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PiffOt $C ®0/3Sf
mart for respectable sales ; it was built on tlie site of
the old Parliaiuent-house, in the year 1818, and is
the property of the Royal Arch Lodge of Freemasons.
An elegant little Theatre stands in Athol-street; the
interior is fitted up with taste and neatness, in a
atyleqa'ite unique. On the Inches many oftlie citizens
eiijoy, and ardently engage in, the athletic sports and
exercises, especially ciicket, football, and the national
game of golf: the Royal Perth Golfing Sotiety has at
present his Majesty the King as patron, his Grace the
Duke of Buccleugh as captain, and includes in its roll
of members a great many of the nobility and gentry ;
the hall or parlour of the society is at 21, Charlotte-
street. The Barracks, erected in 1795, at the west end
of Athol-street, form a handsome building, originally
intended to accommodate two hundred cavalry, but
lately converted to the use of infantry ; they will con-
tain a full reKiment.
The weekly market-day is Friday : the fairs, since
the year 1822, have been altered by the magistrates and
town-council, on account of the general inconvenience
resulting from (he days formerly appointed falling on
the same days, or at the same time, with the fairs
of Falkirk and other places ; therefore they are now
held on the first Fridays of March, April, July, Sep-
tember and October, and the second Friday of De-
cember : a cattle market is likewise held, on the South
Inch, on every Friday from the third occurrence of
that day in December to the middle of June; and a
horse market takes place on the first Friday in May.
The population of the city, according to the census
of 1831, was 20,016; but to this it would be proper to
add the amount of the denizens of Bridge End su-
burb, which, beinx in the parish of Kinnoul, was not
included in the returns for that year: this addition
would make the population of Perth upwards of 23,000.
POST OFFICE, 80, George-street, Charles Graham Sidey, Post Master.— The London, Edin-
burgh, West of England and Irish mails arrive every evening at nine, and are despatched every morning
at one.— The Aberdeen mail arrives eveiy morning at ten minutes before one, and is despatched every
evening atntne —The Inverness mail arrives every night at eleven, and is despatched every evening at nine.
—Letters from Cupar Angus arrive every evening at seven, and are despatched every morning at one.
Office hours.— The letter box closes for the North and East bags every evening at half-past eight, and for
all other parts at eleven.
Akins Mrs. Bridge end [bank
Anderson Adam, esq. St. Leonard's
Arnott John, esq. Craigie park
Arnott Peter, esq. 26 Marshall place
Arnott William, esq. 26 Marshall pi
Ballingall Mrs. 11 Rose terrace
Balmaiii Lieut.-Col. 10 Matshall pi
Balmain Miss, 11 Marshall place
Beatie William, esq. Kinnoul
Beatson David, esq. 3 Rose terrace
Beatson Thomas, esq. 3 Rose terrace
Bell John, Methven st
Bisset Miss, 24 Marshall place
Bow Rev. James, Canal st
Butter Mrs. Grace, 17 Rose terrace
Butter Miss Jane, 15 Rose terrace
Butters Miss, 7 Crescent
Caw Mrs. — , Watergate
Chalmers Mrs. 16 Rose terrace
Cleland Mrs. Jessie, 4 Rose terrace
Cleland Mrs. John, Barrosa place
Constable Mrs. Barrosa place
Cook Mrs. — , King st [race
CornfuteMrs. Andrew,10Rose ter-
DavidsoD Mrs. 16 Rose terrace
Dawson William, esq. Tay side
Dick Mrs. Colonel, Balhousie
Dick Capt. John A. 9 Rose terrace
Douglas Mrs. Margaret, Comly bank
Drummond Mrs. Marshall place
Eckford Mrs. Charlotte place
Esdaile Rev. James, 4 Rose terrace
Faichney MissAgnes,14 Rose terrace
FaichneyMrs. (of Ardargie),4Rose
terrace [bank
Farquhar General, h.e. i.e. s. Early
Ferguson Rev. John, Canal st
Findlay Rev. John, Craigie bank
Fisher Mr. Alexander, Cherry bank
