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PiQ:ot k Cn'g.
Pringle Alcxniuler, 8:?, Piinces-street
Pvper Hamilton, 13, Ciyfie-stieet
Uiie Sir William, liart. (Lord Advocate of Seotlaiid)
10;{, Priiifcs-street
llattray II. Clerk, 105, Priiiccs.-strect
Jlidilell John, 111, George-street
Riddell liobert, 111, Georse-street
Ritchie A. Canicijy, 15, Dublin-street
Kohertsou H.J. 2'j, Great King-street
]{obertst>a Patrick, 48, Great King-street
llobiiisou George, Young-street
Robinson Janle.'^, 20, Voung-street
Kollo Robert, 16, Duiuia^s-street
Rose George, 12, Waliier-strcet
Ross Charles, 16, Pitt-street
Ros;f George, Morriing-side
Russell Johii, 17, Dundas-sti-eet
Russell \Villiaui,40, Great King-stiert.
Rntlierford Andrew, 14], George-street
Sandford E. U. 17. iSlelville-street
Scott H. J. R, 22, Great King-street
Scott Sir Waller, Bart. 39, Castle-slreet
Shaw Patrick, 5, Dnke-street
Simpson James, 3.'^, Northnmherland-strcet
Skene Andre.w 74, Great King-street
Skene Jame'=i, 12(), Princes-street
Smith George, 22, Ann-street, Stockbridge
Smith John, 1, Hart-street
Smythe George, 12, Gloucester-place
Soiiiemlle Francis, 6, Circus-place West
Spiers Jame.s,46, Gieat King-street
Sprott Jilark, 14, Picardy-place
Stark James, 3, North James-street
Steel William, 5, Dvrke- street
Stewart John Shaw, 14, Queen-street "
Stirling Graham, 29, Fortli-street
Synie David, 12, Dundas-street
Tait GeiM-ge, 4, Abercrombie-plaee
Tait John, 7, Gloucester-place
Tawse John, Society-hall, Nelhcrbow
Thomson Robert, 40, Great King-street
Thomson Tiionias, 42, Charlotte-square
Tod Thomas, 15, Coates'-creseent
Tytler P. T. esq. 108,- Prirtces-ntreet
Ui-quli?a-t Adam, 69, George-st
Vans Henry Stewart, 44, Northumberland-street
Walker James, 119, George-street
AValkerSir Patrick, Druuisheugli
M^atson James, 12, North St. Da'. id-street
Welsh James, 9, Nortbum)>eiland -street
AVemyss Otho St. 32, Dublin-street
Whigliam liobert, 12, Dublin-street
White William Logan. 2, iMaitland-street
Wight Henry, 9, St. Vincent-street
Wilson John, juu. 11, York-place
Wood Alexander, 1, lloyal-cirens
Wood John, 51, Great King-street
Younger William, 26, Drummond-place
Who are, ex-fifficio. Agents or Solicitors.
8"e .ilfo Writers.
Adami?on James, 49, Hanover-street
Ailester William, 9, London-street
Anderson Alexander M. City-chambers
Auder.sou James, 41, North Hanover- street
Andeison William, 12, rSrown's-sqiiare
Bai'r James Giandisoii, 7, Union-street
J3ayley Isaac, 24, Duke-street
Bayne Andrew, 16, Hart-street
Blackie Robert, 16, Warrisl on-crescent
Hrashe D-ivid, \'6, Clyde-slreet
Brown John, 4, I3uke-sfreet
Campbell Uichard,> 11, Northumberland-street
Chaliuerfe James, Chalmer's-elose
Christie John, 13, Shakespeare-square
Clei-k Alexander, 19, Brown's-s(iuaie
Deuehar Thomas, 41, Heriot-row
Dickson James, 2, Adam street
Duncan William, 32, Brouglitou-strect
Ferguson Adam, 17, Hill-.street
Fisher Cliaides, I", Bronghton-plaee
Frazer James B. 3, Parliament-square
Gemniel Jaines, 16, Broughton-place
Gibh John, 4, Charlotte-place
Gibson David, 21, North Nelson-street
Gillon James, 4, Oreeuside-street
Gray John, 40, George-square
Guthrie William, 1, jaraes's-square
Hill James, 11, India-street
Imrie James, 86, Princes-st
Jones John, 45, Hanover-st
Lamond James, 74, George-st
Lang Gilbert, 2, Heriot-row
Lockhart J. 30, Frederick-st
Loekhart Robert, 10, Parliaaient-sqiiare
Mc Dowall (Jharles, 5, Baxter-i)lace
Ale Gregor John, 18, Dundas-stieet
Wac lutosh William, 17, Bristo-st
Mack James Ogilvie, 14, Howe-st
Mackenzie John, 8, Ho})e-»t
Macritchie John, 4, Gayfield-square
Malcolm James, 10, Nicolson-st
lAiarshall John, 11, North Nelson-st
Mathevi- Robert, 17, Londou-st
Mui'ray John, 4, B-ank-st
Nairne Alexander, 6, Leopold-place
Neilsou James, 31, Brougliton-pkice
Ormiston Robert, 3, Blaii'-st
Pearson Patrick, 2, Scotland-st
Pollock William, 36, George-st
Prentice Richard, 112, Princ>s-st
Purdie Robert, 6, South St. James's-st
Reid William, 13, Bank-st
Romanes John, 46, Charlotte-square
Russell John, 95, George-st
Rutherford George, 14, East Thistle-st
Scales David, 24, Brouglitou-st
Skinner James R. 3, Roxburgh-place
Spence Charles, 7, Elder-st
Stewart Duncan, 109, Georgc-.st
Stewart Robert, 18, South Frederick-st
Stivens Andrew, 74, George-st
Tod George, juu. 4, Nicolson-square
Usher James, 8, Merchant-st
Wardlaw David, 3, North St. David-st
Watson David, 63, North Bridge-st
Watt James B. 13, James-square
Williamson William, 25, York-place
Note : S. S. C. signifies Solicitor in Supreme Court, auel
S. L. Solicitor at Law.
Adamson John, S. S. C. 14, Pitt-st
Anderson James, 41, North Hanover-st
Anderson Michael, Coates- house
Baillie Thomas, S. S. C. 22, Picardv-plaee
Barr James G., S, S. C. 7, Union-st
Bisset John, S. S. C. 2, Gayfield-square
Bisset V/illiam Miller, 398, Castle-hill
Blackie Robert, S. S. C. 16, Warriscon-crescGut
Brashe David, 16, Clyde-st
Brown Alexander, S .L. 377, High-st
Brown James, 10, South Hanover-st
Burness James, S. S. C.3, Great King- ft
Cairns George, 3, Milne's-square, North-bridge
Cairns Robert, S. S. C. 377, High-st
Cameron Alexander, Fisher's-dose
Cameion John, 166, High-st
Campbell Jolni, Bailie Fyfes-close
Campbell Peter. S. S. C. 69, Northumberland-st
Carpliin Gcoige, 4, iM.into-st
Carphiu George, jun. Parliament square
Chalmers James,' Chalmer's-close, High-st
Christie Daniel, S. S. C. 27, Dundas-st
Clerk Alexander, 19, Browu's-.square
Clyne David, S. S. C. 54, Albany-street
Cook John, 5, Drummoud-st
Crombie Andw. S. L. 10, Wardrop's-ct, Lawnn)arke{
Dalrvmple William, S. S. C. 11, South Nelsoii-st
Darling Thomas, S. S. C. 28, Nelsou-st
Denchar and Knox, 6, Eldcr-st
Dinning John, 52, Albaiiy-st
Donaldson James, 3, Frederick-st

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