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Adam, Andrew, 296 St. George's
Adam, A. Learmouti, 207 St.
Andrew's road
Adam, Thomas & Co. (export) 31
Bath St. and 12 Bath lane
Aim, W. L. & Co., 10 to 14 Both-
well lane
Allan, W. & Co. 108 W. George st
Anderson, Jas. & Co. oflBce, 124
St. Vincent street; works, 48
Surrey st.
Anderson, John, 136 Buchanan st
Arthur & Hinshaw, 88 Cadojan st.
Baird, Robt. & Co. 35 Glassford st
Baird, W. C. & Co. 33 Virginia st
BaUardie, Holden, & Co. Clyde
Works. 119 Marybone, Liverpool
Blackhall, R, H., 123 Dalmarnock
Blackley, Young & Co. 70 Wel-
lington st
Blackwood & M'Lean, 65 West
Regent st
Blythe, Wm. & Co. Ltd. 95 Bath st
Bowie, Joseph, 45 and 47 Wilson
St. Partick
Boyd, G. & J. Ltd. 64 Wellington st
British (The) Dyewood & Chemical
Co., Ltd., drysalters, dyewood,
and tannin extract manufac-
turers; offices, 53 Bothwell st.,
Glasgow,& 33 Faulkner st. Man-
chester; works, Eglinton Dye
wood Mills, Alloa, Carntyue Dye-
wood Mills, Parkhead ; Albyn
Works, So. York st. Glasgow ;
Elton Fold and Hinds Works,
& Lumn Mills, Bury, Lancashire
Brown Bros. & Co. 35 and 37
Washington street
Brown, Jas. 36 Blythswood dr
Brown,William, Sons& Co. Kinning
Bruce, Jarvis, & Co. 61 Bishop st.
Bryce & RumpflF, 223 West George
Buchanan Bros. & M'Intyre, 29
Waterloo St.
Bunten, J. & Co. 88 St. Vincent st
Bunten, Wra. & Co. Castle Cham-
bers. 55 West Regent st
Calder & Armour, 14 Broomielaw
Caldwell, W. & Co. Murray street,
Cameron, R. J. & Co. 212 St.
Vincent st
Carruthers, Son, & Co. 70 to 78
King street, Tradeston
Cassell & Rtddie, 158 Bothwell st
Connor, F. W. 57 High street
Cowan & Laird, 142 Trongate
Craig, John S. & Co. Ltd. 48, 54
Paterson street, s.s.
Craig & Rose, 85 to 89 Cadogan st
Craig, Sharp, Ltd., 177 Maxwell
Craig, Walter, jun. 26 Carlton ct
Crawford, And. & Co. 26 and 28
South St. Mungo st
Crawford, David, & Co. 65 Bath st
Cunningham, John, & Co. King-
ston Works, 90 Kinning st. , s.s.
Cunninghame, J. & R. 12 York st
Dale, Jas. 70, 72 Norfolk st
Dick & Parker, 76 Milton st. Port-
Donald, W. Brunton, & Co. 93
Waterloo st
Dowie & MaoGregor, 121 West
Regent st.
Drysdale, Macnair, & Co. 103
Bath st
Duche, T. M. & Sons, 8 Wellington
Dunbar & Co. 119 Gloucester st
Eadie, Archd., & Co., Ltd., Trades -
ton Paint, Oil, and Grease Works,
54 Cook street
Fisher, Peter, 67 High st
Forsyth, M'Kechnie, & Co.
(wholesale) 21 Hopehill rd
Fo3ter, W. J., Box 22 Royal
Garroway, R. & J. 58 Buchanan st
Gartly, jn. B. & Co.; office, 13
Dixon St.; works, Carmichael
St. Govan
Gemmill, Wm. N. & Co. (oil
merchants), 18 George square
Gibson & Mathie, 47-49 Brown st
Gilmour & Co. 17 Oswald st
Glen, Chas. & Co. (wholesale), 159
Gordon, A. S. 15 Hydepark st
Graeme & Co. 21 W Nile st
Graham, Malcolm, & Co. 1 Wilkie
St., off E. John St. Gallowgate
Gray, W. A. 70 Wellington street
Haldane, R. & Co. 50 Wellington st
Hardie, H. D. & Co. 24 Sc. Vin-
cent place
Hatrick, W. & R. & Co. 158
Renfield street
Hay, Wm., & Co., 53 Candleriggs
Henderson, Hogg, & Co. 15 Cado-
gan street
Herbertson, Thos., 10 Northburn
Heys, G. & Co. 200 St. Vincent st
Hinshelwood, Thos. & Co, Glen-
park St., Duke st.
Hird, Hastie & Co. 73 Park street,
Kinning park
Hobart & M'Allister, 114 Main st.
Hogg, Chas. & Co. 41 W. Geo. st
HoUiday, Read & Sons, Ltd. 142
West Nile st
Home and American Laundry
Supply Stores, laundry providers
and specialists, 422 New City rd
Hyland, Thos., & Co., 61 Rose
street, s.s.
Johnstone, Arrol & Co. 29 Carlton
Kerr, Wm. J., 26-28 Carlton court
King, J. F. & W., 19 Nicholson st
Laing, James, & Co. 815 St. Vin-
cent street
Laird, Andrew, 142 Trongate. —
See Advt. in Appen.
Lawrie, Thos. 166 Buchanan st
Ley & Crawford, 93 Hope st.
Macalpine, Thomas W. & Co. 50
Wellington st
M'Aulay Brothers, 17 Oswald st
M'Dougall, H. G. successor to J.
S. M'Gill & Co. 180, 182
MacFarlaoe, John, & Co. 355 St
Vincent street
Macfce, H. M. & Co. Niddry st.
M'Gibbon, Jas., 93 Hope st
M'Kechnie, Wm. & Son, 200 Geo. st
M'Kenzie, James, & Sons, 122
Wellington st
M'Kinnon, R. Cowan & Co. 58
Bath st
M'Kinnon, Thos., & Co. 2 Oswald
Macintyre, Thos. & Co. 300-316
Debbie's loan
MacLachlan, Peter, & Co. (pumice-
stone, rottenstone, cobalt, French
chalk, beeswax), 134 St. Vincent
M 'Murray, Wm. & Co. 52 St.
Euoch square
M'Naught, Jas. 134 St. Vincent st
M'Naught, Peter, & Sons, 271 So.
York street
M'Naughton & Watson, wholesale,
423 and 425 Gallowgate
Manchester (The) Chemical Co.
175-181 George st
Meiklem, Arch. & Son, 45 London st
Melville, Geo. (outch importer), 14
Princes sq
Mickie, George, 99 Clyde street,
Millar, John, 16 St. Vincent pi
Miller, James, Son, & Co. 79 West
■ Nile street
Mills, Donald, & Son, 55 George sq
Monerief, James, 25 Wellington st.
Morrison, Robert, & Co. 64, 70
Howard street
Motherwell, R. & Son, 68 Lanark st.
Dobbie's loan
Murray, John, & Son, 12-16 Col-
lege st
Nisbet, John, & Co. pumicestone,
cutch, &c., Custom House quay,
Gt. Clyde St. ; telephones, Nat.,
No. 4112 Royal ; Corp., No. 518
Paterson, John, & Co. 6 Main st.
Paterson, Thos. C. 231 Duke st
Pattison, J. & Co., 53 Bothwell st
Phillips, Smith & Co. 93 Hope st;
telephone, 17 Argyle
Poynter, John, Son & Macdonalds,
72 Gt. Clyde st

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