Fisher Miss Charlotte, Barrosa pi
Fisher James, esq. Bridge end
Fisken Mr. John, King st
Forsyth Rev. Robert, Craig end
Frew Rev. Forrest, Methven st
Geddes Captain Alex. Dove cotland
Gilmore Colonel Albert, Depot
Gray Rev. Andrew, King st
Gray Rt. Hon. Lord, Kenfaun's castle
Gray Mrs. Robert, Marshall place
Halket Miss, 13 Rose terrace
Hepburn Mrs. Willow bank
Hunter the Misses, Kingst
Husband Mrs. Margaret, 3 Athol pi
lmrieStewart,esq.St- Leonard's bank
Junor Mrs. Willow bank
KilROur Mrs. Eliz. 11 Charlotte st
Kinnoul Right Hon. the Earl of,
Dupplin castle
Livingstone Miss Jane, Barrosa pi
Lumsdain Mrs. 6 Athol pi fend
M'Diarmid Capt. John, near Bridge
M' Donald Mrs. Barrosa place
M'Farlane Mrs. Mary, Marshall pi
M'Gregor Lieut. John, Bridge end
Mackay Rev. James, INlelville st
M'Kenzie Mrs. Kingst
M' Lauren Miss, Princes st
M'NabMrs. Kincaraihie
M'Vicar Mrs. D. 25 Marshall place
Mansfield the Right Hon. the Earl
of, Scone palace
Marshall Mrs. Barrosa place
Mathew Mrs. V. Marshall place
Mathews Robert, esq. of Elm bank
Menzies Mrs. Barrosa place
Miller Lieut. Alexander, George st
Miller Captain, Marshall place
MoncrieffCapt.Matthew,of Barnhill-
MoncriefFe Lady, Moncrieffe house
Morison David, esq. 8 Rose terrace
Morison Francis, esq. King's place
Morrison Mrs.William, King's place
Newlands Rev. John, Ciaigie
Ogilvie Mis. Boatland house
PringleAdaniiesq.St.Leonai d's bank
PiingleRev. Dr. Alexander.Highst
Rae Miss, King's place
Ramsay Mrs. James, Crofl
Rankin Mrs. Tay bank
Richardson Sir John (of Pitfour),
Pitfour castle
Robertson Mrs. 18 Marshall place
Ross Capt. James, 5 Rose terrace
Ross Miss, Millst
Ruthven Honourable Miss,Tay side
Sandeman Glass, esq. of Springland
Sangster Robert, esq. Tay side
Seaton George, esq. of Potter hill
Seton George, esq. Green bank
Skeete Rev. H.A. Spey Garden house
Smith M r. Alexander, Barrosa place
Smyton Mrs. Tay bank
Stewart Captain D. Methven st
Stewart Mrs. Dr. 2 Athol place
Stewart Miss Elizabeth, 4 Crescent
Stewart Captain John, Bridge end
Stewart Malcolm,esq. of Athol bank
Stewart the Misses, 5 Crescent
Stewart Mrs. (of Crossmount), 7
Stewart Patrick^ esq. Summer bank
Stirling Miss, Bertha cottage
Stuart Robert, esq. (of Annat),
Athol place
Taylor Jklrs. Stormonl 3l
Thomson Rev.Dr. Wm.A. 6 Crescen*
Todd Major Jatnes, Castle bank
TouchRev.Jno.Edw- Kinnoulmause
Turnbull Mrs. King st
Young Rev. David, Barrosa place
Young Mrs. John, 8 Crescent
[See also Teachers.)
Academy, Rose terrace: — Adam
Anderson, esq. L. L. d., f. r. s. e.
rector [sistant
Thomas Brace, mathematical as-
Wm. Brovftx, drawing 8f painting
John Smith, M. A. writing arid
accounts [languages
P. D'Aymar, French and modern
Fogo Daniel, 14 Rose terrace
Fogo Mrs. and Miss (boarding and
day), 14 Rose terrace
Grammar School, Rose terrace:—
Alexander Logan, a. m. rector
John H. Hyudmarsh and William
Hamilton, assistants
Greig Alexander, Storraont st
Hutton George, Melville st
Infants' ScHooL,KiDgst — Isabella
and Ann M'Pherson, teachers
M'Lagan Misses (boardiiigand day)
Blackfriars street
Magistrate's Free School, Hos-
pital st — Duncan Dnff, master
Mitchell Hugh, Methven st
National School, New row^
Peter Crichion, master
National School, Watergate-
Peter Howe, master
Parochial School, Bridge end,
Kinnoul — John Forbes, master
Perth Female School Mrs.
Harris, mistress
Rintoiil David, Ciaig end
Scott Robert, Stormontst
Stewari William ( English & geogra-
phical), Athol st
Stewart's Free School, Mill st
—John M'Nab, master
Buist Robert (& session clerk) 14
Charlotte street
Morison James, 14 Charlotte st
Johnston John, Mill st
Lowe John (to T. Van Egmont &
Sons, Rotterdam,& Frederick Von
Spreckehen, Hamburgh) Kirkside
Matthew and Garie, Canal st
Steivartsand Murray, Watergate
Turubull David (general)3 Canal st

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