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^»iz of iWait.
i^tgot $c (Ko/g
ress at the life-boat stoie-room, on the pier. The
neighbourhood of Douglas is well wooded, and embel-
lished with many elegant mansions — affording pleasing
and varied landscapes, although limited in extent.
Horse-races will in future he held annually, on a course
formed in this year {1837} , about half a mile above the
village of Kirk Onchan, and two miles and a half north
of the town. Boating parties are numerous and fre-
quent, and a regatta takes place in the spacious bay.
The manufactures of Douglas are not of much im-
portance, except the long-established one for linen and
sail-cloth of Mt-ssrs. Moore; another, for coarse and
fine woollen cloths and blankets, at Union Mills,
catholics occupy a spacious room in Atliol-street, for-
merly used for the purpose of theatrical representa-
tions. The educational institutions of Douglas are
most efficient, particularly the boarding and prepara-
tory schools : ihe national school, built in 1810, is ca-
pable of accommodating one thousand pupils : a school
of industry for boarding and educating eight girls was
established in 1836, and an excellent infants' school
in the present year. There are many other benevolent
and charitable institutions in the town, which evince,
the philanthropic spirit that exists amongst the inhabi-
tants of Douglas. The house of industry, or work-
house, is a handsome and extensive structure, with a
about three miles on tlie road to Peel, now worked by i square tower in the centre ; it was completed in 1837
Messrs. M'WilliHms& Co.; and a third, for paper, about ] partly by means of a grant from government, and partly
tour miles north. Among the leading branches of trade hy subscriptions. The market-place, erected by a corn-
are an iron foundry, two extensive ship-building yards, pany in the same year, is verv spacious, with an exten-
seven tanneries, eight breweries, and a soap manufac- ' sive range of stalls on each side a spacious area; over
tory ; and few places furnish the necessary and orna- thelatteritis intended to formacommodious assembly-
mental articles of household furniture, &c., in greater I room. The tnarket, which is held on Saturday, is well
perfection. From the Douglas press issue four news- i supplied with piovisionsof all kinds, and fish may be
papers weekly, and one monthly; they are excellently j obtained any day in the week at a very reasonable price,
conducted, and deservedly well supported. As this is i An annual fair is held on the I2th November.
the only port into which wines, spirits, colonial pro- | Braddan paiish is situate on the east coast, in the
duce,&c., are allowed to be imported under the present j middle sheading, and in the southern division of the
fiscal laws, the town, and especially the pier and quay, island ; in extent it is about eleven miles from north
generally present a scene of considerable bustle and to south, and one to five from east to west. The sur-
activity. The number of vessels belonging to the port | face is pretty equally divided into hill and dale; the
•the latter is very fer-
with wood. The pa-
situation, nearly two
miles from Douglas, on the road to Peel, and is sur-
rounded by some of the finest limber in the island ; it
is a plain edifice, rebuilt in 1730; the living is a vica-
rage, in the gift of the bishop. The parish likewise
contains a small chapel of ease, at Baldwin, dedicated
to St. Luke, erected in 18.36 ; the living is a curacy, in
the gift of the bishop. There are, also, two Wesleyan
chapels, and one belonging to the primitive methodists,
exclusive of those in the town of Douglas.
The parish of Onchan lies in the same sheading
and division as that of Braddan ; it is of more icgular
the insular residence of his Grace the Duke of Athol,
prior to the erection of Mona Castle. The court-house,
which is situate on the pier, is a plain substantial edi-
fice : in it the southern deemster holds a court once a
fortnight, and the vicar-general once within the same
period ; the high bailiff opens his court every Saturday,
and a chapter court is held in the spiing atid autumn.
The places of worship are numerous and respectable.
St. Matthew's church was built in 1711, and contains
nearly three hundred sittings; St. George's, .situate on
an eminence behind Athol-sireet, will accommodate a ^ ^_ ...
congregation of upwards of ciuht hundred; St. Barna- [form, however— extending, from' north to south, alwut
has', erected in 18.33, and ornamented with a hand- ] four miles, and five fiom east to west. The parish
some spire, one hundred and forty feet high, posse.ssts ; church, dedicated to St. Peter, is situate in the village,
twelve hundred sittings, seven hundred being free ;; about two miles north-east of Douglas ; the living is a
and an old mart of war, fitted upas a mariner's chapel, i vicaiage, in the pationa^e of the crown. The Wesleyan
affords convenient room for ivvo hundred hearers : the , methndists have a small chapel in the village, and one
livings are all curacies, in the gift of the bi-hop. The abont a mile to the north of it. Kirk Onchan village
dissetiling chapels are for independents, primitive and is pleasantly situate on the east road frt)m Douglas to
Wesleyan methodists, and presbyterians ; the Honian Ramsey, and contains from forty to fifty houses.
