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4. Persons who desire at anytime to receive their
letters, or other postal packets of any kind, including
booh and sample packets, newspapers, and circulars,
in advance of the ordinary delivery, may have them
delivered by special messenger on payment of the
following fees, viz. : — The full express fees (od. per
mile or part of a mile) as per one packet, and Id. per
every ten, or less number, of additional packets be-
yond the first. Applications for such special de-
livery must be signed by the person or firm to which
the letters or postal packets in question are addressed.
Forms of application may be obtained at any office
from which deliveries are made. The application
should be addressed to the postmaster of the office
from which the letters are ordinarily delivered, and
may be delivered by hand or sent through the post
prepaid. Care should be taken that the application
reaches the head post office on the previous evening,
if it is intended to apply to the early delivery in the
morning, and, if to other deliveries during the day,
an hour at least before the time at which the delivery
by postmen commences. The express fees on at least
one packet must be prepaid in stamps affixed to
the application. All additional fees must be paid
to the special messenger on delivery.
5. When letters or parcels directed to a Post Office
for persons who reside within a free delivery from such
office, but who have no private box, arrive by a mail
for which there is a delivery from house to house, a
Postmaster may refuse to deliver them at the window,
and may send them out by the postmen, except
istich as are addressed to the military in barracks.
6. No person can have a private box unless he
is willing to pay the appointed fee. The fee is at
the rate of £o per annum, payable in advance.
Special arrangements are made for locked bags to
and from the renters of private boxes and the Post
Is established in Glasgow, and all undeliverable
letters addressed to Glasgow and its sub-offices are
disposed of there.
On reaching the Returned Letter Office a letter
originatiug in the United Kingdom is at once opened,
and if found to contain the writer's address is
returned to him. If it does not contain either the
writer's address or an article of value tlie letter is
destroyed. Any letter or packet which on being
opened is found to contain value is, for its safetj',
recorded and returned registered and, unless regis-
tered at the time of posting, the registration fee of
2d. is charged to the sender. Letters bearing the
sender's name and address impressed or printed on
the envelopes are returned unopened.
After being retained for periods varying from one
week to one month, foreign and colonial letters are,
with few exceptions, returned unopened to the coun-
tries from which they were received.
The following regulations govern the disposal of
undelivered post cards, newspapers, book packets,
(including circulars) under 2 oz. in weight: — (1)
Where such uu delivered packets bear on the outside
the sender's name and address, with a request for
their return in case of non-delivery, the packets will
be sent back to the sender direct from the office of
delivery, and will be delivered on payment of a second
postage. (2) Where such undelivered packets bear
on the outside no request for their return in case of
non-delivery, they will be disposed of at the Head
Office of delivery, unless the contents appear to be of
value, in which case the packets will be offered to the
sender (if known), and delivered to him on payment
of a second postage. These regulations do not apply
to letters or to sample packets, or to packets sent at the
book rate, which are prepaid more than one halfpenny.
Messages, letters, and parcels are delivered under
the following services, by special messenger, from the
undermentioned offices in the Glasgow district: — ■
Chief Office — George Square; Branch Offices at
Anderston, Bridgeton, Candleriggs, Charing Cross,
Crossbill, Duke Street, Eglinton Street, Fish Market,
Stock Exchange, Govan, Hillhead, Hope Street,
Waterloo Street, Kingston, Maryhlll, Partick, St.
Enoch Square, Sandyford; Town Sub-Offices at
Crossmyloof, Crown Street, Garscube Cross, St. Eol-
lox, Ibrox, Springburn, Jordanhill, Mount Florida,
Whiteinch, Kithsdale Eoad, Parkhead, Polmadie,
Port-Dundas, Possilpark, Pollokshields ; and at the
Sub-Offices at which telegraph business is transacted.
Local Service. — Under this Service any Postal
Packet (letters, parcels, or any other article sent by
ordinary post, except articles of a dangerous or
offensive character), will be conveyed the entire dis-
tancehj Exjjress Messenger for the following fees : — •
Not exceeding 1 lb., 3d. a mile. When the packet
exceeds 1 lb. there is a further charge of l^d. for
every lb. or part of a lb. beyond the first, in additoni
to the mileage charge. If the sender desires that
a special conveyance be used, or if the distance exceeds
2 miles and a public conveyance (by train, omnibus,
or tramcar) is not available in both directions, the
actual cost of a special conveyance must in ail cases
be paid in addition to the foregoing charges. Two
or more packages may be carried by the same mes-
senger at reduced charges. For particulars apply at
any of the offices mentioned.
Special Delivery of Letters, ^c, in Advance offlie
Ordinary Deliveries, at the Request of Addressee. —
Persons or firms who desire at any time to receive
their letters, or other postal packets of any kind (in-
cluding parcels, book and sample packets, news-
papers, and circulars), in advance of the ordinaiy
delivery, may have them delivered by special messen-
ger on payment of the following fees, viz : — The full
express fee of 3d. a mile as for one packet, and Id.
for every 10, or less number, of additional packets
beyond the first. Applications for such special de-
livery must be signed by the person to whom, or
firm to which, the letters or postal packets in question
are addressed. Forms of .application may be obtained
at any Post Office from which letters or parcels are
delivered, and also from the more important Town
Branch and Sub-Post Offices.
Supplementarg Service — Express after First
Stage. — Express Packets may be handed in at any
Post Office in Glasgow, but as those posted at Town
Sub-Offices which are not Express Delivery Offices,
take the ordinary course of post from the office at
which they are handed in until they reach the Head
Office, there may be some delay before the packet;
reaches the hands of the Express Messenger, and
the sender of a packet intended for local delivery is

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