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Donaldson, W. A., iron merchant,
Douglas, Rev. Sholto Douglas
Campbell, of Douglas Support
Dubs, C. R., engineer, 3 Woodside
Dunlop, Archd., grain mercliant,
Dunlop, Colin Robert, of Clyde
Dunlop, Colin, jun., Oakenshaw,
Dunlop, Geo., Garnkirk House
Dunlop, Geo. J., FuUartoa House,
Dunlop, Nathaniel, Glasgow
Dunn, R. H., mercht., 24 St. Vin-
cent place
Ewing, Sir A. Orr, Bart.
Farie, Allan, of Farme.
Farquliar, Jo. grain mcrch., Glasg.
Filshill, J., confec, 42 Gallowgate
Fleming, Alex., 168 W. George st.
Fleming, Jas. Britannia Pottery
Frew, Forrest, manufacturer, Glas.
Gairdner, Charles, LL.D., banker,
Galbraith, P., 17 Huntly gardens,
Galloway, John, Glasgow
Gilchrist, A., engineer, 11 Sandy-
ford place
Glen, John, merchant, Glasgow
Gordon, John, of Aikenhead
Gourlay, J., accountant, George sq.
Gourlay, Robert, banker, Glasgow
Graham, A. G. Barns
Graham, J. H. N., merchant, Cathe-
dral street
Grahame, James, accountant, 93
Hope street
Gray, J., hat manuf., Argyle st.
Grierson, G. M., mercht., Royal
Exchange square
Guild, J. W., accountant, St. Vin-
cent street
Guthrie, David, mercht., 29 West
George street
Hamilton, Jas., engineer, 7 Queen's
gardens, Dowanhill
Hamilton, Jn., shipbld., Lancefield
Hannan, H. M., men, 15 George sq.
Hannan, R., mercht., Buchanan st.
Henderson, A, C, shipowner, Union
Henderson, T., shipowner, Union st.
Higginbotham, J. S., manuf., Queen
Higgins, Wm. Cleland
Hill, Geo. Wingate, banker'
Holms, A. C, Hope Park, Partick
Holms, J., manufactr., Glasgow
Holms, Wm., manufactur., Glasg.
Houldsworth, W., mercht., Glasg.
Hurll, J., Woodneuk House, Gatt-
Hutchison, Peter, 62 Broomielaw
Jacks, Wm., iron merchant. Royal
Jamieson, Wm., manuf., Glasgow
Jardine, Geo. C, of Hallside
Jardine, M. L. P., Hallside
Johnston, James, manufacturing
chemist, Glasgow
Johnstone, Wm., Gladdens, Lenzie
Kay, John Robert, Glasgow
Kedie, Robert, merchant, Glasgow
Kennedy, H., Redclyffe House,
Kerr, James Henry, Glasgow
Kerr, John James, of Robertland
Ker, WiUiam, merchant, 27 West
George street
King, C. M'Intosh, Antermony Ho.,
Milton of Campsie
King, Sir James, Bart., LL.D.,
of Campsie, 115 Wellington st
King, J. W., yr., of Campsie, 12
Claremont terrace
Kirkwocd, James, Glasgow
Knox, John, Glasgow
Lammie, George, Kelvinside
Laird, Wm., ironmaster, Glasgow
Lecky, F. B., merchant, 2 West
Regent street
Logan, T. R. J., Glasgow
M'Brayne, David, shipowner, 119
Hope street
M'Brayne, J. B., of Glenbranter,
Royal Exchange square
M'Call, G., Daldowie, Broomhouse
M'Call, Henry, of Daldowie
Bl 'Galium, G., manufac, Rossbank,
M'Clelland, Andw. S., acct., 115
St. Vincent st.
M'Cowan, David, Glasgow
Macdonald, Arch. G., lithographer,
M'Ewen, Wm., mercht., St. Vin-
cent lane
Macfarlane, Jas., baker, 96 Great
Hamilton street
M'Gregor, John, Glasgow
M'Kenzie, Walter, account., 68 St.
Vincent street
Maclae, Alex. Crum, of Cathkin
M'Laren, John, merchant, 5 South
Hanover street
Maclean, Sir Andrew, Partick.
M'Lellan, Allan H., Woodstock,
Bridge of Allan
M'Onie, Sir Wm., of Ballochneck
and Balwill
Macpherson, Henry Shaw, Glasgow
MacPherson, J., of Blantyre Farm,
Marshall, John, of Chapelton
Marwick, Sir J. D., town clerk.
City Chambers, Glasgow
Matheson, Col. Sir Donald, K.C.B.,
Park terrace
Mathieson, Thos. A., tool manu-
facturer. East Campbell st.
Maxwell, John, of Baillieston
Maxwell, Sir John Stirling, of
Pollok, Bart.
Miller, Geo. John, of Croftcroighn,
Miller, James, merchant, 5 South
Hanover street
Miller, J., calico printer, Glasgow
Miller, Robert, merchant, Glasgow
Miller, T. P., Cambuslang
Millar, Wm., 20 High street
Millar, Wm. (late of 3 Woodside
Ter.),' Roundel wood, Crieft'
Mirrlees, J. B., engineer, Scotland
St., Tradeston
Mitchell, A., merchant, Glassow
Mitchell, J. 0., leather merchant,
69 East Howard street
Mitchell, R. M'Farlane, Glasgow
Mitchell, Wm., Rutherglen
Morrison, Jas., Ashcraig, Great
Western road
Muir, Sir John, Bart., of Deanston
Murray, J., contractor, Maryhill
Osborne, Alex., Candleriggs
Osborne, James, Miller street
Paton, Walter, Glasgow
Pollok, Morris, manuf., Govan
Readman, George, banker, Glasgow
Reid, F. R., of Gallowflat, Ru'glea
Reid, James, merchant, Glasgow
Reid, James, engineer, Glasgow
Reid, Thos., of Kilraardinoy
Reid, W. W. W., 151 W. George st
Richmond, D., tubemaker, 35 Rose
street, s.s.
Richardson, Jas., bookseller, Glasg.
Robertson, Wm., manuf., Glasgow
Robinson, Marcus, timber mer-
chant, Partick
Rowan, D., engineer, 237 Elliot st
Russell, Thomas, of Ascog
Scott, W. Inglis, merchant, Glasg.
Scouler, J., Stonelaw Ho., R'glen.
Sellar, George, sheriff clerk, County
Shaw, James, ironfounder, Shaw-
field, Kelvinside
Shearer, J., timber mercht., Glas.
Smith, J. Guthrie, insurance broker,
Smith, J. Parker, of Jordanhill,
Smith, Stewart, 208 Bath street
Smith, T., banker. Main St., Gorb.
Smith, W., yr., merchant, Glasgow
Snodgrass, Geo. Webster, insurance
manager, Glasgow
Somervell, James, of Sorn
Stephen, A., shipbuilder, Linthouse
Stevenson, J., junr., mercht., Glas.
Stewart, J. R., iron merchant, 23
W. Nile street
Stewart, R. B., manuf., Glasgow
Stirhng, Archd. of Keir
Stirhng, William, of Tardufl', by
Stuart, Wm. C. S., of Castlemilk
Swan, David, 15 Walmer crescent.
Paisley road
Thompson, Jas. manager, C. R. Co.
Buchanan street
Thompson, J., Govan Park, Govan
Tullis, James T., Glasgow

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