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Campbell ; treasurer, Mr J. B. Hay ; librarian, Mr James Gordon ;
joint secretaries, Messrs John Morison and John M'Intyre ; James D.
Muir, reading-room secretary. This Association has for its object the
religions, moral, and intellectual imijrovement of young men. It is
divided into eight branches, which meet in the following places every
Friday evening at 8.45 for religious services, viz.- -Branch No. 1,
Wellpark Free Church Session-house ; No. 2, Free Middle Church do.;
No. 3, Baptist Chapel, West Burn Street ; No. 4, Union Street U.P.
Session-House ; No. 5, Sir Michael Street U.P. Session-house ; No. 6,
St Andrew's Free Church Session-house ; No. 7, South Free Church
Session-house ; No. 8, Cartsburn Parish Church Session-house. Meetings
for prayer are held every Sabbath morning, at 8 o'clock, in St Andrew's
Free Church Library, and at 10 o'clock in the Lesser Temperance
Hall. Young men of good moral character are admitted members
yipon assenting to the constitution and laws of the Association. There
is a Library of 700 vols, for the use of the members and subscribers.
Tract distribution and other mission work is engaged in by the mem-
bers. There is a Relief and Sick Fund. A popular course of lectures
and a, reading-room are also carried on by the Association. The
reading-rooin and library, Temperance Institute Buildings, are open
to the public at the following rates of subscription : —Annual subscrip-
tion, 7s 6d ; half-yearly, 4s ; quarterly, 2s ; apprentices, annually, 2s 6d.
Greenock Young Men's Protestant Association— Instituted 1862.
Object - The study of the Bible and Eomish Works ; the enlighten-
ment of Protestants as to the real character of Popery in its religious,
social, and political aspects, and the conversion of Romanists. Hon.
president, Robert Shankland, Esq.; hon. vice president. Bailie Baton ;
chairman. Rev. J. M'Pherson ; vice-chairman, William Grey; trea-
surer, J. Robinson ; secretary, Joseph Sharp ; corresponding secretary,
John E. Arle ; librarian, D. M 'Arthur ; committee, Messrs Thomas
Adams, Andrew Swan, John M'Call, D. M'Kew, W. Craig, J.
M'Donald, J. Brown, J Robertson, J. Buchanan, W. M'Gill. The
members meet during the winter months on Monday evenings at a
quarter-past eight o'clock, in the Gaelic School, West Stewart Street.
Essays are read, and conversations and readings engaged in for mutual
improvement. Young men of good character, who admit the Bible to
be the Word of God and their guide, are admitted as members
Annual subscription, one shilling.
Greenock Sabbath School Union— Instituted 1870.— James Morton,
'E&i., Balclutha, honorary president; William Bowie, president;
Robert Hamilton, vice-president ; Robert Wright, treasurer ; Robert
Wrig:ht and John S Nicol, secretaries ; with an executive committee
of thirteen, and a general committee consisting of one representative
from each associated school The objects of the Union are— 1st,
To encourage unity, and increase Sabbath schools throughout the
town ; 2d, to improve the method of conducting schools ; and 3d, to
promote the personal piety of the teachers, and to unite in prayer for
a blessing on their work. General meetings of the Union are held
Greenock Working Boys' and Girls' Religious Society —Honorary
president, James Morton, Esq. , Balclutha ; honorary vice-presidents,
Rev. Archibald Fullarton, Rev. Peter Thomson, Rev. John Young,
Rev. Andrew Symington, Provost Neill, Abram Lyle, Esq., John
Scott, Yst., W. J. Marshall, Esq., M.D. ; president, Q. L. Anderson,
11, West Blackball Street ; vice-president, M, F, Dunlop, 5, Robert-

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