_ POST OFFICE J Post Office lane, Susan Grave, Post Mistress— Letters are despatched to and
arrive fioin Liverpool (by steamer) daily (Sunday excepted) in summer— the hour according to tide, and in
winter they are despatched every Tuesday and Friday eveiiine, and arrive every Monday evening and Friday
inorning.— Letters arc despatched to Castletown, Peel, Ramsey, &c. (by foot post) daily (Sunday excepted)
in summer and every Tuesday and Friday morning in winter, and arrive both winter and'summer in time for
their despatch to Livicrpool
Abbott Mr. Christr. Atbol terrace
Abbott Mr. John, Athol terrace
Adams Mrs. Samuel, Athol court
Alderson Lieut. John, Prospect hill
Alexander Mr. .lohn, Woodville
Am'er.son Mr. John, e. i. s. Bay
view cre.<ceiit
Andrews Miss Bethia, Athol st
Ashley Mrs. Margaret, Wellington
square fcottaues
Ashtoii Mrs. George, Villa Marina
AikiiisMajorThomas.H irris terrace
Atkinson Capt. Ballachiink
Atterby Rev. Samuel, Athol couit
Attwood Mr. Gert.Tauhman terrace
Aylmer Rev. Charles, .'\ihol st
Bacon Captain Caesar, Noitli quay
and Seafield
Banks Mr. John, Kirk Onchan
Banks Mr. Robert, Mona leriace
Barker Mr. Samuel, Athol st
Beach Miss Phoebe, Mount pleasant 1 Chubb Mr. Charles, Kirk Onchan
Bell Mrs. John, Harris terrace Clacue Miss Doiothy, Athol terrace
Bonnyman Mrs. Portechee [st Clarke Mrs. Josepli, Parade
Bower Mr. Williain (solicitor) Athol i Clucas Mr. John, Society lane
Bradbiitlgc Mr, Thos.VVm, Athol st ' Cochrane Mr. Ilubt. Si. George's pi
Bridson Mr. Hui;h, Athol st
Bridson the Misses Mary Ann,
Sarah and Aiii'e, Athol street
Brooks Mr. Richard, Coulrlay
Brotherston Mr.Janus, Marion villa
BrownRev.Robert.Braddaii vicaiage
Buckingham Mr. GeorKC, Barrack st
Byne Mr. Francis Basil, Burleigh
Cage Mr. William, Marina terrace
Cain Mrs. James, Nunnery
Cain Rev. Thomas, Ardwhallau
Caine Mr. John, Bibaloe
Caine Mr. Matthias, Strand st
Callow Mr. Charles, Mona terrace
Caiinell the Misses Margaret and
Klizabeth, Duke street
Cannell Mrs. Thomas, Athol st
Carlton Mrs. Jane, Athol st
Carpenter Rev. Wm.A. m. Finch road
1 Chapman Mr. George, Prospect hill
Charlton Lieut. Hy. Great George st
I CliristianMrs.Catbeiine, North quay
Christian Mr. William, Finch hill
Coke Mr. D'Ewes, Crescent
Cookson Mr. John, Castle mona lawn
Coilett Mr. Robert, Athol st
Corran Mi. Paul, Corran's place
Cox Col.Tlionias,Bay view crescent
Craig Mrs.Capt.E. Bay viivv descent
Craigie Mr. Lawrence, Villa marina
Craine Rev. Edvi^ard, Kirk Onchan
Craine Mrs. Lucy Ann, Kiik Braddan
Creliin Mrs. Deemster, North quay
Crery Miss Mary, Finch road
Creiy Mis. William, Finch road v
Cubbin Capt. Thomas, Fort .st .
Cuiraii Mr. Joseph, Mount Vernon'
Dale Mr. Thomas, Leere lodge
Darcey Mr. Anthony Byrne, Athol st
Day Mr. George, Finch road
Dickinson Mr. Joseph, Athol st
Dickson Mr. James, Prospect hill
Doolin Mr. James, Spring valley
Dj ink water Sir George, hart, (justice
of the peace) Kirby [quay
Drinkwater Mrs. Wm. Leece, Nortli
Drury Mr. Thomas, Snug boiough
Dumbell Mrs. Jonathan, Athol st
Edwards Mr. John, Thomas st
F'urgber .Mrs. Quayle, Athol st

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