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■■"3 1^* in^M
Mellor Wm. I High st
Steven.vni Joliu, \& spirit dealer)
11, High St
Brvce James, 11, Hii^iist
Cook Georj,'e, 66, High st
Morrison Joliii, 41, High jit
Motherwell Wm. 56, High st
Rankin Wm. 47, South Bridge St
Smith John, 57, Stirling st
Waddell Rol)t. 71, Stirling st
Williamson W. 1 , North Bridge st
Dickson Margaret, 85, High st
Shearer Janet, (and dress maker)
45, Stirling st
Jack Jas. 43, South Bridge st
Niveu Wm. 16, Stirling st
Rankin Walter, (and druggist) 1,
South Bridge st
Storry James, 69, Graham st
Torrance Wm. (and druggist) 61,
Stirling st
Monkland Steel Co. works near
Holy town
Buckley Edw. 56, North Bridge st
Davidson Jas. .%, Stirling st
Gun Alex. 14, Stirling st
Jack Alex. 82, Aitcheson st
Johnston Robt. 26, Graham st
Walker Jas. 5, East High st
Whitelaw Jas. 60, High st
Kir-kland Robt. (English) 1, Gib-
son's wynd
Lang JoTin, (EpgHsli) 14, Hall
craig st
Milroy Js. (English) 1, Graham st
TurnbuU James, (town's school)
Well wynd
Brown Wm. 87, High st
Grant Robt. 31, High st
Brown Geo. .30, Stirling st
Donaldson Jn. & Son, .57, High sf
Graliam John, 18, Hiyh st
Mack Jolin, Fruittield
Mc CullochRt. (and procurator of
sheriff's court) 10, Alexander st
Waddell Alex, (and messenger' 2,
Aitcheson st
Waddell Thos. (& messenger) 71
Stirling st
Aitken Thos. meal & barley dealer,
2, High st
Anderson John, tanner & currier,
Well wynd
BlairJohn, stocking manufacturer,
78, Aitcheson st
Burges Wm. tobacconist, 68,
Stirling st
Chapman Jessy, tallow chandler,
62, North Bridge st
Craig Jane, milliner, 19, High st
Finlay Jn. tobacconist, 71, High st
Hill James, linen yarn dealer, 53,
High st
Hotson Elizabeth, milliner, 29^
Stirling st
Hunter Thos. flax dresser, 8,
Alexander st
Hutton Andrew, druggist, 10,
Stirling st
Jack Wm. run shoe maker, 6,
East High st
Mack Robt. messenger, Stirling st
Mc Laren Robt. earthenware deal
er, 17, High st
Miller Jas. miller. South Bridge st
Montgomery Jn. run shoe maker,
14, South Bridge st
Motherwell John, wheel & square
Wright, 46, High st
Pixton Jane, cloth dealer, 45
High st
Taylor Alex, dyer and cotton
yarn dealer, 65, Stirling st
Tuiubull Robt. bookbinder, 48,
South Bridge st
Wh.itelaw David, painter and flax
dresser, 47, High st
Voting Robt. turner, 5, Aitche-
son street
EDINBURGH, the TelegrapU, ftoWl
the Airdrie Inn, at half past ten in tbe
EDINBURGH, the Champion, ftoin
the Airdrie Inn, at half past twelve.
EDINBURGH, the Sir Win. Wollace,
from the Airdrie Inn,'at ha)f past one
EDINBURGH, the Regulator,fiom,tti«
King's Arms, at a quarter past one.
GLASGOW, the Telegraph, from the
Airdrie tnn, athalfpast one.
GLASGOW, the Champion, from th»
Airdrie Inn, at three.
GLASGOW, the Sir Wm. Wallace,
from the Airdrie Inn, at four.
GLASGOW, the Regulator, from th«
King's Arms, at a quarter before
GLASGOW, the Royal Telegraph,
from the ^irdrie Inn, at eight in the
EDINBURGH, John Murray, from
Stirling-st, on Tbarsdays.
GLASGOW, James Baillie. from 73,
High-st, on Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday, returns the same days.
GLASGOW, John Jack, from II, Gr>i.
ham-st, on Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday, and returns game days.
GLASGOW, James Mathieson, froin
Stirliug-st, Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday, returns same days.
GLASGOW, John Shearer, from Stir-
ling-st, Monday, Wednesday, fc Fri-
day, returns same days.
HAMILTON, Thos. Russell, from 4,
Hallcraig st, on Friday, retarns same
PAISLEY, Wm. Ferguson, 66, Aleic-
ander-st, arrives on Thursday, and
departs for Paisley on Saturday.
By Water.
A Passage Boatto Glas^fow, fromShe«n-
ford Locks, every lawful morning /it
half past seven, and returns «t half
past six in the evening.
.^^'"^^'^ »^•*^*^^^*#^^'^>^*^**<^^^rf^^*
f*^^***** ^^f^^^^^
Small town in Lanarkshire, in the parish of
the same name, situated 27 miles south-west of
Edinburgh, 36 miles from Glasgow, 11 from La-
nark, and 16 from Peebles. The main street, though
not regular, is broad and spacious ; and the church,
which was built by Malcolm IIL is worthy the no-
tice of strangers. It was dedicated to the Virgin
Mary, by Lord Fleming, in 1545, and largely en-
dowed for a provost, eight prebends, four smging
boys, and six poor men. The chief employment of
the inhabitants, is weaving for the Glasgow house.?.
Tradition reports a bloody engagement to have takeri
place near the town, betwixt the Scots, under Wal-
lace, and the English army, who drove the latter
into a morass, where most of them perished. The
parish extends in length about six miles, and about
threeand a half in breadth. Biggar has three an-
nual fairs, viz. the last Thursday in January O. S.
the second Thursday in July, and the last Thursday
in October, O. S. and its market is Thursday.
POST OFFICE. — Post Master,Mi\ Alexander Moultree. Post arrives from Lanark and Glas-
gow every morning at ten, and from Mountbog and Edinburgh every morning at eleven. Post des-
patched to Lanark and Glasgow every morning at eleven, and to Mountbog and Edinburgh at the same
Burghers' A.ssociA,iiE Synod— Rev. David Stftith
Minister »
t Established Church^B€v. John Christison, Mi-
I nister
'Colter Parish Church— Rev. Wm. Strachan,
I Minister
Bailey Robt. esq. Culter Allar*
Brown Lawrence,. asq. of EdmoB-
ston '
Relief CHAP£L-.^Rey. Hugh Gibson, Mjni^er
Biggar— Richard Scott, Master
C'JLT£;r— Charles Ramage, Master
Dickson John, esq. Culter
EdmohstoD Thos,. esq. of Cambus
Wallace -
Gillespie Geo. esq. Biggar Park' '
Sim David esq. Culter Maiiis

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