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Logan & 'Muir, booksellere, etationers, and librarians,
6 Woodland road.
Logan & Rankin, fleshers, 237 Wigh street.
Logan, Robert, bread and pastrr baker and confec-
tioner, 32 South Portland street.
Logan, Robert, bread and biscuit baker, 25 Tamer
street, Gamgad road ; bouse, 23 do.
Logan, Thomas, commission agent, 210 Thistle
street; bouse, do.
Logan, Wm., engraver & lithograpber, 74 Arprle St.
Logan, William, dining and coffee rooms, 21 Mas-
•well St.; ho. 18 Abbotsford pi. — SeeAdet. in App.
Logan, William, bookseller, stationer, and librarian,
27 Saucbiehall street; house, 150 Baccleucb St.
Logan, Mrs. David, 24 Stanley street.
Logan, Mrs. Wm., ladies' nurse, S6 M'AsUn street.
Logan, Mrs. W., 5 Victoria place. West Regent St.
Logan, Mrs., eating-house. 48 Eglinton street.
Logan, Mrs., staymaker, 37 John street.
Logan, Miss C, millin. & dressm., 36 Commerce st.
Logan, Miss Eliza, dressmaker, 210 Thistle street.
LOGIE, Wm., commission merchant, 37 Virginia
street ; bouse, 4 Woodbum place.
Logie, Snsan, flesher, 73 George street.
London Art-Ur.ion, 116 St. Vincent street; George
MTarlane, hon. secretarj'.
London Black Ball Line of Packets; office, 45
Union street ; W. Arnot, jun., & Co., agents.
London Boot Co., 46 Gordon street
London Guarantee Society ; Brown & Dnnlop, 49
Virginia street, agents.
London and Manchester Glass Co. ; Tower & Arrol,
agents, 16 Dixon street.
LoiTDONDERET, Portrnsh, and Sligo Steam-Packet
Office, 75 Jamaica St.; Tbos. Cameron &. Co., agts.
Londonderry Steam-Packet Office, 133 St. Vincent
street ; Macconnell & Laird, a;:ents.
LONERGAN, William F., M.D., surgeon, 107
Eglinton street ; iouse, 14 Abbotsford place.
LONG, C, drill, g)-mnasric, and fencing master, 3
Dalbousie street.
Long, John Jes, manufacturer of blacking, congrere
matches, and Trashing powder, 465 Duke street ;
house, 12 Whitevale.
Long, John, muslin manufacturer, 95 Hutcbeson st;
house, Bothwell.
Long, Wm., muslin mannfactnrer, 95 Hutcbeson st.
Long, Mrs. John, 127 Clarence pi., Sanchiehall st.
LoNGLEE Colliery Office, 2 Oswald street
LONIE, James, parcel clerk, Caledonian Rail., S.S.
Station; ho. Mrs. Ratcliffe's, 172 Hospital street.
Lonie, J., provision merchant, 182 Kelvinhaugh St.,
and 242 Dumbarton road.
Lonnie, James, & Co., plumbers and gasfitters, 179
Argj-le street, and 12 St Enoch square; house,
llOHolm street
LORD, James, agent, 135 Buchanan street.
LoKD BjTon Hotel, 6, 8, 10 Broomiela-w ; Thomas
Menzies, proprietor.
LORDIER, Arthur, brassfounder and gasStter, 35
Stockwell street ; house, Gl Mains street.
Lorimer, George, warehouseman, 14 Dunlop street;
house, G Craignestnck place.
Loriruer, John, of Lorimer ^ Mot/es ; honse, 114
Blythswood terrace.
Lorimer, Rev. John G , D.D., of Free St. David's
Church ; house, 6 Woodside place.
Lorimer, William, grocer and provision merchant,
74 Abbotsford place ; house, 70 do.
Lorinner & Moves, comb and brush factors, per-
fumers, and importers of foreign good*, 15, 16
Arpyle arcade ; wholesale wareb., 15 Buchanan st.
LORRAIN, W. S., & Adam, merchants, 29 St.
Vincent place.
Lorrain, W. &., of W. S. Lorrain ^ Adam ; bouse,
12 Royal crescent
LOTHIAN, A., teacher, Town's hospital.
LOUDON, Archibald, innkeeper, 11 MTherson st.,
and 52 High street.
Loudon, James, jun., coal and commission merchant,
12 Howard street.
Loudon, James, oj" APEachran, Langhland^ <^ Co. ;
house, Cartside villa, Johnstone.
Loudon, John, al Bulloch, Lade, ^ Go's; house, 11
Monteiih row.
Loudoun, John, & Co., insurance brokers and agents
for the Phosnix Fire and Pelican Life offices, 68
St. Vincent street.
London, Thomas, flesher, 159 Stirling's road ; house,
161 do.
London, Mrs. John, 18 Woodside crescent.
Loudon, Miss, 274 Bath crescent.
London, Miss Mary, dressmaker and milliner, 125
Eglinton street.
LOUGHRAN, John, manufacturing chemist, 24
Govan St.; house, 78 South Wellington street.
LOUGHRT, Daniel, spirit dealer, 62 New Dal-
marnock road.
LOUTHEAN, draper, 18 Candleriggs ; house, 107
George street.
LOUTTIT, Alex., inventor of the storm-proof canoe,
the storm-proof marine architecture; author of
" The Life and Property Preserving, or the Crime
Exterminating System of Education," 12 Hous. st.
Loutiit, Charles, grocer and provision merchant, 14
Houston street.
Lonttit, Mrs. Elizabeth, 137 Paisley road.
LOVE, Andrew, & Son, tailors, 66 Thistle street
Love, Archibald, bookseller, stationer, and news
agent, 15 Nelson street; house, 26 Taylor street.
Love, Archibald, boot and shoemaker, 22 Jamaica
street ; house, 292 Argyle street.
Love, A., house painter, paperhanger, and glazier.
7 Nelson street, Tradeston ; ho. 28 Cook street.
Love, George, stationer, 138 Trongale.
Love, James, 86 Renfrew street.
Love, James, foreman of mineral traffic, south side,
Caledonian station ; house, Gusbetfatilds cottage.
Love, John, baker, 261 Buchanan st. ; ho. 264 do.
Love, Maurice, com. traveller, 26 Apsley pi., south.
Love, Eobt., artist and lithographer, 4 Kent st
Love, Robert, tailor and clothier, 74 Crown street ;
house, 139 do.
Love, William, wholesale bookseller, stationer, and
news agent, 40 St Enoch square ; house, 24 St
Virxent crescent.
Love, William, fish and provision merchant, 207
High street ; house, 209 do.
Love, Miss, lodgings, 26 Scotia street.
Love and Keith, Misses, dressmks., 88 High John st.
LOW, Alex., shoemaker, 70 Reid st, Bridgeton.
Low, Archibald, plumber, gasfitter, and lead mercht.,
318 Hamilton pi., Partick ; ho. 3 Hamilton st.
Lowe, Charles, caunister, scale beam and weighing
machine manufacturer, 151 George street
Low, David P., of Kaiy and Loio ; 149 W. George st.
Low, David, victualler and grocer, 33 Norfolk Et. ;
house. 2 Norfolk court

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