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^Bigot $r Co '3
Barty George, 83, High st
liutter James, 15, High st
Johnston James, i3(J, Hie;h st
Macgregor John, 37, High st
Robertson Patrick, 39, High st
Stewart John, 23, Soutli st
Baxter Jas. 40, South Mefhven st
Mc Doiigal Allen, 7, St. John st
Mc.Gretror Duncan, 134, High st
Pnurie Wm. Kirkside
K.imsay Robt. Melville st
Ross John, Bridge end
AV hytock Mark, 24G, High st
Fenwick Andrew, CO, George si
Spp also Caliinet Makprs.
Beveridge Robt. 68, St. John st
Sjtobie Geo. 94, South st
Buchan Archd. Bridge end
Christie James, 147, High st
Croll Eliz. 17, George st
Dunbar James, 178, High st
Gardner Patrick, 3^, High st
Greig David, 99, High st
Howifou John, &7 , George st
Mc Nab John & Al. 33, George st
Miller Alex. Methven st
Pirrie John, (& watch glass ma-
nufacturer) King st
Urquhart John, 54, George st
Hay & Dewar, King st
Mc Conochie Alex. Glasgow road
Roy Andrew, Glasgow road
See also Spirit Dealers.
Mr. Donald Alex, 25, Castle Gable
Porteous Jno. & Son, 113, Highst
Ramsay David, Watergate .
Robertson D. & Co. 74, George $t
Sandeman Thomas Robert, St.
John st
Stewart Patrick, jun. 36, High st
MacfarlAiieAlex. Paul st
Stewart & Chapman, Mill st
See l.inenaml Woollen Drapers.
Braid John, 22, Mill St
Buclianau James, Bridge end
C'eiiieni Ebeiiezer, 146, High st
Craigdaliie John, (& cabinet ma-
ker) 63, South st
Edward George, 232, High st
Falconer Wm. Melville st
Hay Robt. Blackfriars
Jackson Jas. (& golf club maker)
Murray st
Mr Ewau John, Povvniarium
Mc Farlaiie David, 87, High st
Mc Farlane John, New row
Murray Robert, Blackfriars
Ogiivie .Alex. 58, Skinnergate
Ower George, 62, St. John st
Roy John, 17, Ciistle Gable
Scott James, Kirkside
Scott Wm. 2, North Port
Shaw James, Skinnergate
Strachan Alex. Melville st
Watt Thos. High st
Whyte l^av. sen. 39, Meal Vennel
Wliyte David, (& pump makerj
219, South st
VoungAlex. Kirkside
Ballandene John, 18, High st
Bissett Robt. 4, George st
Burns David, 7, Higii street, and
Barrosa place
Christie George, 172, High st
Clement Jas. 8, St. John st
Coiidie George, Blackfriars house
Condie James, Blackfriars house
Cc-uper Thos. George st
Duncan Thos. 7, Charlotte st
Flockhart John. 14, Charlotte st
Gardiuei- Geo. 79, Georce st
Gibson Thos. 9, Rose Terrace
Gray Geoigp, 2, South st
Greig Wm. 5, St. John st
Hepburn David, |,& accountant)
ll,St. Jolm st
Hogg George, 5, George st
Hunter & Conning, Marshall pi
Kilgour Robert, 2.5, High st
Laing David, 28, High st
Mc Kenzie Alex. Bridge end
Macle( d liarry, 36, George st
Mc WhannellJohn, Athol place
Malcolm David, Athol place
Marshall John, 25, George st
.Martin John, 1, Kirkgate
Miller John & Jas. 8, Highst
Miller James, jun. 69, George st
MoncrieflF Rbt. Hope, Athol plate
Monteath Alex. 3, Watergate
Peddie Robert, George st
Rankin "^rhos. South st
Thomas James, 43, George st
Wedderspoon Wm. 14, High st
Barland Jane, small ware dealer,
9, Kirkgate
Dickson Ellen, hardware dealer,
103, High st
Forrester Margaret, toy and seed
dealer, 51, High st
Hughes Wm. leather strip binding
maker, Kirk close, 80, High st
Button Jas. bird stuffer, Athol st
Kirkland John, clothes renovater,
Bridge end
I\lc Donald Jas. road contractor,
3, North Port
Mc Glasban John, plane maker,
134. High st
Sutherland Alex, basket maker,
76, High st
Tainsh Margt. furniture broker,
59, Watergate
From the George Inn Coach Office, George-strcel,
and from the Star Inn Coach Office, Canal street.
LONDON and EDINBURGH, by Kinross and
QueensferrV; every morning at a quarter past se-
ven, and returns at four in the morning.
GLASGOW, by Crieff, Dunblane, & Stirling, every
morning at a quarter past seven, and returns at
half past three in the morning.
ABERDEEN, by Dundee, Arbroath, Montrose,
Bervie, and Stonehaven, every morifmg at a
quarter past four, and returns at seven in the
ABERDEEN, the Saxe Cobourg, the same route as
the mail, every morning at seven, and returns at
half-past seven in the evening.
ABERDEEN, the Telegraph, thro' Cupar Angus,
Glammis, Forfar, Brechin, Laurence Kirk, "and
Stonehaven, every morning at six, and returns a;t
seven in the evening.
DUNKELD, the Duchess of Athol, every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday evening at five, & returns
the same morning at ten.
EDINBURGH, the Saxe Csbourg, through Kinross
and Queensferry, every morning at nine, atid re-
turns in the afternoon at three.
EDINBl'RGH, the Waterloo, by Kinross &. Burnt-
island, every morning at seven, and returns in the
afternoon at four.
GLASGOW, the Light Post, thro" Auchterarder,
Blackford, and Stirling, every morning at nine,
and returns in the evening at a quarter before fii-e
INVERNESS, the Caledonian, thro' Dunkeld and
Blair Athol, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur-
day morning at live, (in summer) and returns the
following evening'.s at half-past nine ; in the win-
ter, on Tuesday and Friday morning at five, and
returns on Monday and Thursday evening at half-
past nine.
From the Salutation Inn, South-street.
DUNKELD, the George IV. (every lawful evening
at five, in summer, and returns in the morning nt
ten ; in winter, evei y Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday, at the same hours.
From No. 1, St. John-street.
EDINBURGH, the Waterloo Subscriptioi! Coach,
by Kinross and Burntisland, every lawful morning ■
at seven, and leturns at foui in the evening.

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