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ili0ot k eo's
Nelson iVIrs. Mary, 21), Buccleugh-place
Nesbft Aliss, 26, Warriston Crescent
Nesbit Archibald, esq. Giay-st. Newington
Nestbit MissMargt. 6, South Nelson-st
Nichol Misses, 12, Bucclengli-place
Nicholson Mrs. Captain, 20, Rankeillor-st
Nisbet Alexander, 5, Scieune.s-st
Nisbit Mrs. 5, Montague-st
Niinnio Hugh, esq. Montpelier
Niinmo Mrs. James, 6, lieaumont-place
Nininio Miss Margaret. 15, St. Janies'-squarc
Niinnio Robert, esq. 1.5, London-st
Niv'ison Mrs. li), Gayfield-square
Norie iMrs. Jane, .3, 'Mound-place
Norie Mrs. .31, North Union-place
Norvill Mrs. 4, East Broughton-place
Ogill Mrs. John, 18, Buccleugh-place
OgilvieAnn, 18, Ne\v-st
Ogilvie Mrs. 14, Clerk -st
Ogilvy Miss Ann, (of IFest Han)
Ogle John, esq. 19, St. Leonard-st
Oliphant Colonel, 4, South Charlotte-st
Oliphant Miss, 1, Alva-st
Olivant Mrs. {of Rossie] 10, Charlotte-square
Oliver Captain, H.N. 20, Pilrig-st
Oliver Mrs 31, Clerk-st
Oliver Thomas H. esq. 58, Clerk-st
Ornie Miss, 45, George-square
Oraond Mrs. Jane, 6, Pitt-st
Orr Mss, 22, Broughton-place
Orr Mrs. 8, Northumberland-st
Osborne Mr. 50, York-st
t)s\vald Mrs. [of Dutinikier) 28_, Drummond-place
O'Toole Major W. H. 18, Warriston Crescent
Owens Owen, esq. 72, Northumberland-st
Parker John, esq. 7, Mary's-place, Stockbridge
Parish Woodbine, esq. 31, Charlotte-square
Park John, esq. Leith Walk
Paston.s Miss, 1, Gayfield-place
Paterson, Mr. George {oi the Bank of Scotland) 15,
Paterson Miss Mary, (of Castle Hunthj) 11, Warris-
ton Crescent
Patou Mis."!, 7, London-st
Patrick Robert, enq. {of f/azlehead) 2, Forth-st
Patrick William, esq. {of Roiighwood) 32, Albany-st
Patterson Mi's. Ann, 2, Gray-st
Patterson Miss Isabella, 15, Carnegie-st
Patterson Mrs. Jane, 15, Buccleugh-place
Patton Misses, 12, South Castle-st
Pattulla Miss Elizabeth, 32, Dubliu-st
Paul Mrs. 17, Howe-st
Paul Robert, esq. 1. Howe-st
Paxton Rev. George, 14, St. Leonard-st
Pearson Captain Hugh, R.N. 1, Ferries Row
Pearson Mrs. Mary, 63, North Castle-st
Peddie Rev. Dr. James, 37, Lauriston-place
Pemberton Matthew, esq. 29, Albany-st
Pender Thomas, esq. 5, Salisbury-road
Peudrich Mrs. Margaret, 74, George-st
Peter Miss Catherine, 9, East Circus-place
Peter Sir John, 2, Circus Place, West
Petcrkin Alexander, gent, 3, Maryfield Loan, New-
Pillings Mrs. 10, Cassels-place
Pitcairn John, esq. (of Pitcairn) 34, York place
Pitcairn Rev. David, 17, Duke-st
Pitmilly Lord, 15, Charlotte-square
Plaine John Travis, esq. 9, Graham-st
Playfair INliss, 15, Melville-st
Plenderleath Miss, 9, Coates' Crescent
Plomer William, esq. 26, York-place
Plummer Mrs. Jlary {of Middkste.ad) 20, Buccleugh-
Ponton Miss Anne, 7. South Charlotte-st
Porteous, Rev. James, 4, James'-square
Porteous Miss, 25, Gaylield-square
Porteous Mrs. 15, Graham-st
Prager Henry, Carfraes Entrv, 112, Canon;^ate
Preston iMis,s, 10, Maitland-st
Preston Mrs. Major, 22. Rankeillor-st
Pretsell Mrs, Catharine Anderson, 3, Ladylield-place
