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Parish Council Buildings, Newmonthill. Open daily from lo to 12 noon, and from 6
to 7 evening; on Saturdays, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Births must be registered within
21 days, marriages 3 days, and deaths 8 days. Children must be vaccinated within 6
months after birth. Notice of marriage to be given to the Registrar under Marriage
Notice Act, Eight clear days before marriage Registrar — W. H. Thomson. House
Address — 73 East High Street, Forfar.
Meets in Council Committee Room, Municipal Buildings, on first Wednesday of each
month, at 6-30 p.m. Members — D. M. Graham (Chairman), James Christie, John F.
Craik, T. B. Esplin, Joseph Jarman, Rev. Hugh Mackean, James Moffat, Rev. William
Paterson, John Peifers. Alex. Hay, Clerk; Alex. MacHardy, Treasurer; Andrew Ree,
Officer. Next election, 1903.
Meets in Clerk's Office, Town House, Forfar, on Tuesdays, at 7-30 p.m., when necessary.
Members — Robert F. Craik of Kingston (Chairman) ; David Whyte, 36 John Street ;
John M. Fenton, hotelkeeper. Market Street ; William Michie, dairyman, Belmont Dairy;
and Andrew Cairns, joiner, Lunanhead. D. Macintosh, Town House, Clerk and Trea-
surer ; Wm. Tarbat, 3 Chapel Street, Officer. Schools — Kingsmuir, George Neill,
Teacher ; Miss Lizzie D. Stewart, Assistant. Lunanhead — John Yuille, Teacher ; Miss
Mary Ann Gray, Assistant. Next election, April 1903.
[Upper Department—^
I [a Higher Class
Academy, X School under § 62
of Education (Scot-
ia land) Act, 1872.]
A. S. Thomson, B.A. (Oxon.), Rector and Classical
Master; Ben. Thomson, M.A., Mathematical Mas-
- ter ; D. M. Mackie.. B.A.. English Master; Miss
Cath. Jamieson, L.L.A., Modern Languages, &c. ;
David Barnet (Visiting) Drawing Master.
-Lower Dept. — A. S. Thomson, B.A. , Rector; A. Spence, Principal Teacher.
North Burgh School ... John Smith.
Wellbraehead School D. M. Hamilton.
Public School .. John Knox.
East Burgh School ... P. T. Shepherd.
West Burgh School ... James Campbell.
Teachers of Drawing ... ... David Barnet and Isaac Bruce.
Teacher of Music ... ... ... ... John Kerr.
Drill Instructor ... ... ... ... Colour-Sergeant Osier.
Officer .. ... ... .... ... Corporal Ree.
Ladies' Seminary ... ... ... ... Misses Smith, Academy Street.
MossBANK Private School .. ... .. ... William M. Smart.
FORFAR EDUCATIONAL TRUST, Capital Fund, £6420 2s 6d.
From the To-wji Coiaicil — Bailies Ritchie and Milne. From Burgh School Board—].
Jarman, J. Peffers, and John F. Craik. From La?idward School Board — David Whyte.
Member appointed by Sheriff— ]oh.x\ P. Anderson. Donald Macintosh, Secretary.
Objects of the Trust : — (1) To apply interest derived from capital fund (^^242) of Milne's
Bequest, in paying school fees, with books and stationery, of children of persons born
before date of Scheme, who would have had a right to such payment under the trust dis-
position of David Milne. (2) To expend a sum not exceeding ^10, in providing free books
and stationery to children who have passed in the Third or higher Standards, whose
parents or guardians are in such circumstances as to require aid in providing elementary
education. (3) To expend a sum not exceeding ^^50 in assisting to maintain Science and
Art Classes, or paying the fees of pupils requiring aid for obtaining such instruction. (4)
To establish bursaries, known as " Smith School Bursaries," of between ^5 and £xo to
pupils who have passed the Fifth Standard, and exempted from obligation to attend school,
and whose parents or guardians are in such circumstances as to require aid for giving
them higher education. (5) To establish bursaries, known as " Phillip Bursaries," for
higher education, of the yearly value of between ^^lo and ^1^15 for pupils attending Forfar
Academy, and whose parents or guardians require aid for giving them higher education.

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