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Murray, Charles II , inspector of inland revenue, 13
Queen street ; bouse, 20 Monteilh row.
Murray, C. & J., tobacconists, 92 Eglinton St.; ho.
9 Belgrovc street.
Murray, Daniel, iron & metal merchant, 71 Stockw.
Murray, David, house painter and paperhanger, 9
Finlay street; house, 11 do.
Murray, David, grocer, provisions, and dairy, 180
Sauchiehall street.
Murray, David G., at J. 4' TF. Cuwphdl if Co's;
house, 255 Dumbarton road, Partick.
Murray, DaviJ, account;int, 43 Bucclench street.
Murray, D. A. B., ship agent and commission mer.,
59 Union street.
Murray, Donald, 19 Queen street ; house, 415 St.
Vincent street.
Murraj-, Donald, teacher, 69 Montrose st.; house,
20 Hopetoun place, Stii-ling's road.
Murray, Douglas, of £>. Murray if Co., 102 Queen
street ; house, 2 Corunna place, Sandyford.
Murra3', D., & Co., clothiers, hatters, and gentle-
men's outtitters, 102 Queen street.
Murray, Duncan, pawnbroker, 118 Green st., Caltoii ;
house, 143 Great Hamilton street.
Murray, Edwd. Lothian, oj' Ambrose 4' Murray, 152
West George street.
Murray & Fullarton, potters, Caledonian Pottery,
43 Garngad hill.
Murray, George, flesher, 187 Cro-\vn st.; ho. 193 do.
Murray, Jas., brickmaker and biickbuildcr ; works,
12 Chapel st , Rutherglen; house, 52-J- Canning
street, Caltou.
Mnrra}-, James, spirit merchant, 32 Crown st. ; ho.
458 Argyle street.
Murray, James, spirit merchant, 46 Kutherglen loan;
house, 52 do.
Murraj', James, storekeeper, 71 Robertson st.; bo.
67 Waterloo street.
Murray, James, of Monhland Iron tj Steel Co.; ho.
Woodhall house, Holytown.
Murray, James, boot and shoemaker, 7 Park place.
Paisley road.
Murraj', James, commission merchant, 62 Jamaica
street ; house, 5 Walmer crescent. Paisley road.
Murray, James, tailor and clothier, 47 Oswald st.
Murray, Jas., teacher of the classics, English gram-
mar, and bookkeeping, 18 Dunlop street.
Murray, James, of Murray ^- McLean; house, 102
South Portland street.
Murray, .James, tailor and clothier, 13 Ronald st.
Murray, James, river pilot on river and frith of
Clyde; house, 31 Robertson street.
Murray, John Bruce, cotton yarn merchant, 7 Coch-
ran St.; house, 8 Victoria terrace,- Dowanhill.
Murraj", John, of Kirkicood tj' Murray; house, 133
Hill street, Garnetliill.
Murraj', John, familj' grocer, 47 Rose St., Garnethill.
Murray, John, contractor, Firliill, Springbank.
Murraj', John, countj' buildings; house, 71 Abbots-
ford place.
Murray, John, iron merchant, 25, 27 Buchan street;
liouse, 88 Main street, Gorbals.
Murraj', John, insurance agent, 141 Buchanan St.;
house, 17 OakHeld terrace.
Murraj', John, of Bhmie cj- Murray; house, 1 Wal-
worth terrace.
Murraj', John, spirit dealer, 89 Commerce St.; liouse,
7 Canal street.
Murr:iy, John, clerk, 16 Rutherford lane.
Murray, John, dyer. 28 Kerr st. ; ho. 9 Eelgrove si',
Murraj', John, of Robert Simpson cj- Co., 3 and i>
Jamaica street ; house, PoUokshaws.
Murraj', John, clothier, 124 Saltmarket.
Murrav, Lawrence, sheriff and J. P. oificer and con-
stable, and house factor, 81 Wilson street ; ho. 4
Frederick lane.
Murray, Rev. M., professor of theologj', and minister
cf Original Secession Cliurch, 17 Mains street ;
house, 2 Carnarvon street.
Murray & Maclean, family grocers and wine mer-
chants, 140 South Portland street and 18, 20
Bedford street.
JIurraj', Patrick, accountant and sharebroker, 107
St. Vincent street; house, 11 Newton place.
JIurray, Patrick M., at W. D. Young cj- Co.'s, 2i
West Nile street.
Murray, Peter, flesher, 1 Main street, Calton ; ho.
4 Well street, do.
Murraj-, Peter, spirit dealer, 16 Clyde st., Calton.
Murraj-, Robert, dyer, Madeira buildings, 259 Ar-
gyle street, 263 Sauchiehall street, and HayfiekJ
djeworks ; house, 2 Haylield street.
Murraj', Robert, grocer, 18 South Wellington st,
Murraj-, Robert, draper, 100 Canning street.
Murraj', R. M., assistant-clerk to the income tax
commissioners for the city of Glasgow, 13 Queen
street, and 52 Virginia st. ; ho. 20 Monteilh row.
Murraj-, Thomas R., insurance broker, Roj'al Ex-
change buildings ; ho. Greenvale cot., Alexandria.
Murraj-, Thomas, & Son, printers, booksellers, and
stationers, 49 Buchanan street; printing- ofBce,
241 ParliaiTientarj' road.
Murrav, Thomas, & Son, publisher?, printers, litho-
graphers, paper rulers, and bookbinders, 239 and
243 Parliamentary road.
lilurraj', Thomas, of T. Murray cj- Son ; bookseller
and stationer, 49 Buchanan street ; house, 2 1
Canning place.
Murray, William, wine merchant and family grocer,
1 Great Western road; ho. 9 Windsor street.
Murray, Walter, grocer and wine merchant, SO
George square, and 1 West George street ; house,
73 Sauchiehall street.
Murray, Walter, provision merchant, 17 King st.^
citj' ; house, 43 Montrose street.
Murraj', William, jun., of T/iomas Murray ^ Son;
house, 105 Douglas street.
Murray, William, 15 Elmgrovo place, Holland street.
Murraj', Wni., at James Muirhead (j- Son\i ; 90 Bu-
chanan street ; ho. 140 West Graham street.
Murraj', Wm , wine and spirit dealer, 289 High st,
Murraj-, William David, of Wallace if Murray, 80
Gordon street; ho. Elgin villas, Shawlands.
Murrav, Wm. S., spirit dealer, 20 Main st., CaltoiK
Murray, William, 439 St. Vincent street.
Murray. Wm., at J. ij' W. CatnpbeU (j Co.'s; housc^
170 Paisley road.
Murraj', Wm., lithographic artist, 3 North Albion sf,
Murraj', Wm., dyer, llayfield dj-eworks, Little Govan ;
house, 2 Hay field street.
Murray, William, of Murray ij- Fullarton ; house,
19 Canning place.
Murraj', AVilliam, spirit merchant, 89 StockAveli st. ;
house, 150 do.
Murraj', W. S., & Co., cigar, tobacconist, and fancy
goods merchants, 16 Howard street; house, 16
Grafion street.
Murray, William, artist, ,17 Arlington street.

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