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Paisley Races. - Appendix 125
effectuat. Thairfoir, It is now concludit and ordainit be the saidis
baillies and counsell, with advyse and consent foirsaid, That zeirlie
in tyme cuming, thair bell raice salbe rwne on the saxt day of Maij
in manner following, viz. to be start at the gray stane callit St. Con-
nalis stane, and fra that richt eist to the lytill house at the calsayend
of Renfrew, and fra that the hie Kingis way to the Walnuik of
Paisley, and quhat horse first comes over a scoir at [ ]
Renfrew sail have ane dowbill aingell, and the horse and maister
yairof that first comes over the scoir at the said Walneuk of Pais,
laye, sail have the said bell with the said burghe's airmes
yairvponn, for yat zeir. Togidder with the rest of the gold that
saibe gevin in with the said bell, In manner following (except ane
dowbill aingell that salbe given to the secund horse and his maister
yat comes nixt over the scoire to the foirmest ; and to that effect
the saidis baillies and counsell present and to come, with advyse of
thair said lord proveist, obleist yame to give in zeirlie with the said
silver bell, the pieces of gold following, viz. the said lord proveist
ane dowbill aingell, the saidis bailleis and counsell ane vther dowbill
aingell. Lyikas the noblemen haifand lands within the paruchin of
Paislay, as my lord Sempill, ane singell aingell, my lord Rose, my
Lord of Blantyre, [ ] everie ane of thame ar willing,
for the vphalding of the said bell race, zeirlie to give in ane single
aingell yairvnto, and every awner of the horse that rwnes to produce
ane singill aingell of gold to the said Bailleis before the horse be
drawen out lyikas ail the awnneries of the horses that sail happen to
ryne zearlie salbe obleist to be present within the hurt, of Paislaye,
dayes at leist befoir the said raice day, and thair to be ready,
with thair ryderis befoir ten houris befoir nowne, and the rydaris to
be weyit at the trone of the said hurt, of Paislaye, [ ]
stane wecht ; quhair the maisters or vtheris haifand power of thame,
salbe present with the rydaris in the tolbuithe of the said burghe
for gifing up thair names, casting of the dyce for their places in out-
leiding and the wandhandis. And becaus this present zeir is so far
spent, it is concludit be the said Lord Proveist and vther noblemen,
with advise of the said Bailleis and Counsell of yis hurt. That the
said bell raice be rune the first day of Junij nixtocum, fra the gray
stane, callit St, Connallis stane, to the said lytill house, and fra
yat to the Walneuk of Paislaye, as said is haifand yair hprse alwayis
dyetit in the said hurt- in manner foirsaid. And quha happens to
won the said bell keipand yair wecht in manner above written, being
weyit againe at the said trone, sail have the silver bell hung at his
horse heid, and ye gold foirsaid. With this provisioune, that the
maister of the horse, or ony vtheris haifing power of him,
salbe actit as principall, with ane sufficient burgess man, as cau-
tioner for him, conjunctlie and severallie, for productioune of
the said bell to the saidis baillies of Paislaye, als gude as he
sail resave the saroyn, with what augmentatioune pleist him to
adde yairto zeirlie apoun the said saxt day of Maij, befoir nyne
houris in the morning, and quhatever horss beis not keepit and

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