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gi ppeutni t
NL'TFiliLD, Surry Ui ..W & Sx moru.
KiuEi's Head, Borough ; & Tu & i' 8,
Ciitharine VVIieel, Boro
Nt'TKORST, Sussex 37.. .Daily aft 3,
Oeoigr & (iate, Gracecburch st
>UTLEY, Sussex 36... W & Sa2, Ca-
tlinriiie Wheel, Koro
Ky!VJP>FIELU, Gloucester 104. ...Van,
TTh & Sa 11,33 WhitecrossKt. Crip-
p!ejate; and Wnggov, 12 & 7, daily,
White Cross street, Cripplegate ; Old
WhiteHorse Cellar, and While Bear,
riscadillv, & tieen Man & Still, Ox-
ford st
OAKHAM, Rutland 9.5. .^on, daily, and
Waiigon, White Horse Horse, Cripple-
^ate ; & M W ^a 12, Three Cups, Al-
derssate st
OAKH1LF....M & Th morn 10, King's
Arms, ^Sno\vhill
OAK1NGHAM...F morn Swan, Ho'.born
bridge; «c TU noon New inn, Old
OAKINGTON, Ciimbridt;e 52. ..Th. Ca-
tharine Wheel, l>ishopsi;at(- st
OAKLEY, Bncks 48. ...Th aft 5, Oxford
Arms, Warwick lone; &Tu &F alt 2,
THlbot. B.n-o
Oakley, Csex 61..TuTh & S,-i.Kin?'.s
Arms, Leadenhall si. .mil lilnc Bo.ir,
OATLANDS, Pnri-v If ..Tu & Ha morn 8
Swan, tiolboru bridge, andOld White
Horse Cellar, Piccadilly
OCCOLI), SulTolk 85!-Dailv Bull, Lead-
cnUiill .st ; and Tu TU & Sasfta, Blue
Boar, A Ideate
OCKtCNDON, Essex 20..TuTh & Sa 11
If^wnn, Whilechitpel
OCKHAm, Surry 24... .M av.d F Spur,
OCLEWOOD.Diiilv.BluePo.ils, Holhorn
OCKLEY, Surrv SO.'.Vkb, W & !^a inoni,
Talbot, iJoro ; & WaygonTu. Newinn
Dover road, &5(> W.itlin»-st; di.ilvT.il
bot, Boro ; Tu aft 3, White Hart, Bo-
& P 11, Catharine Wheel. Roro
ODIHAM, Hants 12.. M& F noon Roup,
& An^'el, Fleet market ; and Tu J<c K
morn 10 Kind's Arms, '.MiowhiU
ODSKY..W & F 1. Vine, irishopsgt .st
OD3TONE..TU & F Sft 4, OxfovdArrns,
Warwick lane
OFFHAM, Sussex 47. .W & S aft. White
Hart, & Talbot, Boro; 8c F iift4, [Jpur,
OKEHtMPTON, Devon 19.i.Van,clnily
4 aft. Bell, Frid.iy st ; and H'aajoK,
moru8,Beil, Friday st ; Castle .Sc Fal-
t'on, Aldcrsgate st^Swan, Holboin
brid;ie ; and'New Whits Horse Cellar,
&Blaci> Beiir, Piccadilly
OJ.D bUCKEN'HAM, >'orfolk 9")..\o)7,
daily .Swan with T\v» Neclcs, Lad la ;
& Waggon, M W&Sa 12,i5ull, Bishops-
gat i; st'
OLD FORD. .Daily Flower Pot, Bishops-
^'ate ft ; Black Boy & Camel, Le.iden-
'hall Rt ; Magpie & Stump. Newgate
st ; Fortune of War, & White Hart,
Giltspurst ; King's Arms, Bishopsgate
st; Cross Kejs, & No,U,Gracechureb
xt ; Sc Blue Posts, Holhorn
OLD HALL GREEN. .W & Sa Catha-
rine Wheel, Bishop.sifate st
OLDHAM, Lancashire 193.. Daily 13,A1-
dersg.itt' St. St Axe, Aldcrmanhurv
OLLERrON, li^n hgham 137. .M W &
Sa Cpstle & Falcon, Aldeisgate st
OLNEY, Bucks .5(5.. W & Sanoon Wind-
mill, St. Jo'in 9t
0N<5.VR, E»sex21.. Daily, IpswirbArms
CullUDi st ; Tu &Kmora 9,ThreeiVuns
Aldgate ; & W & Sa II, Blue Bftar,
OPTO,^. Tu Th & Sa aft 2, Blue Coar.
ORE, Sussex 62.. .W & Sa White Hart,
ORFORb, Suffolk 90.. Daily Bull, Lead-
enhall sU & Insuich Anns, Cullum.st ;
Tu Th & Sa 12, Saracen's Head, AIS-
gate ; & M & Th noon, Three Cups,
AWersgatP st
ORVSKIRK, Lancashire209..DHilyAxe,
ORPINGTON, Kent 15.. .Daily, Ship,
Charing ctos.s; M W & F. Nag's Head,
Boro : Flower Put, Bishapfiaate it ;
.Msij-pie & Stump, Newgate it ; King?
