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Daily, Saracen's Head, Friday-street,
TuTh and Sat, Moore's andGrirm's,
Green Man and Still, Oxford-st
ABERGWILLY, Vfaggon, daily, 33
White-cross-st, Ciipplegate.
ABERYSTWITH, Cardigan 211... Fan,
Daily, aft 4, Swan, Great Carter -lane ;
Spread Eagle, and White and Black
Bears, Piccadilly... ^Ffl-ygrfi-ons daily, 13
Aldersgate-st; Wed. and Sat. noon.
Griffin's and Moore's, Green Man ami
Still ; and Brown's Warehouse, 248
XBERYSTWJTH .FajiTaes. Thurs and
Sat 11, and fraffgon 12 and 7 daily, 33
White-cross-st, Ciipplegate.
*BlN6DON,Berks56..M.Th. and Sat.
morn at 10, King's Head, Old Change ;
Green Man and Still, Oxford-st; aft
1 and 2, New Inn, Old Bailey; old
White Horse Cellar, and White and
Black Bears, Piccadilly.. Wed morn 11,
Oxford Anns, Warwick lane. .Wed &
fiat morn 10, King's Arms, Snowhill...
Mon Thurs and Sat noon, Three Cups,
Aldersgate-st. .Saturday noon, Rose,
ABINGDON, Cambridge 41. ,Th and Sat
1, Vine,Bishopsgate-street..Th. l,Blue
Boar, Aldgate
ABRIDGE, Essex 13.. .W & Sa 11, Blue
Boar, Aldgate.. Daily, Ipswich Arms,
Ciilliim street.
ACKWORTH, York 176.. Daily, aft 4,
Bull and Mouth.
ACLE..M. W. and Sa. 12, Boll Bishops
ACTON, MiddIesex5....M. and F. aft 5,
Tu W & Fand Sanoon, George, Snow
hill; Brown's Warehouse, 248, and
Griffin's and Moore's, Green Man and
Still, Oxford St. Daily, New Inn, and
George, Old Bailey ; Boar and Castle
Oxfprd-st; White k Black Bears, Pic
•adilly; Blue Posts, Tottenham court
rofcd & Holborn ; Spotted Dog, Strand
Goose and Gridiron, St Paul's Church-
yard; Kings & Keys, Fleet-st; Red
Lion, Strand; George and Gate, Grace
chnrch-st : Magpie and Stump, New
§ate-st; George and Crown, Broad-st
loomsbury ; Black Boy and Camel
Leodenhall-st j& Cock, Snowhill ;aft 5,
Atigel, Broad-st, Bloomsbury; Fortune
of War, and White Hart, Giltspur-st;
George, Old Bailey ; Swan,Skinner-st ;
Pewter Platter, Gracechurch-st;Cock.
Haymarket; Silver Cross, Charin^-
«ross ; King's Arms, Bishopsgate-st ;
Bell, Bell-yard; No. 11, and Cros;
Keys, Gracechnrch -street.
ACTON, SuflTolk 56..Th and Sa. aft 3,
Blue Boar, Aldgate,
ADDERBURY, Oxon72..M.W.F.andSa
Bell, Warwick-lane, and Griffin's and
. ™°or?'s. Green Man & Still,Oxford-st
ADDINGHAM, York 2J2..Daily, aft 4,
Bull aad Mouth.
ADDINGTON, Kent 26. Tu and F aft 2
, "Py. Boro.. Daily, 8hip,Charing-cros.9
ADDLESTON, Surry 22..TuandFmorn.
8, King's Head, Old Change ; White&
Black Bears, Piccadilly; and White
HorsBj Friday-st,,Tu and Sa. morn 8,
Swan, Holboru-bridge..Tu F and Sat
morn 9, Old White Horse Cellar, Pic-
ADVERSANE..W noon. Queen's Head,
« r2^?;;5*''y' ship, Charlng-cross.
^",^^^' S""y 29-^ffn, W. andSa,
Talbot, Boro, Tu and Sa. Spur, Boro,
Daily,4 Talbot, Boro.
ALCESTER, Warwick ia3..W. and Sa.
atlO, Ram,Smithfield, Moore's, Green
Man and Still, Oxford-st..M, W.andSa
Pf.". Wood-st; GrifBn's, Green Man&
O'.iII; and Brown's Warehouse, 248
Oxford- St.. Daily, 13 Aldersgate-st ;aud
..l."'*^ and Black Bears, Piccadilly.
ALfiBOURN, Wilts 7I..Tu Thand Sat
morn 10, Rose, Fleet -market.
ALDBOROUGH, Suffolk 91..Tu Th and
Sa- 12, Saracen's, Head, Aldgate. .M W
anu Sa 12, Bull, Bishopsgate-?t.. Daily,
fpswich Arms, Cullum-st.
