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Nahnsen, Dr. R. & Co.'s Ex-
plosive Works ; sole agents
for Great Britain, A. J. Brown
& Co. 70 Wellington st, Glas-
gow, 3 St. Nicholas buildings,
Newcastle-on-Tjne, and 16
John Dalton st. Manchester
Nobel's Explosives Co. Lmtd. 195
West George street
Roburite Explosives Co. Ltd. (The)
Robertson & M'Gill, sole agents,
135 Waterloo st
Aitken & Co. 140 Bath st
Allen, W. H., Son & Co., Ltd.;
agents, Charles Henderson &
Co. 102 Holm st
Anderson, J. & A. 62 Robertson
Beveridge Ltd. 11 Jamaica st.
Braulik, 1 1 5 Bath street
Brown, Scott, & Co. 27 Oiwald st
Chalmers, W., 142 Baih st.
Charters, J. agent for " Taunton "
dynamos and motors, complete
plants, 79 Mains street, city
Craig, J. Richardson, jun., 45
Hope street
Crompton & Co. Ltd. 50 Welling-
ton street
Davidson, W. M. 74 York st
Dempster, Moore, & Co. Ltd. 49
Robertson st
Donald, James T., & Co., Ltd., 35
and 87 M'Alpine st
Espie, Jas. 173a St. Vincent st
Forbes, J. Gillied, 12 York street
General Electric Co. (1900), Ltd.,
71 Waterloo street
Hall, J. P., & Co. Oldham ; rep.
Robt. G. Warren, 94 Hope st
Hamilton & Co., 53 Waterloo st
Hamilton, Claud, Ltd. 247 St.
Vincent st
Harvie, Wm. & Co. Ltd. 24
M'Alpine st
Holmes, J. H. & Co., Waterloo
chambers, 19 Waterloo st
Howden, Jas., & Co , 195 Scot-
land street
Hutcheson, Andrew, 97 Waterloo
street ; telephone Nos., Nat. 113
Argyle, Corp. 1368
King, Wm. L. A.M.LE.E. 255
St. Vincent st
Lahmeyer (The) Electrical Co.,
Ltd., London ; sole representa-
tive in Scotland, Louis Findlay,
50 Wellington st
Lancashire Dynamo and Motors
Co , Ltd., manufacturers, 19
Waterloo st
Lowdon Bros. & Co. 332 Argyle st
M'Alpine's Electrical Company,
Ltd., 60 Bath st
Mackenzie, John D. & Co., 30
Wood'ands road
MacLellan, A. & Co. 63 Waterloo st
MacLellan, P. & W. Ltd. 129
M'Whirter, W. M.LE.E. 212-214
Holm st
Mather & Piatt, Ltd., 75 Buchanan
Mavor & Coulson, Ltd. makers of
dynamos and motors; 47 Broad
St. Mile-end
Meiklejohn, J. B. 91-93 Waterloo
Paterson, Cdoper & Co , Ltd.,
Patella Works, Paisley
Oiborne & Hunter, 108a West
Regeot st
Sayers, W. B., M.I.E.E., dynamo
expert, 183 St. Vincent street
Scottj Ernest, & Mountain, Ltd.
Close Works, Newcastle - on-
Tyne; resideat engineer, Jas.
Brash, 93 Hope st
Siemens, Bros. & Co. Ltd. 261
W. George st
Siemens' Electric Appliances, Ld. ;
agents James T. Donald & Co.
Ltd. 35 and 87 M'Alpine st
Still, W. A. & Co. 72 Waterloo st
Sykes, Richardson & Hill, 8
Dixon st
Tangyes, Ltd., 96 Hope st
The British Thomson- Houston Co.,
Ltd., 141 West George st
The British Westinghouse Electric
and Manufacturing Company,
Ltd., Castle chambers, 65 Ren-
field street
The Brush Electricil Engineering
Co. Ltd. 50 Wellington st
The Edison and Swan United
Electric Light Co., Ltd., 163
West George street
The Scottish Electric Supplies Co.,
116 Both well st
The Scottish Goudey M'Lean Co.,
Jas. Barclay, manager, 101 St.
Vincent st
The Silvertown Co. 8 Buchanan st
Thomson, W. & J. 92 Milton
street, Port-Dundas
TuUis, D. & J., Limited, engineers,
Kilbowie Iron Works, Kilbowie
Verilys Ltd. of London, Birming-
han, and Manchester, 40 Bath st
Woodward & Co 167 W. Nile st
Young, Thomas, M.L Mech. E.
M.IE.E. (consulting), 203 W.
George st
Adamsez, Ltd. (late Adams & Co.)
65 and 67 Both well st
British Sanitary Co. 341 Bath lane.
North st, at Charing Cross Stn.
the only manufacturers of earth
closets in Scotland who have
obtained any awards — eight
medals and eight certificates of
Spiers & Co. (improved automati°
construction) city office, 125 W*
Regent st
Argyle Rubber Co. 15 Renfield st
Vulcanite Works, Dr. Heint.
Traun & Son, 8 Redcross st.
London, E C. ; telegrams, " In-
stantly," London
Allan, Arthur, 144 Trongate
Anderson, Whan, & Co. (cutters for
cutting envelopes, labels, and
fancy edge cards, &c. also leather
and rubber goods), 139 Graeme
Aristine Tool Manufacturing Co.
115 Stobcross st
Bartholomew, Jn. 91 Cadogan st
Brown, Arch. M., 15 Argyle st
Brysoo, R., 38 Gallowgate st
Burley, Bennet B. 9 Watson st.
Burton, C. W. Griffiths & Co. 67.
59 Fmnieston st.j Corp. tel-
No. 2945
Cailaw, D. & Sons, 11 Finnieston
St. Telephone Nos., Nat. 363
Argyle, Corp. 1262
Carrick & Craig, 348 Argyle st
Churcliill, Chas. & Co. Ltd. 52
Bothwell st
Clark, Bros., 556 Gallowgate
Cook, William, & Sons (Glasgow),
Ltd. 24 Elliot street and 42
Havelock street, Cranstonhill ?
and at Glasgow Steel Works,
Washford road, Sheffield
Cross, Andrew, 34-36 King st.
Denovan, Wm., 79a Main street,
Dobie, John, & Co. 205 Argyle sfc.
and 75 Sauohiehall street
Dymock, John D. 242 Buchanan
Elsworth, John, & Sons, 39
Robertson st
Faulds, J. G., & Co., 48 North
Frederick st
Hannah, A. & Co. 79 John st.,
Henderson, A. & R., 78 Gallowgate
Kyle, Andrew (boring), 18 Brew-
land street, Galston
Landell, Wm. 106-108 Trongate,
and Silvan Works, 187 Broad st.
Livingston, Robert, & Co. 35
Gt. Western road ; branch, 343
Argyle street
Ludw, Loewe & Co., Ltd, 190
West George st
M'Dermid, Alex. & Son (general
smiths and toolmakers, con-
tractors, causewayers, quarriers,
and sionebreakers' tools), 128

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