Pringle Beatrice, 5, Reids-court, Canongate
Pringle Lady Dowager, 14, Walker-st
Pringle John, escj. 12, Rlinto-st
Pringle, Mr. John. 22, London-st
Pringle Miss, (of Rowlnnd) 44, Castlo-st
Pringle Misses, 18, York- place
Pringle Mrs. 18, Broughton-st '
Pringle William, esq. 51, Albany-st
Piovan James, esq. 7, Howard-place
Puller Mrs. 2, East Broughton-|)lace ^
Purves Lady, 16, Georges-square
Purves Mrs. Robert, 17, Broughton-st
Purvis Mrs. ( of Glassmoiint) W, Pilrig-st
Quin Mrs. Maria, 6, Milne's-square, Higli-st
Rae Mr. John, 1, St. John-st
Rae Sir William, Lord Advoeate, 103, Princcs-st
Raeburn Henry, gent. St. Bernards House
Ramage Mrs. John, 13, Portland-place
Uamage Mrs. 1, Erskine-place
Ramage Capt. William, R.N. 7, Meadow-place
Ramsay Lady, A. F. (of Banff) 54, Northumber-
Ram.say Rev. Edward B, 11, Shandwick-place
Ramsay General, 1, Hill-st
Ramsay Mrs. Isabel, 7, Hill-square
Ramsay Dowager Lady (of B alma in) 11, Shand-
Ramsay Mrs. 19, Dundas-st
Ramsay Mrs. 8, Charlotte-square
Ramsay Miss, 4, North Andrew-st
Ramsay Petei-, esq. 8, Shandwick-place
Ramsay Thomas, esq. 133, Princes-st
Ranken Mrs. Jane, 4, Elm Row
Rankeu Miss, 28, London-st
Rattray Eliza Margaret, 4, Clerk-st
Rattray Major Wm. 9, Raeburn-place
Rattray Miss Mary, 21, Buccleugh-place
Reeves Mrs. John, 9, Wariiston Crescent
Reid Mr. Alexander, 3, King's-place
Reid Captain Andrew, R.N. 2, Mansfield-placc
ReidJMrs. Catherine, 7, Scotland-st
Reid Miss Elizabeth, 13, Adam-st
Reid Mrs. Ellen Cunningham, 5, Comely-bank
Held James, esq. 21, Miiito-st
Reid John, gent. 8, Warriston Crescent
Reid Mrs. Margaret, 4, Graham-st
Reid Mr, 5, Pitt-st
Reid Mr, Thomas, 2, London-st
Reid Rev. William, Catholic Chapel-lane
Remple Lady Hay, 7, Coates crescent
Renton Mr. Henry, 15, Buccleugh-place
Renton Mrs. H. 10, Salisbury-st
Renton Mrs. 23, Duke-st
Reoch John, esq. 5, Pilrig-st
Rhind Mrs, James, 8, Dean-st
Rhind Mrs, 7, Arniston-place
Richard John, esq. 7, Saiisburv-place, Newington
Richardson Mr. John, 50, Leith-st
Richardson Mrs. Mary, 42, York-place
Richardson Mrs. 34, Castle-st
Richardson Mrs. Wedderburn, 179, Canongate
Richardson Margaret, 3, West Nicolson-st
Richmond Brooke, esq. 3, Broughton-place
Rickman John, esq. 42, George-square
Riddell Mrs. Ill, George-st
Riddell Mrs. Margaret, 27, Melville-st
Riddell Robert, H,P, R.N, Murray's Buildings,
Grange Fields
Rigg ftlrs, senr. {of Morton) 68, Queen-st,
Ritchie Mrs. Catherine, 23, Warriston-crcsccDt
Ritchie Mrs. Catherine, 6, Royal Exchange
Ritchie D. esq. 21, Calton-hill
Ritchie Rev. Dr. David, 28, Broughton-place
Ritchie Henry, esq. 6, Charlotte-square
Ritchie ilrs. Janet, 84, Nicolson-st
Ritchie Mrs. AVm. 146, Princes-st
Rifciiie Rev. William, 5, Argyle-square
Robertson Charles L. esq, 13, Broughton-place
Robertson Major David, H. P. 12, Albany-st
Robertson David, esq, 20, Rankeillor-st
Robertson Mrs. Edward, 28, Buccleugh-place

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