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PffOt $C €0.')5
( 448 )
Leo Joseph, 5 Bury-st, St Mary-axe
Le Saunier — , 5 Beer- la, Tower-st
Leslie Pat. 4 Crown-ct, Old Broad-sl
Lessen John, 2 Copthall-court
Levi Isaac and Solomon, 76 Old
Levi Isay, Tom's CoflFee-hojCoriihill
Levi Philip & Sons, 11 George-lane
Levin & Josephs, 44 Mansell-street
Levin Gotchill, 4 Gt Prescot-st
Levin Wm.&Jas.36Gt.Winchester-sr
Levison Samuel, 12 Copthall-court
Levy and Salmon (cork & fruitj 371
Levy Brothers, 7 Sweetings-alley
Levy £manuel, 20 Gt Prescott-st
Levy Zacharia aud Sons, 6 Bury-st
St, Mary-axe
Lewis and Collyer, 9 Mincing'-lane
Lewis, Tate & Kirkpatrick, Church-
court, Old Jewry
Lewis Thos. 4 Bond-ct, Walbrook
Lewis Thos. 7 Queen-st, Cheapside
Liddell Jas.Old Sonth-sea-chambers
Lindo D. A. 15 Leman-st, Good
Lindo E. and Co. 2 Finsbury-sq
Liodo M.jun.and Son, 2 Bury-ct,
St. Mary Axe [Pountney-la
Lindsay John & Geo. 26 Lawrence-
Linwood Wm. 2 Billiter-square
Lister Isaac Solly, 20 Abchurch-lane
Litt and Harrison, 50 Lime-street
Little Archibald & Sir Jas. and Co
Salvadore-house, Bishopsgate
Little Edward, 5 Gray's Inn-square
Littledale Edward, 8 Old Jewry
Lloyd James, 14 Rood-lane
L'Mentze Loui, 3 Adam's-ct, Old
■ Lobeck and Co. 86 Gt Tower-st
Lobo John and Rebcllo, 2 London
•t, Fenchurch-st
Locke Jno.lOAmerica-sq, Minories
Lockbart J. P. 8 Old Jewry
Lockwood J, Bank Coffee-ho,Crnhl
Logan Hart, 44 Cross-st, Finsbury
Lomer J no. and Co. 6 Gt Wiiiehes-
Lonergan and Co. 2 Austin-friars
Long and Smith, 145 Leadenhall-st
Lougbnan And. and Co. (Madeira)
19 Coleman-st
Looghnan, Son, a'pd O'Brien, 19
Lousada Isaac B. 13 Devonshire-.sq
Lovegrove and Leathes, 35 Queen-
street, Cheapside
Lovin Wm, and James, 36 GtWin-
chester-st [place
Lowe Jn. Levant House, St. Helens
Lowe J no. S. Tom's Coftee-house
Cornhill [tin-friars
Luard and Co. (West India) 5 Aus
Lubbock Sir John Wm. Bart. & Co
1 St. Mildred's court. Poultry
Lukin Chas. jun. 16 George-street,
Lnpton Thos. 15 St. Swithin's-la
Lutwyche Jno. (Russia] 4 Skinner-
street, Snow-hill
Lyall Geo. 7 Royal Exchange-gallry
Lynam Hy. 12 Sise-la,Bucklersbury
Lyne Francis, 1 1 Gt VVinchestcr-st
( 449 )
Lyon David <fe Co. 41 Mincing-lana
Lyon Geo. & Co. 5Barge-yd, Buck-
Mabberly and Bell, 6 Pinner's-hall,
Macaulay Z. and Babington, 16
George-st, Mansion-house
M'Barnie Jno. Rbt. 19 New Broad-st
iM'Burnie Robt. 7 Coleman-st-bldgs
iVIacDonnell Brothers, 9 Copthall-ct
Machado A. 24 Tokenliouse-yard
Macirone P. A. Tom's Coffee-house
Macintosh, Miller & Co. 45 Thread
Mackay John, 16 Cornhill
Mackenzie A. J. 15 Providence-row,
Mackenzie Alexander, 51 Lime-st
Mackenzie Geo. 5 Green Lettice-la
Mackenzie Jn. 33 Gt Winchester-st
Mackenzie Jno. I Verulam's-build-
M'KenzieThs.l Delahay-st,Westm
Mackenzie Wm. 2 Broad-st-chmbrs
ings, Gray's inn, [Fenchnrcb-st
Mackie John & Co. f West India) 110
Mackie John, 12 Walling-street
M'Laclilan D. and P. 3 White-lion
court, Cornhill
M' Lauren Daniel, 40 Coleman-st
Macmurdo J. D. 10 London-street
M'Nair John and Co. 16 Cornhill
Macnin David Cohen, 19 Mitre-ct
M'Tavish, Fraser,andCo.2SHfiFolk-l{i
Macvicar J. and Co. (and agents), 4
Barge-yard, Bucklersbury
Magan S. E. 10 Austin-friars
Magnus Geo. 8 St. Switliin's-lane
Magnus Moses, 63 Gt. Prescott-st
Rlaiowaring Cs.25Gt. Winchester-st
Maitland Wm. and Co. 3 Freeman's
court, Cornhill
Maitland's Bond, and Nicholson,
79 Basinghall-st
Majoribanks, Stewart and Co. King's
Arms-yard, Coleman-st
Malagamba B. 9 Gt WincUester-st
Maltby Thos. Lloyd's Coffee-house
Maltass Wm. (Turkey) Winchester-
house, Old Broad-st
Manley Chas. 19 Tokenhouse-yard
Mann Abm. 5 Maiden-la, Queen-st
Mann James, Jamaica Coffee-house
Mannings&Anderdon, 3N.Bank-bds
March, Sealy <feCo. 15 NewBroad-st
March Thos. 15 New Broad-street
Margrave Thos. 1 New Broad-st-ct
Marnie David, 8 Gt Winchester-st
Marriller Fred. John, 5 Adam's-ct.
