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Founded in the 12th Century.
Patrons — The Hon. Lord Provost, Magistrates,
and Town Council. Managers, the School Board of
Glasgow. Committee of management, High School
Committee of School Board.
Kector, D. H. Paton, LL.D.
Classics, the Rector, J. Hutchison, M.A., LL.D.,
And. Anderson, M.A., and Wm. Law, M.A.
French, F. J. Amours, B.A., John Henderson,
and James Moyes.
German, 0. Schlomka, M.A., Ph.D., and John
Haddow, CM.
English, Geography, &c., H. M. Barker, M.A.,
LL.D., A. Struthers, M.A., D. Henderson, and John
T. Fleming, M.A.
Mathematics and Arithmetic, A. J. Gunion Barclay,
M.A., F.R.S.E., Wm. Eeid, M.A., Robert S. Wishart, :
M.A., James Macmillan, M.A., R. A. Nicolson, M.A.,
B.Sc, Frank L. Grant, M.A., and Alex. Stevenson,
M.A., B.Sc.
Writing and Book-keeping, J. Dalziel Maclean,
and James Crawford, M.A.
Drawing and Painting, James Campbell, CM.,
Thomas A. Watson, CM., and Wm. Paddock, CM.
Science, A. J. Gunion Barclay, M.A., F.R.S.E.,
E. A. Nicolson, M.A., B.Sc, and staff.
Fencing, Gymnastics, and Drill, Henry Roland and
Sergeant M'NeiL
Singing, and Theory of Music, R. L. Reid, G. & L.,
Phonography, John Henderson.
Janitor, Robert Hardie.
The session begins on 1st September. The vaca-
tion begins on the 1st of July, and ends on the Slst
August. __^
(Glasgow District).
Membership, 1450.
The object of this Association is to further the
professional interests of its members. All certifi-
cated assistant teachers are eligible for membership.
The annual subscription is one shilling (payment of
subscription to constitute membership). The annual
meeting is held on the second i^'riday of March, at
which, in addition to other business, reports of secre-
taries and treasurer are submitted and office-bearers
Hon. president. Sir Charles Cameron, Bart., M.P.;
president, A. Cowan Holburn, B.Sc, C.E., F.C.S.,
F.E.I.S., Kent Road School; vice-president, James
Topping, M.A., David Street School; secretaries,
James Harvie, Thomson Street Public School, and
Jas. Macintyre, Parkhead Public School ; treasurer,
Allan Arneil, 105 Byars Road, Hillhead.
Burnside, Rutherglen, Glasgow.
Established in 1880 for the instruction of the
deaf in articulation and lip-reading. Miss Griffiths,
principal. ___^
Established for the propagation of English short-
hand on the Script principle, 413 St. Vincent street.
Commissioners for the Prevention and Repression
of Juvenile Delinquency in the City of Glasgow.
Board constituted by the Glasgow Juvenile Delin-
quency Prevention and Repression Act, 1878 :
The Hon. the Lord Provost, the Senior Bailie, the
City Treasurer, Sir James Bain, Sir Wm. Collins,
John Ure, W. Rae Arthur, Sir James King, Bart.,
LL.D., Thomas Mason, George Macfarlane ; clerk,
Mark Bannatyne, 146 West George Street; treasurer,
James Nicol, City Chamberlain.
Directors appointed under Glasgow Juvenile De-
linquency Act, 1878.— Chairman, William Clark j
deputy chairman, Wm. Mitchell; S. Aitken, John
Carmichael, Rev. G. S. Bums, D.D., John Laing,
James L. Whyte, T. M. Fergusson, Samuel Chisholm,
Geo. Ogilvie, Leonard Gow, James Millar, John
Morison, R.Taylor, D. M'Pherson, John Robb, James
M'Farlane, J. Gumprecht, John Farquhar, William
Lorimer, J. Carfrae Alston, William Connal, Alex.
A. Fergusson, Wm. Wilson, W. Duncan, J. B. Win-
gate, J. H. Dickson, D. M. Crerar-Gilbert, David
Bannerman, Andrew Symington, J. L. Selkirk, James
Dick, Sir J. N. Cuthbertson, Michael Honeyman,
Robert Paterson, and Robert Nish ; clerk, E. Simp-
son Macharg, 69 Buchanan Street; treasurer, James
Drummond, 58 Bath Street.
I. Refuge and Reformatory for Girls, Chapelton. —
Convener of committee, Walter Duncan; matron,
Miss Hunter; medical attendant, Dr. John A. Kennedy.
II. Refuge and Industrial School for Boys, Moss-
bank, Hogganfield, and Working Boys Home, Rotten-
row. — Convener of committee. Rev. Dr. Burns ; super-
intendent, Alexander Falconer; medical attendant,
Dr. R. W. Bruce.
III. Industrial School for Girls, Maryhill.— Con-
vener of committee, A. A. Fergusson; matron,
Mrs. Cameron ; medical attendant, Dr. Alex. Hay.
IV. Day Industrial Schools. — Convener of com-
mittee, Wm. Mitchell; sub-committee for Green St.
school, Mr. W. Clark, convener; Miss Duncan,
superintendent; sub-committee for Rottenrow School,
Mr. 6. Ogilvie, convener; Miss Campbell, super-
intendent ; sub-committee for Rose St. school, Mr. J.
Morison, convener ; Miss Macfadyen, superintendent.
46 Canning Street.
Thomas Craig, jun., president; Wm. Wilkie, vice-
president; D. L. Stevenson, secretary; Jas. Hendry,
treasurer ; Miss Gordon, librarian ; John Henderson,
janitor; Thos. King, Botany; James Whitelaw, French
and German.
The object of the institution is to afford facilities
for instruction in the sciences, especially those con-
nected with the arts. The library contains 3000
volumes. The reading-room is supplied with all the
leading newspapers and magazines.
Annual subscription to Reading-room, 5s. ; Is. 6d.
per quarter ; Jd. per visit. Annual subscription to
Library, 4s. ; Is. per quarter. Open daily from
8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

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