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- M'Phersiin, Jnhii, of M'Pherson, Cruig, tj- Co.; ho.
2J Green street, BritlgetDn.
M'Pheison, Keiiiietli, coopw, 20, 2iiM'Alpine street;
house, 35 Caiiiigun .strtet.
MTherscm & ftJuir, himse and ship plumbers, 1
Pai.^Iey road and West ^t^ect, Tradeston.
M'Pheisoii, Robert G , accoiiiUatit, Se<itlaud Street
Iron Woiks; house, 107 rolluk stieet.
Slacpherson & S|iii;rs, .^ugar inerchts., 13 Viroinia st.
M'Plier.son, \\'illi,t!ii. leather merchant, 5 iiell st. ;
house, 41 North Albion street.
M'Phersoi), Mis., j^rocer, 178 Hope st. ; ho. 170^ do.
M'Phersoi), Mrs., >pirit dealer, 22 Lirown street.
M'Pherson, Jlrs., lod<^hii;s, 33 John street.
M'Pheison, Mrs., 9 Minerva street.
M'Piiersoii, iliss, drossmakcr, 201 CowcadJens .st.
M'Phersciii, Miss,ttraw bonnet maker and milliner,
Ui-> Woodlands road.
. M'PliUN. Win. L.. accouvit.wt, 3G Eentield street;
house, 2 Great Ki-lvin terrace.
. M'Phun, W. K., bookseller, stationer, and news
i agent, S4 Argvla street; house. Wester Craigs.
M'QUADE. AiidVcw, victualler, 91) Saltinaiket.
M'QuaiJe, Jlicliael, de^iler in Irish linens, 132
■ Stock well street.
. M'Quade, Peter, sheriff officer and J.P. constable,
18 Jail square.
MACQUAls.t:K, Win., hat m.'^nnfdcr., 48 Trongate.
M'QU ALTER, iMis-', 2 Surrey place.
MACQUARIE, M. and E., dressmakers, 10 Rose-
hall street.
; M'QUEEN, Alexander, plasterer, 19 Pitt street ; ho.
190 Coucaddens street.
-M'Queen, Andrew, fleshcr, 630 Gallov,-gafe.
lI'Queen, Angus, coniniissiou merchant, 6 Centre st.
M'Queen, Hugh, wine and s[)irit merchant, 8 Oswald
street, city; house, 19 do.
M'Queen, John, provision merchant, 39 George
street, Miie-end.
M'Queen, John, provision and spirit merchant, 262
!Rlain street, Uridgelou.
M'Queen, John, ilesher, 30^ Crown st. ; ho. 40 do.
M'Queen, Louilon, master of works, Hlytliswood
Estate ; (iffice, 81 St. George pi. ; ho. 21 Scoiia st.
M'Queen, Thomas, flesher, 2'JO Gallo'.vgate street;
hou^e, 332 do.
. M'Queen, Wiliiam, wine and spirit merchant, 29
Dobbin's loui.
M'KAE, Alex., spirit merchant, I and 2 Rutland pi.,
Govan ruad ; house, 1 do.
M'Bae, Rev. David, M.A., U.P., minister, 135 Main
street, (iorbals ; house, Braeside house, Grosshill.
.Macrae, Donald, tailor and clothier. Hi Wilsonstrect.
Macrae, Donald, wine and sjiirit merchant, 78 Crown
street; hoiise, 71 H o -pi tal street.
M'Sae, Farquhar, wirie and spirit merchant, 70
Trongate; house, 74 do.
. M'liae, Gabriel, warehouseman, wilh J EI'dkr tj- Son,
20 High street ; house, 54 Charlotte street.
MACREUIE, iJrs., niiduile and ladies' nurse, 12G
KeiifVew streit.
M'RITCHIE, T. & D.. cloihlers 193 New City rd.
M'IiOlJERI, Thomas, baker, 29 London street. ; ho.
23 do.
-M'RUEP & Hugh, of Allan # M-Ruer ; house, 9
l>'cvvton sireec
.M'Ruer, Jno. com. traveller; house, 271 Eglinton st.
M'Ruer, Misses, f<l Bath street.
M'SllANE, James, contracior, Oakbank street.