Old Broad-st
Marryat Joseph and Son, 2 Law
rence Pountney-Iane
Marsano Jno. (Italian) 23 Dake-st,
Lincolns Inn-fields
Marsden Wm. 6 Gt Tower-st
Marsh, Reeve and Co.8 Ironmongr-1
Marshall John, jun. (skin) Bell-ct,
MarshallTs.2Cnshion-ct,0. Broad-st
Martinez J. M. Lopez, and Co
(Spanish) 5 Great Winchester-st
Martiuius and Albers, 44 Mincing-la
Marx and Wheattall, 46 Lime-st-sq
Mason Hen. William, 14 New City-
( 450 )
Masson Wm. 8 St. Swithin's-lane
Mathews Edmund, 22 College-hill
Upper Thames-st
Mathison, Jenkins and Co. 1 Lime-
Matfhiessen Wm. 13 Finsbury-sq
May, Alewyn, and Co. 6 Jeffery-sq
May Jn. 16 George-st, Mansion-h-sq
May Wm. 10 Artillery pi. City rd
Maydew John, 2 Little St. Mary-axe
Meeson Ed.2 Church-ct,Clements-la
Mege Bernard, 3 Copthnll Buildings
MeilanDanl.&Co.7 GtWinchester-st
Melhuish.Gray andCo.23 Nicholas-I
Mellish John and Wm. 112 Bishop-
Mello, Robertson and Co. 28 Great
Winchester-street [Birchin-la
Melville Helenus, 1 Castle-court,
Melville Wm. and David, 13 Wood-
st, Cheapside
Mendez and Bandeira, 24 Great
Mendez & Co. 28 Gt Win.chester-st
Meredith Thos. 19 Billiter-st
Mertens, Herman and Sons, 102
Messervy Francis, 3 Salter's-hall-ct
Meyer Geo. and Hazard Daniel, 9
Gt. St. Helens, <fe 24 White-street,
Little Moorfields
Meyer Jno. Salvador-house Bishops-
Michell Wm. 35 Gt. St Helens
Migoui F. B. 5 Old Broad-st
Miles Edmund & Co. (Jamaica) 28
Princes-st, Bank
Miller and Co. 1 Copthall-cbdmberit,
Copthall- court
Millbank J. London Wall
Mills Geo. & Edm. 12 Lawrence-
Pountney-lane [church-st
Milligan, Robertson and Co.32Fen-
Milford John, 9 King's Arms-yard,
Coleman-st [Lombard-st
Milne Alexander Geo. 10 George-yd
Milner Frs.49 Crispin-st,Spitalfield9
MinetJh.&Co.lSBushlane Canon-st
Minets & Stride, 21 Austin-friars
Minot Stephen 3 Philpot-lane
Mirrielees John, 33 Bucklersbury
Mitchell & Laucaster,33 Cateaton-st
Mitchell James, (commission) 6 Gt.
Mitchell John &Co. 52 Old Broad-st
Mitchell Wm. 52 Threadneedle-st
Mitchell W. R. & S. 46 Lime-st
Mitchel Wm. Meetinghouse-court,
Old Jewry
Moberley and Bell, 6 Pinner's-hall,
Montefiore E.23 ArtiIlery-pl,City-rd
Montefiore Jacob, 3 St. Mildred's-ct
Montefiore M. jun.Langbourne-chbs
Montvoisin and Perrin, 50 Thread-
Moore Edward, 84 Hatton-garden
Moore Robt. Lloyd's Coffee-house
Moravia Geo. & Co. (West India) 3
New London-street
More and Bowers, 26 Bucklersbury
More Lewis, 51 Threadneedle-st
Moreirce Oieira, <fe Machado, 24
I Tokcnhouse-yard Lothbury
I Morewood Geo. 5 Pancras-la,Chcap4'

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