& Kev, Fleet st ; White Hart, Strand ;
& Cock, Hnvmarket
ORsEL.M & F 10, Blue Boar, Aldgate ;
& Wev. RiiB, SniJthfield
ORTON, Westmorland 276.. Daily aft 4.
Bull & Mouth, & Axe, Aldermanhury
ORWELL, Cambridge 44. .W Cfilh.irine
Wheel, &One S«an, Bishopsgate st
OSDKN GREEN. .. Dai y. Blue Posts,
OSPRINGE, Kent 4Q...Van, daily aft i.
White Hiirt, Borough, and i!hip,Chrii-
in» cross
OSSETT, York 189.. Daily aft 4, Bull &
03WKSTRY, Salop 179.. Van, daily Cas-
lle & F.ilcon, .'Mdersgate st ; & Way-
gon, dailv Castle & Falcon Aldersjate
st; Be 1, Wood st ; Green Man & Still,
Oxford st,& 13 .ildersgate st ; & .VI W
&Sa. Bell, Warwick liae
OTFOR!), Kent 22'.:.Th White Hart,
OTLKY, York 190.. Daily, aft 4, Bull fc
Moirh,& Axe, Aldermanhury
O rTER-;HAW..Ta & F morn9, Oxford
Arms, W^rwicli lau"
diily, 4 aft. & W ajjo;i, S morn. Bell,
Friday st ; M W &'K. Sw.tn, Holhorn
bridge ; & White HorseCellar, & Black
Bear, Piccadilly
OUi^DLE, Norrhampton 81. Sa. n ob
fled Lion, Alders ate-st; W & Sa at
10 Ram, Sraithfield; M. W. & Sa. 12,
Four Swans, Bishopsgate-st.
OUTWELL, Cambiidge93...W & Sa 1,
Vine & Four Swans, Bishoijsgate st.
OVKNDON, York 197. .Daily aft 4, Bull
& Mouth.
OVER, Cambridge 55.. .Th Catharine
Wheel, Bishopsg.ite-.st'.
OVERN0RTON...TU mora 10, Swan
Holborn bridje.
OVERSDEVr...Tu. 11*. & Sa. Catharine
Wheel, Hi.«hop^vate-st ; Sa One Swan,
OVERS rRAMD....M. W. & Sa. 12, Bull,
OVKRTON, Hant.'i 43..Van daily 4 afin,
& Waggon 8 morn. Bell, Friday st; W
morn y. New Inn, Old Bailey ; Tu. &
E noon Angel, F eet niaiket; W & F
moin 8, White Horse, Friday-st ; k W
& F 12 Swan, Holborn oridgo.
OVINGTON, Hants 58.. .Tu & Sa aft 4,
O xford Anns, VS'arwick lane.
OVl'^G<rON...Tu & Sa aft 3, Blue Boar,
OX BOROUOH,Norfolk39..Van daily aft
4, Swiin with Two Necks, Lad lane ;
Waggon l\i noon. No. 26 Sun-st, Bi-
shopsg^ate ; M W & Sa noon, Blue Boar
Aldgate; W (t Sa aft 2, Fonr Swans,
OXF01tD,Oxon 64..Van daily 10,King'3
Head, Old Change ;&Tu. Th and Sat.
.5 aftn. Blossoms Inn, Lawrence lane;
17, Old Change; and daily 5 aft, Whitfe
Horse, Cripplegate ; & Waggon daily 4
aft. Blossoms Inn, Lawrence lane; M.
Th & Sa 4, Bell, Warwick lane ; MoH
W & Fii3.3, V/hite Cross st. Cripple-
gate; noon, 17, Old Change ; W J<c Sa
oft 2, Oxford Arms, Warwick lane, &
Brown's Warehouse 248, Oxford st;M
Th & Sa noon, ThreeCups, Aldersgate
st ; Moore's Green ftlan & Still, Oxford
st, & White HorseCellar, Piccadilly;
To morn 10 Swan, Holborn bridge, &
Brown's Warehouse 248, Oxford st ;
Mon. Th. & Sat. Bell, Wood street;
daily King's Hcnd, Old Cbanfce, Grif-
fin's Grcan Man& Still, Oxford street;
W aft. Three Cops, Alder.sgate st ;Tu
& F morn 11, Gerrard's Hall, Basing-
lane ; M W & F. 5, New Inn, Old Bai-
ley ; & 13, A'd Tsgate-st ; daily Spread
Kaiile, Piccadilly ; Ship, CharingCr»ss;
& Boar & Castle, Oxford street ; \V
nooK, Nag's Head, Coyent pirden, &
Black & White Bears, Piccadilly ; &
W & Sa morn 10, King's Arms,Snowh
OXTED, Surry 30.. Tu & F 10, Cathe-
rine Wheel, Borough.
PADBURY, Buciiii61...M. & F. noon,
George, Snowhill, & Brown's Wareb,
218, Oxford St.
