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Office — 115 Bath Street.
His Grace the Duke of Argyll, patron ; the Right
Hob. the Earl of Glasgow, president; J. Cleland
Bnrns, Esq., chairman ; Alex. A. Fergusson, Esq.,
Eobert Gow, Esq., J. Carfrae Alston, Esq., vice-chair-
men ; Robert Gourlay, Esq., treasurer; Mr. J. T.
Strang, secretary.
The general objects of this association are to in-
vestigate thoroughly the cases of all poor persons in
the city who may be brought under its notice, with a
view to forwarding them to the proper quarter for
relief; to bring existing charities into co-operation
with one another and with the Poor-law authorities ;
to repress mendicity ; and by these agencies, and the
granting of loans in necessitous cases, to improve the
condition of the poor.
A labour yard has been opened for the purpose of
enabling the society to distinguish between the loafer
and the man willing to work, while at the same time
it serves as an efficient means of assisting able-bodied
men by providing them with temporary employment.
The society also serves as a central agency for the
purpose of receiving the contributions of the public
towards hona fide charitable institutions. These
contributions may be sent to the society monthly,
quarterly, half-yearly or yearly, or at whatever time
it may be most convenient.
In connection with this society a ladies' auxiliary
has been established for the purpose of aiding the
society by personal visitation of the poor, and also by
providing temporary employment in the way of sew-
ing for poor women, who have been proved to be
deserving and necessitous. Work-Eoom, 65 Stirling
Street, Cowcaddens; Sale-Shop, 376 New City Rd.,
â– where useful articles may be had at very moderate
Instituted December 15, 1837.
Incoi-porated therewith is
Instituted in 1759.
Patron, Andrew Carnegie ; president, Robert Blyth,
F.F. A. ; late president, Dr. J. Lindsay Steven ; vice-
presidents, Walter C. Spens, LL.D., D. S. MUler, and
James F. Elder ; treasurer, James Bain ; secretary,
J. C. Eeid, C. A. ; directors, for Fife, Messrs. James L.
Steven, David Currie, James Buist, Frank G. Tulloch,
John Lindsay, Jas. M. Burnet, John Watson, jun.,
James Steel, F.C.S., and John Urquhart ; for Kinross,
Messrs. Laurence Stocks, John Iloneymtin, and Ales.
Sband; for Clackmannan, Messrs. Henry E. Aikman,
Jas. Maclay, LL.B., and Prof. John Ferguson, LL.D.
The principal object of this society is to afford
pecuniary aid to indigent natives, or widows, or chil-
dren of natives, of these counties resident in or near
Glasgow. The subscription of £1 Is. per annum for
foBX years, or £4 4s. in one sum, constitutes mem-
beiship to parties eligible by connection with any of
these counties ; and persons willing to be enrolled
are respectfully solicited to communicate with the
treasurer or secretary of the society, or any of the
(ifaectois. Office, 217 West George Street.
Instituted in 1869 for the purpose of supplying
deserving and destitute children with one meal daily
during the winter months. In 1891-92 sixteen tables
were open, viz.. Barony Institute, Black St., Town-
head ; Bell street, Calton ; Charles street, Bridgeton ;
Mission Hall, Bishop St., Anderston ; Govan street,
Hutchesontown ; Stirling street; Burnside Hall, off
Duke street ; Day Refuge, James Morrison street ; Day
Refuge, Sawmillfield street; Day Refuge, London
Road; Day Refuge, Pitt street, Anderston ; Bethany
Hall, Bridgeton; Kelvin st., Partick; Cornwall street,
Plantation; Pollokshaws; and Camlachie. Tickets
of admission are distributed by visitors, and a com-
mittee of ladies superintends each dinner at 12.30
daily. Chairman, A. A. Fergusson, Esq.; secretary ^
and treasurer, Geo. F. Newlands, 135 St. Vincent St. !
Receiving House, 2 Elmbank Street, Glasgow.
Country Home, Jlount Blow House, Dalmnir.
The object of the society is to feed, clothe, educate,
or otherwise provide for the orphans or fatherless
children of seafaring men (including engineers, fire-
men, stewards, &c.) who have been left in destitute
circumstances. About 4000 seamen are annually lost
from or die on board British ships, and there is great
need for such work as this society is doing. There
is no collector, but the society is carried on in depend-
ence upon God, and is supported by the free-will
offerings of friends who are interested in the work.
The trustees are George Smith, 45 West Nile Street,
Richard H. Hunter, 2 Park Circus, Robt. S. Allan,
163 West George Street, and James Cuthbert, 21
Carlton Place, Glasgow, either of whom will gladly
receive and acknowledge any donations sent to them.
Donations will be placed to maintenance or endow-
ment fund as the donors wish.
Office— 101 St. Vincent Street.
This association has for its objects the establishment
and maintenance of one or more homes for the relief
of persons in Glasgow and the West of Scotland
suffering from incurable diseases, and the aiding of
such persons in their own homes. The association
has an institution at Kirkintilloch, near Glasgow,
known as Broomliill Home, with accommodation
for nearly 100 patients, and spends a large sum
monthly in assisting about 200 incurables in their
own houses. The whole affairs of the association
are managed by a board of directors consisting of
not fewer than fifteen members, in addition to several
ex officio members. Chairman of the Association, the
Hon. James Bell, Lord Provost; deputy-chairmen, W.
MacLean, Esq., and Leonard Gow, Esq.; hon. treas.,
P. B. Junor, Esq., Clydesdale Bank, 14 Miller Street;
examining-medical officer. Dr. J. Wallace Anderson,
23 Woodside Place; visiting medical-officers, Drs.
D. P. Stewart and W. Whitelaw, Kirkintilloch;
medical officer to out-door patients. Dr. Edward
Coyle, 300 Dumbarton Road, Partick; matron,
Miss Mary D. W. Ewing ; secretary, W. T. M-Auslane,
LL.D., 101 St. Vincent Street.

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