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6tli District — Market street, Manse lane, Smith's lane, Cowgate^
Buccleuch street, Ann street from No, 1 to 8, Totago street, East
Shaw street. Sir Michael street, Capta,in street, Bearhope street,
Duncan street, Eoxbnrgh street from No. 49, Bruce street, Holm-
scroft street (west), Mouiit Pleasant, Orangefield, Brachelstoh toll,
Barr'sland, Nelson street, (west), Ihverkip street, High vennel
from No. 23 to 71, High Sugarhouse lane from No. 22 to 31, High
Charles street from No. 24 to 34, Watson's lane— John Sinclair.
7th District — From Garvel Park lodge along* East Hamilton
street to Hill-end Works, Cappielow and ToU. CottageSj Ladybum,
Clyde Pottery, Caledonian Sav/ Mills, Inch Works, and along the
Port-Glasgow road to the Kingston Saw Mills— Murdoch M'ConneU;
Inland Letters.
The rate of postage on all inland letters is regulated by weight,
irrespective of distance, and (with the exceptions afterwards men-
tioned, is as follows : —
If paid in advance.
Letter weighing not more than foz. * - - - - - - Id
„ „ more than ^ oz. but not exceeding 1 oz - 2d
„ „ more than 1 oz. „ „ 2 oz. - 4d
„ „ more than 2 oz. ,,, „ 3 oz. - 6d
and so on ; twopence being charged for every additional ounce.
Unpaid Letters.
As a general rulCj the postage, if not paid in advance, is double
the foregoing ; and if the payment in advance be insufficient
double the deficiency is charged. An inland letter, for example
weighing more than half an ounce, and not exceeding one ounce
if bearing a penny stamp only, is, on delivery, charged twopence.
The unpaid additional postage on re-directed letters, however, is
not doubled, being the same as if such postage were prepaid. Un-
less three quarters, at least, of the postage of a letter weighing
more than 4 oz. be prepaidj the letter is not forwarded, but notice
of its detention is given to the sender, or when that is not practi-
cable, to the person to whom the letter is addressed.
• If the weight be exceeded to the Bmalle»t extent, even though the
balance be merely turned, the letter becomes liable ta a higher postage.
The same rule applies to letters going abroad. To provide, therefore,
for errors in scales, &c., it is tvell to allow a Utile margin, or to pay the
{Tostage of the next greater weight.

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