Bt!l yd, George & Gate, Pewter PUt-
Icr, No. 11, & CrossKeys, Giaccch st;
Flower Pot, & King's Arms. Bishops-
gate-st; Cock, Snowhill; blue Po»t8,
Holborn : -potted Dog, Strand ; King's
& Key, Fleet st; Catharine Wheel, Bo-
ron^^b ; Black Boy & Camel, Ltaden-
hall. st; Magpie &Stump,Newgate-st ;
.?£Brown'.? Waiebouse, 2j8, Oiford st ;
Rose & George, Old Bailey, Fortune
of War, & White Hart, Gilt.<tpur street ; '
& Swan, .Skinner st.
PADSTOW, Cornwall 343.. Van, daily 4
aft, and Waggon daily, 8 morn, Bell,
Friday st.
PAUAN HILL, Gloucester,. Van, Tu Th
& Sa U, 33, White Cross si. Cripple- '
gate ; & Waggon, 12 & 7 daily, 33White
Cross-st, Ciipple-jfe ;White Bear and ^
Old White Horse Cellar, Piccadilly &
Green Man Kc Still, Oxford st.
PAINSWICK, G oucester 100.. Fan, Tu
Th & Sa 11, 35, V\ bite Cross st, Crip-
plegate ; & Waggon, 12 & 7, 33, White
Cross-street, (Iripple^ate ; & King's '
Head, Old Chai.ge ; M W & Sa, Ger-
rard's Hall, Basing lane; & Griflin's
Green Man & SlillJOxford st ; M &Th
noon. Three Cups, Aldersgate st ; daily
White Bear, & Old White Horse Cel-
lar, Piccadilly, Green Miin & Still, &
Bomr & Castle, Oxford St.
PAISLEY, Scotland 422.. W & Sa morn.
Bell, Warwick lane; daily aft 4, Bull
& Mouth.
PAKEFIELD, Suffolk U2..SaRft 4, Sa-
racen's Head, Snowhill, &ThreeNun3,
.Aldgate; Tu Th »nd Sa 12, Saracen's
Head, Aldgate; daily Ipswich Arms,
Ciillum street.
PAKENHAM, Suffolk 93 ..Tb and Sat 3,
Blue Boar, Aldsrate; Tu Th & ."a, Ca-
tharine Wheel. Bishopsgatest ; Wj& Sa,
Bull. & Sa One Swan, Bishopsgate st.
PALGRaVE, Suffolk 92.. Sa aft 4, Sar,-.-
cen's Head Snovihill,& Three NunSj
Aldgate ; Tu Th & Sa aft 2, BlueBoar,
PALMER'S GREEN, Middlesex 7.Daily
Flower Pot & King'sAims.Bishopsgtst.
PAlVIPHlSFOaD, Carabridgi; 49.. .Th 1,
Vine, Bishopsgate st.
& King's Arms, Bishopsgate st ; Black
Boy and Camel, Leadenhall st ; daily
Magpie & Stump, Newgate st; For-
tune of Wai-, & White Hart, Giltspur-
st; Cock, Snowhill ; George, Old Bai-
ley, Swan, Skinner.st; Pewter Platter,
CrossKeys, & INo. II, Gracechurch st;
& Blue Posts, Holborn.
PANGBOURN Berks 45... Th morn 10,
Swan, Holborn bridge, & Tu & Faftn,
4, Oxford Arras, Warwick lane, and
White Bear, Piccadilly.
PAPWOR TH, Cambridge 52.. Wand Sa,
Catharine Wheel, and One Swan, Bi-
PARKGATE, Cheshire 192. .Daily Bell,
Woodst, Green Man and SHill, Oxford
st ; & Ship, Charing Cross.
PARHAM, Tb Th & Sa aft 2,Blue Boar,
PARK STREET, M Th & Sa 12, Three
Cups, Aldera:ate St.
PAKNDON, iSssex22..Ta & Sal, Vine,
Bishopsgate st.
PARSON'S GREEN, Middlesex S.Daily
Magpie & Stump, Newgate st; Flower
Pot, Bishopsgate si ; Black Boy & Ca-
mel, Leadenhall st ; Goose & Gridiron,
& Crown, St. Paul's Church yd ; George
& Gate, Cross Keys.Pewtei Platter, &
No. 11, Gracechurch-st ; King's Arms,
Bishopsgatest; Silver Cross and Ship,
Charing Cross; King's & Key, Fleet st;
Red Lion, Sta-and ;Blue Posts, Holhorn ;
Fortune of War, iSi White Hart, Gilt-
spur st ; Cock, Snowhill ; George Old
Bailey; & Swan, Skinner st.
PASSINGFORD, daily Ipswich Arms,
Cu lorn St.
PATES WICK, Essex44. Tu &Sa Xing'
Arms, Leadenhall st
PATLEY BRIDGE, daily aftn 4,BaU &
PATRINGTOTf, York 192. Daily aft 4,
Bull & Mouth.
PAULETT'S ARMS..Fc»i, daily, 4 aft,
ic Wagnon, 8 morn, Bell, Friday sU
PAITL^* CftAY, Kent 13. ..M & T morn.

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