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Rarnsay, Wm. 8 Mains street
Rankin, John W., 218a St. Vin-
cent st
Rankiu, T.296 North Woodside rd
Rattray, David, 136 Mains st
Reid, Wm. 250 W. George st
Reoch, Robert, 1069 Pollokshaws
Richardson, Robt. 26 Gardner st.
and 803 Dumbarton rd. Partick
Ritchie, James, 145 Pollok st
Robertson, Chas. 3 University st
Robertson, John, 469 and 473
Crown st
Robertson, John T. 211 St. Vincent
Robertson, TUos. 178 George st
Rodger, Wm. 14 and 16 Bedford st
Roebuck, Jonath. lOlEglinton st
Samuels, W. N. & Son, 31 Stirling
Sanderson, Jas. 3 & 5 Gibson st.
Scott, A. & J. 247 Sauchiehall
Scrimgeour, David, 11 Gardner st
Sellars, Geo. W. 241 W. George st
and 355 Byres road
Sharp, Joseph & Son, 259 St.
Vincent st
Sime, Arch. 7 Skirving st
Sime, Archd. 82 Pollok st. Pollok-
Smellie, Geo. 17 Wemyss place
Smith, Alex. 2 Gilmore street,
Stevenson Bros. 124 Bain st
Stewart, Geo. 37 Helen st
Stewart, Henry, 13 Eurobank ter.
Stewart, Jas. 4 John st. lane
Stewart, John, 3 1 Westmuir st
Stirling, Arch. 503 Springbum rd
Stirling, James, 582a Springburn
Swan, Alex. 162 Main street,
Sweet, John, 86 Gt. Western rd
Tait, Peter, jun. 443 St. George's
Tait, Robert, 12 Wilton st
Thomson, Arcb. & Co. 49 Bank st.
Thomson Bros. 2 Tureen st
Thomson, Chas. & Sons, 350 No.
Woodside rd
Thomson, Jas. 70 Nelson st. s.s
Thomson & M'Ewan, 123 Norfolk
Thomson, Wm. 493 St. Vincent st
Todd, Alex. 6 Douglas place,
Topping, Wm. & Robt. 138 Byres
Toye, Neil, 10 Cleveland st
Turner, Daniel, & Son, 5 North St
Mungo st
Walker, Henry, 74 Dumbarton rd.
Walton, Geo. & Co., Ltd., 37 Buc-
cleuch st
Works, 40a Dalhousie st
Showroom, 278 Sauchiehall st
Telephone No. 274
Telegrams, "Leadwork," Glas.
Watson, John, 135 Dumbarton rd
Watson, Robert, 84, 86 Bellgrove st
Watson, Thos. C. 160 Kent rd
Weir, Thos. 3 Eldon st
Whyte, Wm 526, 528 St. George's
Wilson, Jas. 191 St George's rd
Wilson, James, 907 Garscube rd
Wilson, John, 24 Kent street
Wilson, John, 155 W. Nile st
Wilson, Thos. 14 & 16 Rutherglen
Wilson, Wm. 173 North street
Wright, David (desigoer, decorator
and sign writer to the trade,
flags, banners, coat of arms, &c.
painted), 196 St. Vincent st
Wright, J. & A. 85 Hyndland st.
Wylie & Lochhead, Ltd. 45 Bu-
chanan st
Aim, W. L. & Co. 10 to 14 Both-
well lane
Aitchison, Arch, (agent for Locke,
Blackett, & Co. Ld. Newcastle-
on-Tyne), 70, 72 Waterloo st
Alder, H. B. & Co. Ltd. Lime-
house, London, E.; estab. 1833 ;
sole agent, Robert Davie, jr.
Royal Exchange and 4 Bogle st.
Alexander, Fergusson, & Co. Ld.
38 M'Alpine st
Baird, Robt. & Co. 35 Glassford
Billings, King, & Co. (incorp.),
New York and Boston, U.S.A.
high grade paints and varnishes,
USN brands ; sole agents for
Scotland and the North of Ire-
land, R. Robertson & Son, 15
arid 17 Commerce st
Blacklock & Macarthur; works, 102
to 118 Dale street ; offices, 165
to 173 West street, Tradeston,
and at Cardiff
Blundell, Spence & Co. Ltd. Royal
Brown, Wm. Sons, & Co. Kinning
Calder & Armour, 14 Broomielaw
Calley's Torbay paints, 12 Dixon st
Craig, John S. & Co. Limited, 50
Paterson street, Kingston
Craig & Rose, Ltd. Caledonian Oil
and Colour Works, 85 to 89
Cadogan street ; also at Edin-
burgh, London, and Cardiff
Cunningham, John, & Co. Kingston
Paint Works, Kinning street 3
Davis, A. H. Ltd. 1 Robertson st
Dick & Parker, 76 Milton street,
Dickson, J. & J. & Co. Harbour
Paint Works, 54 and 56 Brown
st. Broomielaw
" Dioxoid," a black deoxidising
elastic paint for iron, steel,
wood, &c.: sole agent, John
Kirkland, 45 Hope st
Duthie, Jas. & Co. manufacturers
of paints, varnishes, &c. and sole
agents in Scotland and Ireland
for the Silicate Paint Co. (J. B.
Orr & Co. Ltd.) Charlton, Lon-
don, manufacturers of Duresco,
the washable water paint for
plaster, &c. silicate petrifying
liquid for stone preservation,
Charlton white oil paints
and enamels; 129 St. Vincent st.
also at 42 Gt. Brunswick street,
Eadie, Archd. & Co. Tradeston
Paint, Oil, and Grease Works,
54 Cook street
Forsyth, M'Kechnie & Co. British
Oil and Colour Works, 21 Hope-
hill road
Fyfe & Jackson, 66 to 70 Pater-
son st. Kingston
Gardner, G. P. & Co. 73 & 75 Hyde-
park st
Gibson & Matbie, 49 Brown street,
Glasgow Patents Co. Ltd. "Ena-
meline" quick -drying paint,
"Clutha" composition for ships'
holds, " Electroid " Anti-fouling
general ship and house paints,
94 Hope St.; works, Kinning park
Griffiths, Knight & Co. Liverpool,
silicate paint, enamels, dryers,
varnishes, &c; agent, Daniel K.
M'Leish, 132 W. Nile st
Guy, John, & Co. 223 Westmuir st
Hamilton, Archd. H. & Co. pure
red oxide, 106 Elliot st
Hamilton, J. & D. 224 Ingram st
Harland, Wm. & Son (varuish
and colour), Merton, London,
S.W. ; rep. Chas. L. Hunt,
Claudieburn, Sutherland ave.
Maxwell park
Hinshelwood, Thomas, & Co. Glas-
gow Oil and Colour Works, Glen-
park street
Hird, Hastie, & Co. 73 Park st
Hay, Andrew, & Co. 1 Robertson
Hollywood, Wm. & Co. (asbestos,
fire resisting paim), 36 and 36a
King street, Tradeston
Hunter, Thos. 27 Oswald st
Johnstone, Jas. & Co. 8 to 16
George street. Mile- end
Kennedy, Wm. 12 N. Oswald st
Kennedy & Reid, 18-26 Helenvale

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