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Main, A. & J. & Co. Ld. Clydesdale
Iron Works, Possilpark; town
office, 54 Gordon st
Maitland, Hands & Co., Kelvin-
haugh st
Milnwood Steel and Iron Works
• (Smith & M'Lean, Ltd.), Moss-
end — See Advt. at end of Booh
Morrison & Mitchell, 169 Finnie-
ston street
Murray, MVinnie & Co. ventila-
tors, tubes, &c. Mavisbank avtay
Pyle, Jas. & Co., 38 Elliot st*
Smith & M'Lean, Ltd. Gartcosh
Steel and Iron Works, Gartcosh.
— See Ad. at end of Booh
Smith & M'Lean, Ld. Mavisbank,
Govan rd. — See Advt. at end of
Smith & M'Lean, Ltd. Milnwood
Steel and Iron Works, Mossend.
— See Adv. at end of Book
Stewart, Duncan, 111 Main st.
Stewart, John, & Co. (Glasgow)
Ltd. 28 and 32 Oswald st
Whiteinch (The) Galvanizing Co.
Ltd. HarmsworLh st. Partick
Burns & Glover, 23, 25, and 27
Oswald street
Campbell, T. B. & Sons; Clyde
Lead Works, Kinning Park;
office, 29 Wellington st
Ferguson, Ales. & Co. Lmtd. 38
M 'Alpine street
Leslie & Hall, 48, 50 Cadogan st
Locke, Blackett, & Co. Ltd. New-
cast! e-on-Tyne ; agent, Arehd.
Aitchison, 70, 72 Waterloo st
MacLeod, Wm. & Co. 56, 58, and
60 Robertson st
Stevenson, William, & Co. 74 to
80 Brown street, city
Johnstone, Jas. & Co. 8 to 16
George st. Mile- end
Macnair, J. & D. & Co. Allan
st. Bridgeton
Manser, Henry, London ; agent,
John W. Rankin, 50 Wellington
Scott, Jas. & John G. Ltd. 28 Dob-
bie's loan
Smith & Rodger, 32 to 36 Elliot
st. Cranstonhill
Young & Morrison, 9, 11, and 13
Shuttle st
Aitken, George, 32 Clyde street
Arthur, Thomas, 366 Duke st
Buchanan, Jas. 145 Queen st
Christie, Geo. 95 George st
Corrance, James, 50 Main street,
Cunningham, H. B. 121 W George
street (Freeland & Angus)
Cuthbert & Wilson, 59 St. Vincent
Dickson, Joseph, 36 Smith st
Downs, David, 28 Brandon st
Ferguson, Bobt. Town Hall, Govan
Ford & Philips, 96 Renfield st
Freeland & Angus, 121 W. George
Gough, William, 52 W. Nile st
Harvey, George, 81 Wilson st
Hunter, Watson, 22 Douglas st.
Hutchison, James (at Younger &
Younger's), 158 Bath st
Lawson, Wm. 97 Parliamentary rd
Livingbtone, Hugh, 121 Great
Hamilton st. and 81 Wilson st
Love, J. Marshall, 4 Lome st. and
23 Abbotsford pi
M'Cormack, Hugh, 121 Great
Hamilton st. and 81 Wilson st
M'Donald, John, 12 St. Vincent pi
M'Donald, Ronald R. 12 St. Vincent
Ralston, Jas. E. Town Hall, Govan
Rutherford, Alexander N. 158 Bath
Wilborn, Wm. 123 London st
Younger & Younger, 158 Bath st
Abram & Addie, 60 St. Enoch sq
Agius, Ed. T. Ltd. 8 Gordon st
Aitken, Lilburn, & Co. 80 Bu-
chanan st
Allan, F. W. & Co. 125 Buchanan
Alston & Tulloch, 34 St. Enoch sq
Arbuckle, W. S. & Co. 93 Hope st
Armour, W. N. & Co. 40 W. Nile
Babtie, Edward P. Ill Union st
Ballantine, Jas. J. 12 Renfield st
BaUantyne, B. B. & Co. 212 St.
Vincent st
Ballingall & Co. 104 W. George st
Bell Bros. & M'Lelland, 135
Buchanan st
Birrell, D. & Co. 23 Blythswood
Blair, Robert, & Co. 93 Hope st
Blumberg, Arthur, & Co. 12
Waterloo st
Borthwick, J. F. & Co. 19 Waterloo
Boyd, David, & Co. 109 Hope st
Boyd, Wm. 53 Both well st
Brock, Thomas, 25 Wellington st
Browne & Watson, 16 Bothwell st
Bruce, John, & Co. 67 W. Nile st
Buchanan, Moses, 52 St Enoch sq
Burns, Weir, & Co. Ill Union st
Burrell & Son, 54 George sq
C alder, John, 26 Renfield st
Campbell, John M. & Son, 154 ]
St. Vincent street
Carlson, C. & E. 101 St. Vincent st]
Cars well & Watson, 50 Wellington'
Cassillis (The) Steamship Co. Ltd J
54 Gordon st
Cayzer, Irvine, & Co. 109 Hope st
Clark & Service, 21 Bothwell st
Colvils, Lowden & Co. 65 Gt. Clyd e st
Cornfoot, Jas. & Co. 196 St. Vin-
cent street
Cowan, D. & Co. 5 Oswald st
Crawford, Andw. & Co. 21 Hope st
Crawford & Co. 26 Renfield st
Crawford, Duff & Co. 8 Gordon st
Crawford, John J. 26 Renfield st
Crawford & Rowat, 70 Wellington
Currie, Donald, & Co. 137 West
George st
Currie, Jas. & Co. 45 Renfield st
Cuthbertson, James R. & Co. 87
St Vincent st
Dawson Bros. 12 York st
Denniston, Peter, & Co. 145 Queen
Donald & Taylor, 123 Hope st
Drughorn, Fred. 52 St. Enoch sq
Dunlop, Thos. & Sons, '70 Well-
ington street
Duff, T. L. & Co. 24 George sq
Dunn, Jas. & Sons, 107 St. Vin-
cent st
Escombe Brothers & Co. 68 St.
Vincent street
Esplen, Wm. jun. & Co. 75 Both-
well st
Fairlie, Jas. 12 Waterloo st
Ferguson & Reid, 109 Hope st
Fraser, M'Lean & Co. 134 St.
Vincent st
Frew, John G. & Co. 5 Dixon st
Gans & Sell, 12 Waterloo st
Gardiner, James, & Co. 24 St.
Vincent place
Gellatly, Hankey,&Co. 33 Gordon
Gibson & Clark, 65 Robertson st
Gibson, Richard, & Co. 105 West
George st
Gillies & Co. 27 Oswald st
Gilmour, John, & Co. 6 Dixon st
Gow, Harrison, & Co. 45 Renfield
Gray, Geo. W. 34 W. George st
Grey, Meyer & Co. 93 Hope st
Grier, Tho. B. 29 Waterloo street
Guthrie, M'Donald, Hood & Co.
29 Waterloo street
Halliday,George,Ltd. 118 Broomie-
Hardie, Jas. & Co. 11 Bothwell st
Harris & Simpson, 11 Bothwell st
HanisoD, Weir & Co. 82 Gordon st
Hatfield, Cameron, & Co. 75
Bothwell street
Hay, J. &. J., Ltd. 58 Renfield st
Henderson Brothers, 47 Union st

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