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trict. About one mile hence is Crosslee, another
village participating in the prosperity enjoyed by diffe-
rent places in this parish, as the seat of manufactures.
The united parish is about six miles in length by three
in breadth : tiie low grounds are in jftnernl fertile, and
beautified by some fine natural tracts of wood ; coal,
and abundance of limestone and freestone, lie beneath
the surface of the land in various parts of this favoured
district. An annual fair is held at Weir Bridge on the
second Tuesday of May.
The parish of Erskine is six miles in leURth, and
from three to four in breadth ; situate on the Clyde,
opposite to Kilprttiick. The ground rises gently from
the margin of the river, and is laid out in rich planta-
tions, orchards and corn-fields. Erskine House, the
seated amidst tasteful pleasure-grounds facing the
Clyde. The Kirktown of Erskine is Jess than a mile
inland, at the distance of seven miles from Paisley ; the
church is a handsome stone building. Erskine, it is
said, is the oldest ferry on the Clyde ; there is a neat
and comfortable inn at this place.
The village of Kilmalcolm is situate on the east
side of the parish of iis name, on the road from the
Bridge of Weir to Port Glasgow ; ten miles from Pais-
ley, seven from Greenock, and rather more than that
di>tance from Johnstone. It is an agricultural district,
intersected by the Gryfe and the Duchal streams, whose
banks are well cultivated, wliile a greater proportion
of the surface of the purish presents tlie less pleasing
contrast of moss and moor — the moss of Kilmalcolm
lions, orcnaras ana coin-neius. trsniiic nuusc, mc n-wxiiicmv ^i luv^^o m..v. u.«w. ...^ - —
seat of the late Lord Blantyre, is a beautiful mansion, I extending over a large part of iis southern quarter
Bontine Robt. esq. Fiulayton house
Cameron Rev. John, Kilmalcolm
Cunningham Alexander, esq. of
DarrochCapt.Duncan, Drums house
Fleming William, esq. of Barochan
Hay Rev. Wm. Scott, Bridge of Weir
Macdowall Major, Carrutb
Monteath Rev. Dr. John, Houstoun
Porterfield James Corbet, esq. of
SpeirsThomas,esq. Houstoun house
Stewart Rev. Dr. Andrew, M. D.
Erskine manse
Stewart the Hon. Charles, Erskine
Stewart Rev. Robert Wal k er (assist-
ant & successor), Erskine manse
academies and schools.
Bridge of Weir Subscription
School — Robert Muir, master
Parochial School, Kilmalcolm-
James Blackburn, master
Parochial School, Houstoun—
William Pateison, master
Stevenson Archibald, Houstoun
Wotherspoon John, Bridge of Weir
Baillie Robert, Bridge of Weir
Taylor Joseph, Houstoun
Campbell John, Crosslee
Copeland John, Bridge of Weir
Hamilton William, Bridge of Weir
IVlunrn Robert, Houstoun
Patrick Robert, Bridge of Weir
Whitehill James, Bridge of Weir
Arrol William (spinner) Butt's mill,
Barr Robert, Gryffe Grove mill.
Bridge of Weir
Findlay Joseph and John, Old and
New mills, Bridge of Weir
Freeland John & Co. Gryffe mill,
Bridge of Weir
Shanks William, jun. Gryffe Thros-
tle mill, Bridge of Weir
Stevenson William &Sons,Crosslee
Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealeri.
Adam John, Houstoun
Alexander William, Bridge of Weir
*Arrol Thomas, Houstoun
Blair William, Bridge of Weir
•Calder John, Crosslee
Cameron Dougald, Bridge of Weir
*Fraser William, Houstoun
KingAmelia, Bridge of Weir
Lang John, Crosslee
Lang John, Bridge of Weir
Lyle Colquhoun, Bridge of Weir
Munro Robert, Houstoun
Paton Andrew, Houstoun
Smith Willinm, Houstoun
Steward David, Bridge of Weir
Ure William, Houstoun
Wallace Jane, Crosslee
Whyte James, Bridge of Weir
Barr Alexander, Bridge of Weir
Findlay Wlllinm, Bridge of Weir
Holmes, William, Bridge of Weir
Lang Joseph, Bridge of Weir
Millar James, Crosslee
Rodgers James, Crosslee
Stewart David (Wheat Sheaf J Bridge
of Weir
Taylor Gilbeit, Erskine ferry
Todd Alexander (Black Bull) Bridge
of Weir
King Walter and John, Houstoun
Holmes William, Bridge of Weir
Lang Joseph, Bridge of Weir
Leitch James, Houstoun
Orr William, Houstoun
Thomson William, Bridge of Weir
Whyte Thomas, Houstoun
Crawford Henry, Bridge of Weir
Smellie Thomas, Houstoun
Barr James, Bridge of Weir
Devenny James, Bridge of Weir
Speirs Wm. & Co. Bridge of Weir
Aitken James, Bridge of Weir
Houstoun Robert, Houstoun
Pettigrew James, Houstoun
Pettigrew James, Bridge of Weir
Whyte James, Bridge of Weir
Whyte Robert, Houstoun
Carlile William, bleacher, Houstoun tield
Lang Wm. straw hat mlir.Bridge of Weir
M'Dougal Daniel, druggist, Houstoun
Smellie Mary, draper, Houstoun
Spiers Peter, currier, Bridge of Weir
To PAISLEY, Alexander Murray, from
Bringe of Weir, every Thursday — and
William Steel, from Houstoun, every
Thursday and Saturday.
lis a village in the parish of its name, six miles s.w.
of Greenock ; situate on the Kipp water, which inter-
sects the district from east to west, and falls into the
Clyde. The village is sometimes called ' Auld-Kirk,*
and it anciently was termed Inverkip — the latter ap-
pellation being derived from its being seated at the
mouth of the Kipp water. The Daff, and some other
rivulets, likewise irrigate the district ; in their courses
they are broken into small cascades, which produce a
pleasing effect ; and the meadows through which they
pass are finely embanked. Tlie inhabitants of the vil-
lage are chiefly fishermen, but it obtains some advan-
tage from being the resort of persons for sea-bathing.
Ardgowan House, the seat of the late Sir Michael Shaw
Stewart, Bart., is pleasHntly situated on a kind of pe-
ninsula, alitile north of the village; it is a fine modern
building, surrounded with beautiful and romantic plea-
sure-grounds. Besides the parish church, which is a
neat and handsome edifice, surmounted by a spire
with a clock, there is another place of worship— a
small dissenting chapel, holding connexion with the
congregational union of Scotland.
POST OFFICE, James Fyfe, Post Master.— LeUers from Greenock arrive every morning at eight,
and are despatched every evening at six.
Ford Benjamin, wright
Fyfe James, grocer
Jamieson John, vintner
Johnston William, smith
Main George, vinmer
Paul William, shoe maker
Rodger John, wright
Skeoch Robert, schoohnaster
Amos Walter
Brown Rev. Thomas
Lowe Rev. Thomas [gowan
Stewart Lady Dowager Shaw, Ard-
Buchanau Andrew, baker [school
Clyde Thomas, master of parochial
Smith Hugh, grocer
Tyre James, shoemaker
To GREENOCK, Robert Heath, daily.
and PORT GLASGOW,are contiBually
Blvhijf us and down the Clyde.

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