*LDBOROUGH, York 209.. Daily, aft 4,
.Baijjind Mouth-. • '
AIjPkhleY, Gloucester 104... Fn;.,'
_iues .Tlmrs. .ind Sat. 11, IVagsnu,
daily, 12 and 7, 33 White-cross-street, AMPFIELD, Hants 69.. Tu and Sa aft
ALDERMINSTER, Worcester,. ..Daily.
13 Aldei'jgate-st, and Moore's. Green
Man and Still, Oxford-st.
ALDERNEY..TU and Sa aft 4, Oxford
Arms, Warwick-lane....Daily, Whitr
Horse, Friday St
ALDERNHAM,Hertsl2.. Sanoon, Angel,
Broad-st, Bloomsbury.
ALDERSHOT, Hants 32.. Sa aft 3,Spur
Boro..Tu and F noon, George, Snow
hill, and White Bear, and old White
Horse Cellar, Piccadilly.
ALDERTON. Sollolk 80.. Tu th and Sa
12, Saracen's Heait, Aldgate
ALDFORD, Chester 175.. Daily, aft 4
Bull and Mouth.
ALDHAM, Suffolk 64..TuTh and Sa, 2,
Blue Bnar, Aldgate.
ALDINGTON, Kent 60.. W ev. King's
Head, Boio,
ALDSTONE, Cumb. 304..Dai;y, aft 4
Bull and Mouth.
ALDWINKt^E, Northampton 7-5. ..M
W and Sa noon, One Swan, Bishops
ALFORD, Lincoln 140.. Fm, daily, aft.
2 King's Arms, Snow -hill. ..^^'a^/qtn'
Tuesday W Friday and Sa noon. Ram'
ALFRETON, Derby 14 2. F«n, daily,
Castle, Wood-st, & GrifTin's&iVIoore's
Green Man and Still, Oxford-st. irug
daily 12, White Horse. Cripplegate.
ALFRISTON, Sussev 53.. Fan daily, 3,
New Inn, Dover-road, & .56 Watlin»-st
ALFRISTON, F aft 4, Spur, Boro.. Wed
and Sa 6, Talbot, Boro. .daily, Ca-
therne Wheel, Boro
ALKERTON, Oxon 8O..F0,-), Tu Th .■!(
Sat 11, and Waggon daily, 12 and 7, 3£
Whitecross-st, Cripplegate.
ALLBYNS.. Daily, 2 aft, Ipswich Arms.
ALLOA. .daily, aft 4. Boll and Month.
ALLONBY, Comb. 30S..daily, Axe, AI-
ALL SAINTS. .Th and Sa aft 3, Blue
Boar, Aldgate
ALWONDBURY, York 187. .daily, aft
4, Bull and Mouth.
ALNWICK, Northumberland 308.. daily,
aft 4, Bull and Mouth.
ALPHEATON, Suffolk 62..Th and Sa
aft 3, Blue Boar, Aldgate.
ALPHINGTON, Devon l75..daily,BelI,
Friday-st; and Castle and Falcon, Al-
ders eate-slreet.
ALRESFORD, Hants 57... TuTh and Sa
morn 10, King's Head, Old Change ;
old White Hoise Cellar, White Bear,
Spread Eagle, and Black Bear, Picca-
dilly. .Tu& Friday noon Talbot, Boro,
and George, Snowhill. .Tu and Sa aft4,
Oxford Arms, Warwick-lane. .Saaf't 3,
Spur, Boro.
ALSTON MOOR, Cumberland 304.. daily,
aft 4, Bull and Mouth.
ALTHORNE, Essex 44..F ev 6, Blue
Boar, Aldgate.
ALTON, Hants 47..TU Th and Sa morn
10, King's Head, Old Change ; old
White Horse Cellar, WhiteBear,SprL-ad
Eagle, and Black Bear, Piccadilly. .Sa
aft 3, Spur, Boro...Ta and F morn
Angel, F'leet-markBt..Tu and Fnoon.
Talbot, Boro ; George, Snow-hill ; old
White Horse Cellar, and While Bear,
Piccadilly. .Tu and Sa aft 2, New Inn
Old Bailey.
ALTRINCHAM, Chester 185 ...F^n,
daily, Castleinn, Wood-street ;GriHin's
and Moore's, Green Man and IStill, and
Brown's Warehouse, 248 Oxford-st...
ff^aggon, 13 Aldersgate st, & Axe, Al
AMBLESIDE, Westmoreland 278... daily
aft 4, Bull and Mouth.
AMERSHAM, Bucks 26..daily 10,King'
Arms, Snow-hill. .Tu, Angel, Fleet-
market, and Brown's Warehouse, 248
Oxford-st.. M and F aft 5, George,
Snowhill.. Mon and Thurs noon, Swan,
Holborn-bridge..Tn and F morn 11,
Griffin's and Moore's, Green Man and
Still, Oxford-st.
