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POLLOKSH A WS Directory . 149
Appendix - - 160
Boats, Canal Passage - 163
Carriers - - ib.
Coaches, Stage - - 162
Court) Justice of Pe=ice - 160
Curler's Society, PoUokshaws - 164
Curling Clubj Nitshill - 165
Fairs .... . ib.
Fire Engines . . 161
Grave Diggers . . 165
Insurance Office , . 161
Justices of the Peace . . le^J
Libraries, AuM field . . 165
Do. PoUokshaws, . 164
Do. Thoniliebank . 165
Lodge, Gardeners, PoUokshaws 165
Magistrates and Town Council * 160
Medical Practitioners . 161
Midwives . . % ib>
Ministers . . ib.
Officers, Church . .162
D'j. Excise . . 161
Do. Sheriff . . ib.
Do. TowQ . . ib
Poor's Funds . . 162
Posts, arrival and dispatch . ib.
Postage, rates of {see Paisley Birec-
Cory) . . 96
Royal Arch Lodge . , 163
Schools, Auldfield . . 162
Do. Eastwood . . 162
Do. Househill . . ib.
Do. NitshiU . . ib.
Do. PoUokshaws Town . ib.
Do, Sabbath, Auldfield . 164
Do. do. Thornliebank , 164
Do. do. PoUokshaws • ib.
Session Clerk . . 162
Societies, Friendly, Religious, &c. 163
Do. iemperance . 165
Societies, to Managers of . 117
Street Guide . . .149
Writers . . . 161
QUARRELTOlSr Directory . 129
Appendix {see Johnstone) . 133
RESFREVV Directory . 139
A[)peodix . . . 144
Carriers' . . . 1^6
Coaches, Stage . . . «^»
Cofffee Room . . . ib^
Court, Quarter Sessions . 145
Fairs, Fire Engine, &G. . 148
Grave Digger . . . 145
Justices of the Peace • . 145
Magistrates and ToWn Council . 144
Medical Practitioners . 145
Midwives . . . ib.
Ministers . . . ib.
Officers, Church . . «ft.
Do. Excise . . ib.
Do. Town . . ib..
Post arrival and dispatch * 146
Postage, rates of . .96
Session Clerks . . . 145
Schools, Town, Grammar . 147
Do. Trades' . . ib.
Do. Ladies* • . ib.
Do. Ladies' Subscription . ib.
Do. Sabbath . . ib.
Societies, Female Benevolent . 148
Do. Frien-ily, &c. . 147
Do. to Managers of . 117
Steam Vessels, &c. . . 147
Writer . . .145
STRATHBUNGO Directory . 149
Appendix {see PoUokshaws) . 160
Table of Distances . . 219
THORNLIEBANK Directory , 156
Appendix {see PoUokshaws) . 160
YOKER Directory . . 139
Appendix {see Renfrew) . 144
Additional Names, Removals, S^c. sent in since the Work ivent to Press. — Black,
Archibald, jun. smith and farrier, Stonefield — Stewart, James, grocer and tea
merchant, "4 Wellmeadow-street — Whitehead, Joseph, tanner, Seedhill — house
Kihiside House — Taylor, James, manufacturer, moved to M'Leod's Buildings,
12, Old Stnithhills,
lS-'>r>. Paisley Society for the Prevention and Cure of Intemperance.— "Reverend
William Smart, President — William Lyall, and John Hart, Vice- Presidents-
David Fulton, treasurer — M. Hart, and Robert Phillips, jun. Secretaries.
Adjusters of Imperial Weights and Measure <:. — Dry Measures, John Armour, 2-22
High-street — Liquid Measures, Alex, FuUerton, 237 High-street. — Weights,
Reid-& Hanna, 4 Orr-street.
Errata. —Page 30, after Ferguson, Margaret, for milliner and dresser, reai milliner
and dressmaker — Page 34, Gibson and Craig, for 167, read 267— Page 43, Knox,
James, for 173, read 179.

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