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Postmasters are instructed not to receive any letter which there is
good reason to believe contains anything likely to injure the contents
of the mail bag, or the person of any officer of the Post Office._ If
such a packet be posted without the Postmaster's knowledge, or if at
any time before its despatch he should discover any such packet, he is
directed not to forward it, but to report the case, with the address of
the packet, to the Secretary. The following are examples of the articles
referred to : —
A glass bottle, or glass in any form; razoi-s, scissors, needles, knives,
forks, or other sharp instruments ; leeches, game, fish, meat,
fruit, or vegetables ; bladders, or other vessels containing
liquids ; gunpowder, lucifer matches, or anything which is
explosive or liable to sudden combustion.
„ 71 M.
„ 81 9d.
„ 9^ lOd.
„ 10^ lid.
- Is.
The Public are recommended, when applying for Money Orders, to
use printed " Application Forms," which save time and afford greater
security, than verbal messages, against mistakes. These Forms are
supplied gratuitously at all Money Order Offices.
The commission on Inland Money Orders is : —
For sums under 10s - - Id. For sums of 51 and under 6^ 7d.
,, of 10s and under 11 2d.
,, ,, 11 ,, ,, 21 3d,
„ „ 3^ „ „ 4:1 M.
„ 41 „ „ U M.
No Order is allowed to contain the fractional part of a penny.
Money Orders are issued in the United Kingdom on the following
colonies, British agencies, and Foreign Countries ; — Alexandria,
Bahia, Berbice (New Amsterdam), Belgium, British Columbia, Callao,
Cape of Good Hope, Canada, Colombo (Ceylon), Coquimbo, Demerara
(Georgetown), Denmark, Falkland Islands, France and Algeria, Ger-
many, Gibraltar, Gold Coast, Holland, Honduras, Hong Kong, India,
Italy, Malta, Mauritius, Natal, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, New
South Wales, New Zealand, Nova Scotia, Pernambuco, Prince Edward
Island, Queensland, Bio de Janeiro, St Helena, Shanghai, Smyrna,
South Australia, Straits Settlements, Suez, Switzerland, Tasmania,
United States, Valparaiso, Victoria, West Coast of Africa, West
Indies, Western Aiistralia, Yokohama.
The scale of Commission for Orders payable abroad is as follows : —
For sums not exceeding - - - £2. £5. £7. £10.
s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.
If payable in Belgium, Denmark, France,
Germany, Holland, Italy, Switzer-
land, Gibraltar, Malta, Egypt, or
Constantinople, - - - 091623 3
,, any other place abroad (including
most of the Colonies) authorised to
transact Money Order business
with this country, - -- 10 20 3 40

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