M'SII I'-FREY, James, butler and efig uieichaut, 253
Hiuli street ; house, 10 Dukesireet.
Ji'SKIMMlNtJ, John, groecr and pr.ivision nicrcht.,
174 Garseiilie road; honse. 2.J0 St. (Jeirge's rd.
MSkiming, 'i'homas, nf Robert MiUei- cj- Sun, Nel-
snii street ; house, 29 Stirling street.
M'Skimining, Miss Agnes, dressmaker, 5 North
Cohurg s reet.
M'SWINKY, Rev. James, E.G. clergyman, 38 N.
WonHMde load.
M'SYMON, John, wine merchant and family grocar,
397 Argvle street : ho. Ivy hank, Poi t-tUa-gow.
M-S\moi & Poller, ship ehindler.i and sailinakcrs,
sail Idl't, ,5 Paisiev rd. ; warehouse, 2(i Clvde pi.
MTAGGART, Archd., teacher, 11 Barony it. ; ho.
?8 North Hanover strt-ot.
M'TaL'gart, Rev. I)., D.D., minister of St. James*
parish, Gt. Hamilton street; ho. 10 Satid\ ford pi.
M'Tagi^art, Jidiu, at Wiiiyaie, Sun, tj' Go's; house,
25 Snuth Apsley place.
j\I' I'aggirt, .loim, coal agent, 93 N. Frederick st.
M'Tagi;art, J., t.dlor and clothier, 14.i N. Citvrd.
MiictagL'art, R. W., of D. C. Barker 4- Co. { ho, 3
Burnb itik iiardens.
M'Taggait, Hannah, eating-house, 10 M'.Alpine st.
.M'Taggart, JIis., lodtrings, 13 Minerva street.
M' ragi,'arr, ]\Irs., 3 West Gardi^n street.
M' Taggart, Mrs., ladies' nurse, 10 Paterson street,
M-TAV16H, Donald, of Beale (J- M'Tavish; ho. 23
Tavlor street.
M'TKAR, Andrew, rf A. (j- IF. JiPTmr; house, 29
South Apsl-y place.
Mactear, A. & W., lithographing and engraving
fiflice and [ihntographic depot, 4 St. Enoeh sq.
M' Tear & Co., felt inaiuifacturers, Belfast; llcndry
Uroihers, agents, 8 Di.xoii street.
M'Tear & Keoipt, auctioneers and valuators; the
Glasgow Salerooms, 21 Gordon street.
M'Tear, Roliert, of M'Tear 4" KeiiqH; house, 2
Charing cross.
Mactear, William, of A. cj' W. Maciev; house, 29
South Apjlev p'ace.
M' Tear, Mrs. Dr. John, 95 Holland st'-eet.
M'TURK, J. Gilison, Granite hou^e, 187 Tronjate.
M'VI-.AN, Donald, plumLer and gasfitter, 212 North
street ; house, 2U(y do.
M'V'ean, Duncan, spirit merchant, 77 Finnieston st.
.M'Vean, James, tailor and clothier, 17 Trongate.
JI'Vean, Peter, spiiit inercuant, 91 South Welling-
Ir.n street; house, lOG do.
M'VEY, Ale.K , cork manufacturer, 29 Hisih sfreet.
M"Vey, Arihur, wine and spirit merchant, dli .Mvislia
street, Biidgeton; house, 14 Hozier stieet, do.
M'Vey & Gaineron, merchants and ag>'nts for Insur-
ance Go. (if Scotland, and Aliiance Co. of London,
91 West Nib street.
M'Vey, Georjie, provision merchant, 107 New City
road ; house, 14 Shamrock street.
M'Vey, J;imes, grocer, \:i \'v'est Campbell Street;
house, 465 St. Vincent street.
M'Vey, John, oils and eidours, 21 Kinj st., Calton.
M'Vey, Jidiii, of APVti/ cf- Cameron; house, 22
Whitevale street.
M'Vey, J .lin, spirit merch., 28 Reid St., Bridgetrn.
M'Vey, M, & Co., booksellers and stall jaers, 101
George street.
M'V>y, Pe.er, furniture dealer, 132 Kelson stre.t,
Tradeston ; hojse, 125 do.

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