 Montrose
Wilson & Leitch, 4 Charlotte st.
Dobbie's loan
Field & Allan, Ltd. (marble, tile,
mosaic, ligrnte fireproof flooring,
and terrazzo), 63 West Regent
Galbraith & Winton (mosaic, marble
and tiles), 185 St. Vincent st
Kean & Wardrop, 167 Bath st
Main, Thomas, 408 Sauchiehall st.
Wardrop & Murray, 42 Montrose st
Youden, John, & Co., Ltd.,
(mosaic marble tiles and ter-
razzo), 165 Hope st
Allan, James, 776 Argyle street
Anderson, James, 124 Green st.,
Armstrong, James, 51 M'Intoshst
Barclay, John, 97 Hospital st
Barr, John, 27 Maitland lane
Begg, Wm. 5 Harmony row, Govan
Black, Catherine, 43 Marquis st
Brock, John M., 4 Raeberry st
Burns, John, 59 King st. Calton
Cassidy, Francis, 130 S. Welling-
ton st
Chisholm (Hunter's), salerooms, 27,
29 Trongate
City (The) Pawnbroking Co., 3
Washington street
Conway, J as. 11 George st
Conway, Mrs. Mary, 3 Springfield
Conway, Annie, 55 High st
Cowcaddens Equitable Loan Co.,
88 Cowcaddens st
Cowcaddens PawubrokingCo., 173
Cowcaddens st
Crolly, Peter, & Co., 80 Nelson
street, s.s,
Cumberland Loan Co., Joseph A.
O'Brien, 65-71 William street,
Ar derston
Currie, Miss M. 4 Burrell's lane
Doyle, John N. 180 London rd
Drain, David, 16 to 20 Dale st.,
Farmer, Ann, 196 Garngad rd
Fox, Francis, 173 Allison st
Galletly, Colin, 516 Duke st and
at 3 Boden 8t
Gemmell, Andw. 425 Argyle st
Glasgow Equitable Loan Co., 171
Renfield st
Glasgow (The) Numerical Ticket
and Check Book Print-
ing Co., printers of pawnbrokers'
tickets; all kinds of pawn-
brokers' stationery supplied,
31 Finnieston st; telephone Nos.
P.O. 5350 and Nat. 360
Glasgow Pawnbroking Co. 3 Bath
Harvey, Daniel T., 750 Spring-
br.rn rd
Hirvey, Mrs. Mary, 42 and 44
George st
Hempseed, James, 356 Garscube rd
Hendrie, Alex., 415, 417, and 423
Rutherglen rd
Hendrie, Alex., 735 Great Eastern
Henry, Wm. J., 139-141 South
Wellington street
Hogg, Wm. 145 New City rd
Hunters (Salerooms) 305 to
309 Argyle sireet (corner ot
Robertson street)
Hylands, John M. 60 Thistle
street s.s.
Inglis, Wm. R. , 29 Orchard street,
Kean, John, 51 Dale st, Bridgeton
Kerr, John, 4-6 Blackie st. and
1163-1165 Dumbarton road,
Kerr, John, 177 Dalmarnock rd
Kincaid, John, 44 Mair st
Lauder, Alex. 1 Ardgowan st.
Lennox & Smith. 7 Wellfield st
Lewis, Arthur H., 44 M'Intyre st,
Liddell, Alex. J. 8 Sauchiehall st.,
94 East John st. and 6 Elm
st. Oatlands
M'Adam, John, 15 Main street,
M'Allister, Francis S., 4 North-
burn st
M'Cann, John, 58 to 64 Gray st.
M'Creath, Charles, 19 Lambhill st
M'Orindle, Robt., 1 Raglan st
Macdonald, John C, 20 Glebe st
M'Farlane, John, 6 Hill st. lane,
M'Gallagley, Agnes, 72 Pollok-
sh.aws road

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