AMESBURY,Wills 77.. daily, morn at II,
Kins's Arms, Snowbii; ; Anrel, Fleet-
market, & 12 White Uoise, Cripplegate
Oxford Arms, Warwiiek-lane.
AMPTHILL, Bedford 45... Tu & Fnoon,
Windmill, St. John's-6t..M and FCross
. ^f>^^' ^fWhite Hart, St. John's-st.
AMPTON, Suffolk 74. .Sa 1, Vine, Bi-
shopsgate-st.. W and S, Bull, Bishops-
AMWELL, Herts I9..Tu Th and Sa,
Catherine Wheel, Bishopsgate-st
ANCASTER, Lincoln 115..daily aft 4,
Bull and Mouth.
ANUOVER, Hants m..Van, daily, 4
aft, Bell, Friday-stri^et, and Swan,
Doctors Commons, and Waggon at 8
morn. Bell, Friday-st.
AN DOVER, RIonday and Friday noon,
Aogel, Fleet-market. .W and Fr 12,
White Swan, Holborn-bridge,.W and
F morn 8, White Horse, Friday-st .Tu
ev, Rose, Fleet -market.. W morn 8,
New Inn, Old Bailey.. daily, old White
Horse Cellar, and White and Black
Bears, Piccadilly.
ANNAN, Dumfries 323.. daily, aft 4, Bull
and Mouth.
ANSTEY, Herts 31. .W I, Vine, Bi-
ANSTON,(So-nd) York 148..daily, aft
4, Bull and Month.
ANSTRUTHER.. daily, aft 4, Bull and
Mouth. '
APPLEBY, Westmorland 270.. .daily
White Horse, Cripplegate; aft 4, Bu'l,
and Mouth ; and Axe, Aldermanbury
APPLEDORE, Kent 62. .W. and Sa. nft
Talbot, and M, Spur, Boro
ARDINGLEY, Sussex 39.. Fan, Tues.
& Fri. 4 New Inn, Dover-road, and
Waggon W aft 3, Catharine Wheel,
ARDINGTON, Berks 61. Tu and Fr aft
5, Oxford .\rms, Warwick-lane.
ARDLEY, Oxon 57..M. Thand Sa noon-
George, Snowhill .daily, IpswichArms
ARKSDEN, Essex 40..F12, One Swan
ARRINGTON, Carabridge44..Sa1,Vine,
Bishopsgate-st..W F and Sa.Cathatine
Wheel, and One Swan, Bishopsgate st
ARUNDEL Sussex 56.. /^nn. Mon, W
Fn morn, 35 Camomile-st, & Wagi^oti,
Tues, New Inn, Dover-road, Sc 5(>
Watlihg-street, We.l. and Frid. noon.
Spur, Boro..M and Th at l.andF3,
Queen's Head Born. M Tu Th and F,
King's Head, Boro.. Tu &F l2,f5eorge
Inn, Boro..Tu Ih and Sa noon, Talbot,
Boro..Tu and F morn 12, Catharine,
Wheel.Boro. . daily, Ship,Charing-cros.s
A.SCOTT, Oxon 75:..Th and Sat. Oxford
Arms, Bell, War«ick-!ane
ASH, Kent65..Tu Th & Sa, White Hartir
Boro ; Tu & F aft 2, & Sa aft 3, Spur,
. Borough
ASCOT, Waggon, Th & Sat, Bell, War-
ASH, Surrey 39 .Tu & F noon, George
Snowhill and Spur, Borough
ASH BORNE. Derby 139.. Wan, daily, .1
aft, Castle, Wood-stj&Grilbn's&Moore's
fireen Man & Sfill, & Brown's Waieh.
248 0.\ford-st, & Waggon, daily, 13 Al-
ASHBURNHAM, Sussex 60.. W. & Si
ev 5, Spur, and White Hart, Borough
ASH BURTON, Van, daily, 4 aft and
5 aft. Swan, Great Carter- lane, Waggon,
daily, 8 morn, Bell, Friday-st
ASHBURTON, Devon ly2 daily. Swan,
Holborn-bridge, and Castle & Falcon,
ASHBURY, Berks 66. .Tu and Fnoon,
Swan, Holborn-bridge
W & Sa noon. Bell, Wood-st
ASH DON, Essex 45..Tu Th &Sa,l,Vine,
Bishopsgate-st ; & Th & Sa noon. Blue
Boar, Aldgate
ASHEN. Essex 54..Th & Saaft3, Blue
Boar, Aldgate
ASHFIELD, W & Sa,Bull, Bishopsgate-st
ASHFORD, Kent 55.. Fan, daily, ev 6,
Cross Keys, Gracechurch-st. ScWaggon,
Tu & F. ], Nag's Head, &White Hart,
Boro; & White &B1U Bears, Piccadilly ;
W ev George Inn, & King's Head,

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