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DYERS, &c. continued.
Gumming', Thomas, Commercial court
Currie, (5. renovator, 25 Leith walk
Cushnie, Wm. and scourer, 65 Prince st.
Deans, J. and Co. 29 St Patrick square
Dickson, David, 33 Yardheads
Fraser, Alexander, 7 Lothian street
Gibson, James, & Co. scourers and furni-
ture glazers, 90 Nicolson street
Gibson, James, 21 Greenside place
Hay, Peter, Heriot buildings
H<ay, Robert, 6 Fyfe place
Hay, Wm. Cooper, 2 Heriot buildings
Hislop, James, 55 Candlemaker row
Kellie, James, 5 Infirmary street
Laurie, John, 15 Lothian street
Lowrie, Alex. 6 Water lane
M'Intosh, Angus, 138 Canongate
M'Kenzie, William and scourer, 106 Rose
M'Quillen, William, 4 Portland place
Patersou, William, and Son, and calico
glazers, 21 George street
Pollock, D. 45 Lothian street, and 20
Horse wynd, Cowgate
Pollock, Geo. & scourer, 79 Prince street
Pollock, J. 23 Dandas street
Primrose, Geo. Dock street
Rogers, Alex. 24 Crosscauseway
Tod, Ralph, 51 William street
White, Thomas, 30 Tolbooth wynd
Reid, S. and C. Roslin hleachfield
( See also following heads. )
Chadwick, John, & Sons, flannel, 82 South
Dobbie, Thomas, 27 Sciennes street
Ferguson, G. 6 James court
Gibb, Fulton, 82 South bridge
Gibson, James, gingham and lamp-wick, 6
Henderson, Henry, Queensberry house
Jeffrey, William, 54 Bristo street
Lane, T. school slate, 13 Heriot buildings
Lavvrie, Benjamin, 50 Leith street
Miller, Joseph, 6 James court
Prestonholm spinning concern, 14 Timber
O'Neil, A. firework, figure, & Paris plaster,
16 west Register st. & 125 Canongate
Robinson, John, ribbon, 98 South bridge
Sinclair, George M. 2 Chapel street
Smith, John, 19 Dundas street
Wale, J. beam & coffee mill, Paul's work
Wemyss, Andrew, 5 Vennel
Wright, David, flowered muslin, net, &c.
8 Greenside place
(See also Linen Drapers.)
Dudgeon, Lockhart, Brown street lane
Gordon, John, & damask, 2 Windmill lane
Grandison, William, 18 Yardheads
Plenderleath, Robert, 33 North bridge
Vannet, James, 193 Canongate
( See also Drapers. )
Crease, Wm. & Sons, 421 Lawnmarket
Jeffrey, Robert, 300 Lawnmarket
Lauder, J. & Co. & merchts., 343 High st.
Thorburn, Thos. and draper, 20 Dundas st.
and 12 north-west Circus place
Brown, R. damask & linen. Water of Leith
Gumming, John, 27 Giles street
Guthrie, John, damask, to his Majesty, 4
Heriot bridge
Thomson, T. damask and linen, 93 Leith
Hume, John, 107 West bow
M' Galium, Thomas, 23 Grassmarket
(Wholesale dealers in various articles connected
with the following trades. See also foregoing and
following heads. )
Alison, David, linen and sail cloth mer-
chant, 23 Bernard street
Barrie, Jas. cloth merchts. Fox lane, Leith
Brunton, William, and Co. cloth merchts.
13 Nicolson square ;
Callander, Sharp, cloth and silk merchanfj,
5 South bridge '
Fergusson, John, wholesale warehouseman,
429 Lawnmarket
Gilchrist, James, wholesale draper, 7 Salis-
bury street
Kerr, John, wholesale warehouseman, 3
Hanover street
Kilgour, Jas. wholesale glover, 35 South
Mather, John, and Co. silk manufacturers,
11 Terrace
Millar and Baird, wholesale commission
warehouse, 1 Hunter square
Morrison, W. thread mercht. 92 High st.
Ogilvie, James, and Co. commission whole-
sale warehouse, 27 South bridge
Robertson, John, and Co. cloth and cotton
warehousemen, 2 South bridge
Ross, A. linen merchant, 39 South bridge
Thomson, Robert, importer of Irish linens,
I &c. 4 Royal Exchange

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