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48 Prince's Square. — For re-
sidents ill sq., see letter P.
46 Findlaj', John, ironmonger.
44 Campbells, Neilson, Shaw, &
Co., wavehouseraen.
42 Wood, J. M.,& Co., music sel.
40 Cunningham, D., seal engra.
Kenned^', James, pat. maker.
36 Ferf^uson & Forrester, confec.
34 Rait, D. C, goldsmith.
32A Kennedy, David, writer.
32'Hunter, A. G., & Co., hatters.
28 Stevens, W. 0., jeweller.
26 Copestake, Moore, Crampton,
& Co., lace merchants.
2-lAMaitin, l\Irs. H.,bird-stuffer.
24 STacgrejior, Malcolm.
22^Mann's Parcel Office ; James
Brown, jigent.
22 Manners, R., & Co.
20 Wliite, Peter, accountant.
GaU, Robt., & Son, accounts.
Steven, Jas., & Son, merchts.
Paul, Daniel, writer.
Gardner, Cliarles, accountant.
White & Gardner, accounts,
Eennison, William, writer.
Dunlop, Francis, merchant.
ISJ-Arbuckie, John, cork manufr.
18 Strulhers, Thos., & Co., car-
pet warehouse.
IGjBarlas, George, haircutter.
14 Watson, Chamberlain, & Bir-
rell, flour merchants.
8 Arthur & Fiaser, warehouse.
6 Whitelaw, S. G., merchant.
4- Stewart, Robert, jeweller.
Off Egliuton Street,
10 Renton, John, plasterer.
4 Lawson, Arcliibaid.
Bain, James, engineer.
Shanks, Thomas.
5 Hendrie, George.
Paton, John.
2 Hendrie, George.
1 Buchanan, Robert, merchant.
2 Morrison, James.
3 Clark, Peter W., merchant.
4 Doddroll, George John.
5 Campbell, William.
6 Murison, James.
7 Edington, George B.
8 Moore, M. M., of W. B.
Iluggins 4 C'<^-
9 Pirrie, Mrs.
Pirrie, Robert.
Pirrie, John.
10 M'Kinnon, William.
11 M'Kenzie.
12 Meins, Alex., of ihe Clyde
Bottle Works.
13 Bryce, J. D.
14 Peterson, Alexander.
15 M'George, John.
16 Law, Miss.
17 LancMSter, George.
Bremner, A. H.
Bell, A.
19 Maxwell, Andrew,
M'Kenzie, Peter.
20 Gartlj-, J. B.
22 Johnston, William.
23 Ale.Nander, A. S.
24 Henderson, George.
25 Stark, John M., training
26 Brown, George.
27 M'^atters, James C.
28 Selkirk, James.
29 Eekhout, Bernard.
30 Black, George.
31 Burns, William, writer.
32 Geddes, George.
Johnston, William.
Dunn, James.
Great Western Eoad,
1 Hutchison, John H.
Hutchison, Robert.
2 Alexander, Walter.
3 M'Tagjart, R. W,
4 Muir, James.
5 Laidlaw, Hobert.
6 Leibert, Julius.
8 Brown, John, juD.
9 M-Nair, Mrs.
10 Auld, A. W.
11 Davidson. Robert.
12 Apperbv, Joseph.
13 AVright" J. B.
14 Steei, Miss.
Johnston, Mrs.
17 Smith, John.
2 Galloway, INIrs.
4 Muiihead, John James.
6 Baird, J.
Hall, John, jnn.
8 Black, James.
Hadaway, Tliomas S.
Hadaway, J. P.
12 Hastio, Mis.ses.
14 Rankin, James.
16 Beith, James.
Walker, J.
18 Sheriff, George.
20 Patterson, G.
22 Dieseldorff, William.
24 Townsend, Joseph.
2G Smitii, C.
BUE¥SIDE ST.— Off Duke St.
15 Muirhead, Andrew, tanner.
51 Anderson, J. W.
11 Smith, Miss A., milliner.
Craig, Isabella.
39 Jack, Wm., spirit dealer.
41 EosEiiAT.L Buildings.
41 Miller, John, agent.
45 Darrocb, William, grocer.
51 Meikle, James, dairy.
95 Forrester, John.
103 Milroy, Janio.?, coal agent.
102 Smith, James, rci^istrar.
100 Malcolm, George.
92 Gordon, William.
Campbell, John.
32 Gallowa}', James, grocer.
30 Stewart, Alex., house factor.
20 Aitken, M. & E., millint-rs
and dre.s,<;makers.
16 Goldio, Wm., spirit merclit.
14 JPKinlay, Thomas.
4 Smith, David, sen.
5 M'Guire, John, pawnbroker.
6 Jack, Ales., pawnbroker.
Bowie, Mis.s, dressmaker.
Danskin, John.
Mill, John, plasterer.
Paterson, A., smith.
Grosart, J., carter.
Aitcbison, James.
Synie, Williani.
Morton, .\lexander.
Jardine, Jas., sheriff officer.
Brownlie, J., contractor.
Hayman, Thomas, contractor.
Gossman, Adam, wright.
Munro, John, agent.
M'Leish, Thoma.s, joiner.
Taylor, Thos., timber mercht.
Duncan, A., turner.
Goun, Georgv, wright.
Morrison, John, slate mercht.
Gilmour, A , timber mercht.
Morrison, Mrs., grccer.
Taylor, William.
Cunningham, David.
Galloway, Mrs., ladies' nurse,
Craig, David.
Miller, Thomas, wright.
M'Pherson, Kenneth.
Galloway, William.
M'Dougall, John.
Agnew, Miss, lodgings.
Brown, Hui^h.
Morrison, Jolm.
Buehan, Thomas.
Brown, Jas., council-officer.
Blackstock, William.
Henderson, James.
Dnff, Mrs.
Liddell, Mi.s.?.
Lament, Mrs.
Brisbane, IMiss.
Buchanan, James.
Ham.ilton, George.
Muir, Miss.
Caldwell, David, house fact.
Kier, David.
Wardrope, .Airs.
M'Kenzie, James.
M'Ewan, Miss.

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