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Stoneybaiik : Ilusselbtirgh (0) : James W.
Stewart, C.E.
Stoneybeck : Ecclefechan (3^) : J. Blacklock,
Stoneybriggs : Aldbar, Brechin (3) : J. Grieve,
Stoneybriggs : Ladybanh (1|) : A. Garland, far.
Stoneyburn : Abington, Lanarkshire : Mrs
Tweedie. T. O. Abington Station, 3|-.
Stoneyburn : Whitburn, Linlithgowshire : R.
Stoneyburn House : Whitburn, Linlithgowshire :■
A. Waddell. T. 0. West Calder..
Stoneyfield : Blackburn, Aberdeenshire : John
Watson. T. 0. Auchmill, 5.
Stoneyfield : Inverness : If.
Stoneyfield : Old Meldruni, Aberdeenshire : Peter
Eonaldson, farmer. T. 0. Fyvie, 3.
Stoneyfield : Stornoivay (2|) ; R. Gerrie.
Stoneyfold : New Deer, Aberdeen ; A. Milne,
farmer. T. O. Maud Junction, 4.
Stoneyhall : Neivmilns (1^), Kilmarnock :
Matthew Brown, farmer.
Stoneyhill : Banff (5) : Alex; Gordon, farmer.
Stoneyhill : Musselburgh (0) : James Park, far-
mer, and Wm. G. Dean, contractor.
Stoneypath : Dunsyre, Dolphinton, Peeblesshire:
Alex. Collier, farmer. T. 0. West Liu-
ton, 8.
Stoneypath : Prestonhirk (5) : John Dodds, far.
Stoneypath Tower : Prestonkirk (5^) : J.
Fortune, farmer.
Stoneyroo : Fordoun : James Clark.
Stoneywood House : Auchmill (1^), Aberdeen :
Mrs Alex. Pirie.
toneywood Paperworks : Aberdeen : Alexander
Pirie & Sons. T. 0. Auchmill, 1.
Stonieley : Banff (4) : William Watt, farmer.
Stonietown : Blackliillock, Keith : James
M'William. T. 0. Mulben Station, 1^.
Stonmanhill : Fyvie (3i), Aberdeenshire : A.
Murrison, farmer.
Stoneyholm, High : Kilbirnic (0), Ayrshire : G.
Stonyholm, Low : Kilhirnie (0), Ayrshire : J.
Logan, farmer.
Stonykir v : R. S. 0. Wigtownshire.
Manse— Rev. James Dougall.
P.C— Rev. G. P. Robertson, M.A
School Board- -Chairman, Mark J. Stewart, M.P.
Clerk, Alex. Todd.
Med. Prac.-'C. M. Ross.
Registrar — T. Kennedy, insp. of poor.
T. 0. Sandhead, 2. M. O. O. Stranraer.
Stonypath: West Linton (l^), Peeblesshire : Alex.
G. Rutherford.
Stonywynd : Boarhills, St Andreios (4J) : A.
Hill of Stonywynd.
Stonnontfield : Perth : David Lumsden.
T. 0. Luncarty Station, IJ.
f^STORNO WA Y (Isle of Lewis) : Ross-shire.
Birrgh under General Police and Improve-
ment (Scot.) Act, 1862. Pop.^ 2535..
(Tel. hours, 7.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. ; Sunday, 9 to 10 a.m.)
Chief Magistrate— William Mackay.
Town-Clerk — John Ross.
Clergy-Est. C, Rev.
F C., ,, James Greenfield.
u'.P.C, ,, Donald John Martin.
Episcop., ,,
School Board— Chairman, Wm. Mackay.
Clerk, Wm. Ross.
Not.-Pub.— D. Monro.
Med. Prac— C. M. Macrae: R. Millar; J. A. J.
Banks— Nat. Bank of Scot. ; Kenneth M'Kenzie, agt.
City of Glasgow ; N. M'lver, agt.
Caledonian ; E. Ross, agt.
Registrar— J. F. