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Alphabetical List of the Inhabitants.
Borrows Jeremiah, baker, 169 Gallowgate i Brodie and M'Leod, clothiers, 65 Bucha- Brown John, cabinet maker, 22 Jackson st
nan street [nanst Brown John, millwright, Union place
Bro(lieArchibald,carver&giIder,60 Bucha- , Brown John, painter, 19 Norfolk st
Brodie Rev. Robert, 10 Monteitli row i Brown John, shoe maker. 36 Dale st
Brodie William & Co. merchants, 17 Royal Brown John, tavern, 65 High st
Exchange square | Brown John, bolt, &c. maker, Piccadilly
Brogan Hughj shoe maker, 29 Market st | Brown John, spirit dealer, 40 Gallowgate
Brooke Josiah, boot maker, 43 George sq Brown John,cahinet mkr.6St. Andrew's sq
Brookman Geo. type founder, Dobie's loan I Brown John, Ballochnie Colliery office,
Brooks William, Swedish consul, 68 St. 1 North Albion court fl'rongate
Vincent street [Vincentst Brown J ohn,boot&shoemaker,5 Nelson st,
Brooks William & J omes,merchants, 68 St Brown John, spirit dealer, 7 Kirk st
Broom Alexdr. nilk mercer, 146 Trongate 1 Brown John, coal merchant, Port Dundiis
Broom Alexander, builder, 65 Bath st Brown John C. portrait painter, 2)2 Main
Broom James & Co. worsted and shawl street, Gorbals [st
warehouse. West Ingram court Brown Joseph & James,dyers, 137Drygate
Broom Miss, lodgings, Pratt's court BrownlVI.&J.nurserymen,&c.l7ITrongate
BowmanEliz.ladies'shoemkr.l60TrongtP ] Broom William, builder, 47 Oswald street Brown Margaret, victualler, 9 Melville st
Bowman Helen,stay maker ,23EastClydest | Broom \Vm. shoe maker,37 New Bridge st j Brown Mary, baker, 88 High st
BowmanJas.managerofgasworkSjKirkst ; Brough Ann, lodgings, 60 Gordon st
Bowman Mary,meal dealer, 66 Princes st I Brown Agnes, lodgings, 260 W. George st
Bowman Mary, furniture broker, 104 I Brown Agnes, furnisher, 6 Eglinton st
King st, Calton [frew lane i Brown Agnes, spirit dealer, 4St.Ninian st
Bowman Robert, bellhanger, &c. 3 Ren- Brown Rev. Alex, teacher, 4 Havannah st
" Brown Alexander, ironmonger, smith and
brass founder, 114 Argyle street
Brown Alexander, agent of Paisley Bank,
58 Virginia street
Brown A lexander, watchmaker, 28 Arcade
Brown Alexander,flesher,31 New Bridge st
Brown Alexander, tinsmith, Camlachie
Brown Alexander & Co. cotton spinners
and manufacturers, 86 Buchanan st
Boston Thos. seal engraver, 190 Trongate
Bosworth Jno.barrack sergt.PortEglinton
Boulhran Mrs. Alexander,32Turner's court
Bow A. & T. masons and builders, West
street, Tradeston
Bow Peter, draper & hosier, 13 Trongate
Bow William, currier, 66 High st
Bowden Menaies James, bank teller, 122
Wellington st
Bowden Mrs. Robert, 122 Wellington st
BowesEupbemia,flesher,l6 Mutton markt
Bowie Dav. brush maker, 161 Buchanan st
Bowie James, coal agent, 3 Stobcross st
Bowie Jas. & Co. merchants,! 16 Ingram st
Bowie William, tailor, 12 Mitchell st
Bowman Andre w,pawnbroker,44Trongate
Bowman Thomas, smith, 195 High st
Boyd Charles, soap & candle manufctr. 72
Clyde st, Anderston [gram st
Boyd David, wholesale stationer, 119 In-
Boyd James, baker, 191 Argyle st
Boyd Jas. umbrella maker,394 Gallowgate
Boyd James, ship master, 47 Oswald st
Boyd James, yarn merchant, 29 Ingram st
Boyd James, spirit dealer, 42 Miller's place
Boyd John, spirit dealer, 32 Norfolk st
Boyd Jno. victualIer,25Clyde st,Anderston
Boyd John, architect, 311 Argyle st
Boyd John, hair dresser, 64 Stockwell st
Boyd, M'Nab & Co. calico printers, 145
Ingram st
Boyd Miss Margaret, 92 West Regent st
Boyd Miss Mary, 8 Holland place
Bojd Mary, dyer, 67 Great Hamilton st
Brown Mary, flesber, 21 King st
Brown Miss, 23 St. Enoch's square
Brown Mrs. 67 Oswald st [Gorbals
Brown Mrs. straw hat maker, 45 Main st,
Brown Neven,spirit dealer, 105 Saltmarket
Brown, Paterson and Co. manulacturers
of scrap iron. 9 Fox street
Brown Peter,spiritdealer,13Macalpine it
Brown Mrs. Peter, flesher, 24 Mutton
market, King st [67 Virginia st
Brown Peter&t^o commission merchants,
Brown Robert, baker, 52 High st
Brown Samuel, furniture broker, 18 Well st
Brown Rev. Dr. Thomas, 93 Montrose st
Brown & Cuthbertson, upholsterers, 42 Brown Thomas, agent for Argus Assu-
Oxford street
Brown & Downes, grocers, 79 Gallowgate
Brown & Purdie, gingham manufacturers,
96 Virginia place
Brown Andrew, joiner, 28 Cochrane st
Brown Andrew,spiritdealer,103Ingram st
Brown Mrs. Archibald, coffee house, 100
Nelson st, Trongate [st, Trongate
Boyd Mattw.victuallr,4IJohn st, Ingram st j Brown Archibald, M. D. surgion, 43 King
Boyd Miss, straw hat maker, 47 Norfolk st
Boyd William, academy, 68 Glassford st
Boyd Wm. cabinet maker, 14 Buchanan st
BoyJe James, spirit dealer, I Commerce st
Boyle Jas. & Co. calenderers, 36 Ingram st
Boyle John, dairyman, 46 Crown st
Boyle John, cow keeper. 106 High st
Boyle John, grocer, 42 Crown st
Boyle John, livery stables, 105 High st
Boyle Peter, spirit dealer, 82 New wynd
Boyle Peter & Co. spinners, 122 Ingram st
Boyles James, spirit dealer, 15 Clyde place
Brabender George, eurrier, High st
Bradley Jas. clothes dealer,7 Bridgeeate st
Bradley Mrs. 35 North Frederick st
Braid Alexander, hair cutter, 5 Kirk st
Braid Mary, spirit dealer, 46 Adelphi st
Brand &Mollison,dyets, 74 Queen st [st
Brand David, Infants' School, Chalmers
Brand J as. shawl manfr. 16 Brunswick lane
BrandMark, livery slables,62N. Hanover st
BrandRbt.&Co.silk manufctrs.SInsrum st
Brannan John, clothes dealer, 8 St. Mar-
garers place [Calton
Brannon Terence, victualler, 53 King st,
BrardAugustug prof.of French, 100 Hope st
Brash J ames&Co. booksellers,SO Trongate
Brash Mr. John, Crown st, Gorbals
BreakenridgeJ ohn.spirit dir. 68Canning st
BreakenridgeWm- painter, 32 Stockwell st
Brechin James, hosier, 323 Argyle st
Bremner Duncan, baker, 324 Gallowgate
Breinner Geo. spirit dealer, 11 Adelpbi st
Bremner Mrs. milliner, 22 Portugal st
Bremner Wm. wrighl, 48 Blackfriars st
Biewster James, hosier and glover, 56
Argyle street fsl, Gorbals
Briceland Michael, china dealer, 92 Main
Bridge Robt. fruiterer, 205 George .«t [st
Brierly Eliza,teacherof music,59 Renfrew
Briggs Miss Sarah, 27 Biythswood square
Bristow Louisa Maria, teacher of music,
82 West Nile st
British Linen Co. bankers, 71 Queen st,
David Goodsir, agent
Bro.idfoot Mrs. spirit dealer,32 Shuttle si
Brock Jas.&Hy. accounlants,38Wilson st
Brock John, confectioner, 266 High st [st
Brock.! no.&Jas.tobacconists,78Briclgegate
Brock Mrs, coffee house, 1 Antigua place
Brock Vt'illiam, grocer, 312 Argyle st
Brock William, victualler, 296 High st
Brockatt Andrew, wrieht. 24 York st
BrodfoDt Margaret, grocer, 23 Campbell st
Brown Archibald, baker, 1 16 Buchanan st
Brown Archibald & Co. silk gauze manu-
facturers, 102 Virginia place
Brown Bernard, block maker.lO Oswald st
Brown C. &Sons, sewed muslin manufac-
turers, 47 Cochrane st [High st
Brown Caddell, spirit dealer, 31 Kirk st.
