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M'Kav, J;unes, pnitrHit painter and plioto^rnplier,
roynl Ralli-ry, 123 St. Vincent street; house, 14
Holniliead street.
Jl'Kay, Jas., toliacconist, 9 Abercronihy st., Calton.
M'Kaj', Jame,-!, Ixmt and shoemaker, oS Duke street.
M'Kay, John, of John M^'Kay (J- Son; liuuse, 14
Nelson ti'irace, Hillhead.
BI'Ka}-, John, provision mercliaiit and poulterer, 37
Maxwell .street.
M'Kay, Jdim, & Son, bootmakers, 121 George street;
house, 146 Hotlenrow.
Mackay, Jniin, mason, 4 Findlay street.
Mackay, John, painter and colourman, 188 Gailow-
g.ite ; hnusp, 221 do.
Mackaj', John, Avarehonseman, 51 Buehauan street;
house, 14G Woodlands road.
M'Kay, John, & Son, upliolsterers and cabinet-
makers, 203 Sauchiehall street; works, 87 [-"ilt st.
Mackav, Jolm F., & Co., insurance brokers, 107
Buchanan street.
Mackay, J. M., indoor inspector, Barony parish ;
house, 51 Whitevale street.
Mackay, J. W. ; house, 302 Dun^barton road.
Mackay, Kenneih, teacher of English, geography,
matheiuatics, French, Latin, &c., 163 Kentield
street; house, Go Shamrock street.
Mackay & Kirkwood, wholesale and retail stationers,
engravers, and lithographic printers, 135, 137
Ingram street and 98 Miller street.
Mackay, Lachlan, of Mackay if Kirkwood; house,
AVellpai k, Pariickhill.
Mackay, Martin, writer, 146 West George street;
house, 90 North Frederick street.
M'Kay, Neil, boot and shoemaker, 21*5 Shaws road.
Mackay, R bert, & Co., wholesale Scottish ware-
housemen, 123 Candleriggs and I Ingram street.
Mackay, Robert, oj' Hubert Mackay <j" Co.; house,
7 Park quadrant.
Mackay, Stewart, tailor and clothier, 31 Gordon St. ;
house, 34 Eirlinton street.
M'Ka^', Rev. \Vm. Murray, minister, Young Street
Free Church ; house, 22 Monteith row.
Mackay, W. Watson, and George Mackay, pawn-
brokers, 9i) Cowcaddens street.
M'Kay, William, grocer and victualler, 8 Canning
street, Calton.
Mackay, William, nt Tod (f Sf'Gretjor's; houne, 201
Chesham place, Kent road.
Mackay, William, general warehouseman, 3 Clyde
terrace; house, ltj6 Hospital street.
M'Kay, Mrs. I)., 44 George street.
51'Kay, Mrs., lodgings, 122 Sauchiehall street.
M'Kay, Agnes, dressmaker, 420 Duke street.
M'Kay, Miss Isahelhi, fruiterer, 9 Cowcaddens st.
M'Kay, Miss Margaret, milliner and dressmaker, 142
North street.
Mackay, Mi-^s, teacher. Free St. Paul's School of
'Industry, 74 North Frederick street.
M'Kay, Sliss, 347 Bath crescent, Bath street.
M'KEAG, Holieit, commission agent (sewed muslin),
86 Miller street
M'KEANU, A. & J., merchants, 49 West George st.
M'Keand, Anihonv, of A. <f J. M'Keand; house,
Thornvlle. llillliead.
M'Kean, George, tailor and clothier, 24 Wilson
Bti*et ; house, do.
I M'Keand, J. & T., oil and commission merchants,
1 ; 13 Ann street ; house, 17 St. James' terrace,
Great Western road.
M'Kean, James, teacher, Alexaniler's Charity, Duke
street; house, 199 Upper Crown street.
MKean, Lamoiit, & Co., ship agents, ship brokers,
and insurance agents, 27 Union street.
M'Kean, Mrs., lodgings, 335 Sauchiehall street.
M'Keand, Mrs., teacher of singing and pianoforte,
3.S Carnarvon street.
MACKECHNIE, Daniel W., adjuster of averages,
1 and 2 North gallery, Royal Exchange buildings;
house, Govandale, Guvan.
M'Kechnie, Duncan, 2 Albert place.
MKechnie, Hu-:'', spirit merchant, 88 Whitevale
street ; house, 86 do.
JI'Kechnie, James, warehouseman, 24 Ilutcheson st.
M'Kechnie, John, bookbinder, 52 West Nile street.
M'Kechnie, John, stay manuiacturer, 14 Main street,
M' Kechnie, Peter, wrighf, 73 M^swell street ; house,
45 Rose street, Garnetljiil.
M'Kechnie, K. & Co., fanc^' shawl and dress manu-
facturers, 19 Montrose street.
M-Kechnie, Robert, of Robert M^Kechnie ij Co.; ho.
Easlfielil hnu-!e, Rutherglen road.
M'Kechnie, William, manufacturing chemist. Blue-
vale chemical works.
M'Kechnie. Mrs. Archibald, 1 Hill st , Garnethill.
M'KKEVER, James, tavern keeper, 5 Wood lane,
M'KELLAR, Alexander, of Ali'xmder 3PKel!ar ff
Son ; house, 6 Clifton place, Sauchiehall street.
M'Kellar, Alexander, & Son, rope and twine manu-
facturers, 230, 232 Stobcross street; office, 78
AI'Kellar, Duncan, carfwright, 73 Maxwell street.
M'Kellar, Duncan, shipowner, 38 Patersoa street.
SI Kellar, Duncan, wine and spirit mercliant, 181
Crown street ; house, 179 do.
MacKellar, George D., milliner and draper, 354
Argle street; house, 41 Main street.
M'Kellar, Hugh, ironmonger, tinplate worker, gas-
fitter, pewte.er, &e., 73 Argyle street ; ho. 430 do.
51'Kellar, James, shipmaster, 4*30 Argyle street.
M'Kellar, Jas , spirit merchant, 16 'I'arbert street,.
M'Kellar, John, talor, 201 Cowcaddens street, vi-r
M'Kellar, Jdhn, manager, at Rubei-t Bucfuiiia^'s:^^-
hou<ie, 18 Gloucester street. '^
M'Kellar, John, >f Alexander M'Kellar (f- Son; tio^'
193 Chesham place, Kent road.
BI'Kellar, Kt., flesher, 1G4 Paisley rd.; ho. 162 do.
M'Kellar & Smith, iron washer makers, 245 Stob-
cross street.
M'Kellar, W. B., & Leggat, insurance brokers and
agents for Scottish National insurance Co., 7
Koyal Exchange buihiings.
M'Kellar, Wm., flesher, 296 High st. ; ho. 298 do.
M'Kellar, William B,, insurance broker and agent,
Royal Exchange; house, 2 Clifton place. _^l
M'Kellar, Miss Jane, teacher, Govan Poor-Jjbuse
'218 I'^ulinton street; house, 224 do.
SIKELVIH;, John, spirit dealer, 654 Gallowgafe.
MKelvie, Jlrs. Hugh, broker, 146 Saltmaiket ;•
house, 9 St. Andrew's square.
M'lvelvie, Mrs. John, 2 Rutland crescent. .,■''
M'KENURICK, Andrew, innkeeper, stalder, general
carter, carriage proprietor, and coal agent, 39-
Miller's place.
M'Ketulrick, J.ihn, Spirit merchant, 107 J'lain st,
Andertton; house, 105 do.

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