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Currie, John, F. 104 Bnccleuch st
Dallachy, H. & Sons, 145 Green-
head street
Dansken, Ales. 270 Gt. Eastern
road, Parkhead
Davidson, W. G. 55 Bath st
Dempster, G. C. & Son, 83 Ren-
field st
Dick, Son, & Shaw, 166 St. Vin-
cent st
Dick, Walter, 70 Wellington st
Donald, Jas. 536 Springburn rd
Donaldson, Peter, 29 Henrietta st
Dow, Woo. 12 L W. Regent street
Dnguid, Robt. 108 W. George st
Duncan, Gideon, 3 Alexander st
Dunlop, D. D. 187 W. George st
Edgar, Peter, 114 West Nile st
Edmiston, Gray, 100 Cowcaddens
Fairie, JohD, C. A. (fidelity, burglar,
glass, marine, and general), 82
W. Nile st
Faulds, Wm. C. 195 Claythorn st
Fergus, James, 26 Annette st
Ferguson, A. F. & J., 139 St. Vin-
cent street
Ferguson, C. Carnie, 42 Hill st.
Ferguson, Joseph, 69 Whitevale st
Fergusson, Wm. 707 Duke street
Findlay, James, jr., & Son, 96 W.
Regent st
Findlay, Wm. M. 261 West George
Finlay, Wm., jr., 11 Bothwell st
Forbes, Robert, 121 W. Regent st
Forsyth, J. & B. 154 W. Regent st
Foster, J. Y. 8 Gayfield street
Gallacher & Cornwall, 26 Arthur
st. Overnewton
Gavin, John S. 2 W. Regent st
Gellatly, Hankey, & Co. 33 Gordon
Gillies, Alex. 32 Dumbarton road
Gilmour, Matthew, & Son, 67 So.
Portland st
Goldie, James, 29 Waterloo st
Goodwin, James, 235 George street
Gossman & Smith, 55 W. Regent
St.; branches, 18 Comelypark st.
and 409 Gt. Eastern rd
Goudie, David, 44 Preston st.
Gow, J. R. 12 Renfield st
Graham, David, 180 Hope st
Graham, J. & M. C. 21 Bath st
Grant, John, 61 Granville st
Grant & Wilson, 104 London rd
Greenlees, John, 164 Bath st
Gunn, Thos. 101 St. Vincent st
Hair, W. B. 41 Robertson street
Hall, Jno. 116 St. Vincent st
Halliday, Geo. & Co. com. agents,
118 Broomielaw
Hamilton & Macpherson, 49 Bath
Harley, Geo. 214 Paisley rd. W
Hart, P. C. 134 St. Vincent st
Henderson, Alex. 4 Grant st
Henderson, Jas. V. 78 Preston st.
Henderson, Wilson & Anderson,
166 Buchanan st
Henry, Jas. 12 Cross st. Partick
Henry & Steel, 502 St Vincent st
Hill, Andrew, 114 Dunchattan st
Hogg, A. & A. & Co. 132 West
Nile st
Hornsby, A. Hamilton, 20 Union st
Howie, John, 52 Cowlairs rd
Ironside, Wm. 334 Scotland st
Jack, Wm. H. 58 W. Regent st
Jardine, John, 4 L Arlington street
Jardine, John, 24 Park road
Johnston, R. D. 107 Wellington
Johnstone, Thos. T. 27 Brownlie st.
Mount FSorida
Johnstone, Wm. 228 Dalmarnock
Keith, John M. 276 Paisley rd
Kennedy, David, & Co. 21 St.
Vincent place
Kennedy, John, 212 Main st. s.s.
Kerr, Wm. 45 Montrose st
Kirk, Richard, 6 Windser st
Kirkland & Forbes, 121 West
Regent street
Kirkland, Wm. D. 229 Berkeley st
Kirkwood, Chas. F.S.I. 67 West
Regent st.
Kyle, James, 171 Bellfield st
Kyle, T., 55 Bath street; branch,
17 Marquis street
Lamont, M'Quisten & Co. 33
Renfield st
Lang, A. Campbell, 57 W. Nile st
Langlands, E.W. 113 W.Regentst.
and 209 Main st. Mary hill
Law, R. 67 Kelvin street
Lindsay, W. G. & J. W, C.A. 156
St. Vincent st
Livingston, G. B., & Co. 5 Oswald
Livingstone, J. B. 35a So. Port-
land st
Logan, W. & Son, 95 Bath st
Lorimer, Jos. 19 W. Howard st
Lorimer, W. 34 Kent street
M' Arthur, David, 89 Kenmure st.
Pollok shields
M' Asian, William, 58 Bath st
Macalister, Wm. 65 W. Regent st
M'Callum & Hutchison, 58 Ren-
field street
M'Callum, J. A. 37 Hunter street
M'Callum, R. sen. 69 Union st
Macaulay, R. & J. M., 21 Bellgrove
M'Court, R. 303 Parliamentary rd
Macdonald, George, 18 Abbotsford
Maedougall & Brown, 138 West
Regent st
M'Gregor, George, 624 Cathcart
road, Govanhill
M'Gregor, John, 9a Scotia st
M'Harg & Son, 69 Buchanan st
M'llwain, Jos. (abstainers), 79
W. Regent st
Mackenzie, J. Tannett, 48 West
Regent street
M'Kenzie, K. 94 Parson street
Mackie, Lewis E. 132 Rose st. s.s.
Mackinlay, Geo. F.S.I.A 173 St.
Vincent st
Macindoe, Thomas, & Lauder, 46
Gordon street
M'Intosh, Henry J., British Linen
Co. Bank, Whiteinch
Mackintosh & Paterson, 376
St. Vincent st
Maclachlan & Fletcher, 180 West
Regent st
M'Lean, Vallance W. 165 Govan st
M'Leod, J. Grant, Royal Exchange
M'Nab, D. A. 1117 Dumbarton
rd. Whiteinch
M'Nicol, James, 79 Robertson st
MacNicoll & Co. (boiler, fire, marine,
and employers' liability), 6 Dixon
Macpherson, A. 49 Bath st
M'Rae, Farquhar, 21 Willowbank
M'Queen, G. 78 N. St. Mungo st
Madden, H. W. 96 So. Portland st
Maitland, Robt. 44 Kent street
Marr, John, & Sons, 41 Helen st.
Marr, Jno. S., 175 St. Vincent st
Marshall, Robert, 15 Claremont st
Martin, Andrew, 154 West Regent
street, and 67 Wyndford street,
Martio, John, 1232 Dumbarton
road, Whiteinch
Martin, John, 116 St. Vincent st
Mayberry, Hugh, 173 St. Vin. st
Meadows, Thomas, & Co., 10 Han-
over street
Meikle, Sam. C, 217 Buchanan~st
Messer, A. F. 78 Westmoreland st
Metcalfe, W. & Sons, 140 London st
Menzies, Sam. & Son, 113 West
Regent st
Miller, James, 754 Gallowgate
Miller, John, & Quaile, C.A. 69 St.
George's place
Milton, James, 419 Gallowgate
Mitchell, Alexander, & Son, 173
W. Scotland st. and 2 Whitehall
Mitchell, D. S., 178 Broomielaw
Mitchell, James, 205 Hope st
Morgan, James L. 146 St. James
street, Bridgeton
Morrow, Thomas, 42 Sinclair dr.
Muir, David, 162 North st
Munn, Jas. 124 Pollok st
Munn, M. H. (fire), 14 Hill st.
Muter, Robert Jas. (boilers), 375
Eglinton st
Neill, James K. & Co. 20 Union st

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