Brown Rev. Charles, 296 St. Vincent st
Brown Charlotte, victualler, 16 Russell st
Brown, Cumberland & Co. export saddlers
and harness makers, 27 Union street
Brown Rev. Dr. Montrose st
Brown Daniel,brush manfr.l2Candleriggs
rante Company, 49 Virginia st
BrownThomas, victualler.397 Gallowgate
Brown Thomas, spirit dealer .2-13 George st
Brown Thomas, writer, 49 Virginia st
Brown William, clothier, 11 Buchanan st
Brown William, slater, 3d Centre st
Brown William, tavern keeper, 6 Turner's
court, Argyle st [court
Brown William, writer, 1 Royal Exchange
Brown William, surgeon, 317 Argyle st
Brown William, cowfeeder, Camlachie
Brown William & Co. oil and colourmen,
24 Stockwell st
Brown William& Son, manufacturers, 130
Brunswick st
Browning Andrew,baker, 187 Gallowgate
Browning James, saddler,33 Stockwell st
Browning Janet, victualler,! l6Gallowgte
Brownlees William, tavern keeper, 40
Candleriggs and 79 Bell street
Brownlie Agnes, grocer, 31 Eglinton st
Bro wnlie Andw.boot,&c.maker,6 Q ueen st
Brown Dl. ta»ei n, 4 Brown st,Broomielaw BrownlieArchd.wood mrchnt.Port Dundas
Brown David, flesher, 166 Gallowgate | Brownlie Jas. watch maker,22S(obcross!it
Brown David,furniturebrkr.24 Miller's pi Brownlie Jas. spiiitdealer,H2 Stevenson at
Brown David, boot and shoe maker, 45 ] Brownlie John, lappet wheel cutter. Inkle
Orr street [drew's square Factory lane
Brown Davi% shuttle maker, 38 St. An- ; Brownlie Jolin,viclualler, 64 Stevenson st
Brown Duncan, merchant, )2Nicholson st ' Brownlie Thomas, baker,48 New Bridge st
Brown Duncan, chymist, &c. 31 Kent st ' Bruce Alex, spirit dealer, (il Jamaica st
Brown Eliza, furnisher, 6 Eglinton st j Bruce Alexander, victualler, 26 Carrickst
"" Bruce Alexander, SAJp Taiiern, Mary hill
Brown Hugh, wright, 19 Warwick st
Brown Hugh,cabinet warehouse,93 Stock- !
well st
Brown Hugh & Co. sewed muslin manu-
facturers, 102 Virginia place
Brown J. music seller, 75 Wilson st
Brown Jas. m.d. surgeon. 73 St. Vincent st
Brown James, surgeon, 72 Stockwell st
Brown Mrs. James, music and musical in-
strument seller, 75 Wilson street
Brown James, professor of midwifery, St.
Vincent st [Virginia st
Brown James, commission merchant, 52
Brown Js.furniture brkr.79King st,Trongt
Browu James, flesher, 16 Main st, Gorbals
Brown James, cabinet maker,352 Argyle st
Brown Jas. spirit dealer, 55 New Bridge st
Brown Jas. spirit dealer, 179 Eglinton st
Brown James, tailor, 30 Bedford st
Brown James, grocer, 28 Renfrew st
Brown James, tea dealer, 13 Surrey st
Brown J ames, pastry cook,!07 Saltmarket
Brown Jas. spirit dealer,!2 St. Andrew's sq
Brown James, spirit dealsr, 9 Marshall st
Brown Jas. furniture brkr.40 Bridgegate st
Brown J s. jun. wood mercht.86 M itchell st
Brown Jane, milliner, 23 Adelphi st
Brown Jane, spirit dealer, 80 Broomielaw
Brown Janet, grocer, 392 Arjyle st
Brown Janet, milliner, 23 Maxwell st
Brown Mrs. John, Buccleugh st
Brown John, cotton broker,Moodie's court
Brown Mrs. John, jeweller, &c. 53 Arcade
Brown John,boot,&c.maker,34 Saltmarket
Bruce & Anderson, lithotiraphic printers,
35 Miller street ' [Calton
Bruce Andrew, victualler, 27 Clyde street,
Bruce Andw.victualler,26 Marlborough si
Bruce James, commission merchant, and
shipping & general agent, 65 Oswald st
Bruce Jane, lodgings, 239 Bdtannia st
Bruce Peter, paper and rag merchant, 6
Shuttle street
Bruce Robert, flesher, 27 Adelphi st
Bruce Robt. groeer,2 Bath st [Gorbals
BrufTJames, brush maker, 64 Main street,
Brunton Chas. mason, Clyde st. Anderston
Brunton Jas. confectioner, 80 Stevenson st
Bryce Agnes, lodgings, 49 Renfield st
Bryce Mrs. Alexander, 75 Bath st
Bryce Alexander, wine & spirit merchant,
42 St. Andrew street
Bryce David, bookseller, 84 Buchanan st
Bryce Elizabeth, victualler, 9 Wallace st
Bryce Isabella, embroiderer, 278 Argyle st
Bryce Mr. John, 47 Oswald st [st
Bryce John, hardware dealer, Cowcaddens
Bryce John, grocer, 179 Buchanan st
Bryce John, architect, 189 Buchanan st
Bryce John, grocer, 833 High st
Bryce Peter, victualler, 2 New st [st
Bryce Robert, cabinetmaker, 189 Argyle
Bryce Thoiiias, grocer, 68| Eglinton st
Bryce William, plasterer, 72 Norfolk st
Bryce Wm. victualler, 32 King st Calton
Bi-yce Wm. victualler, Port Dundas road
Brydon Jliss Margaret, 101 Douglas st

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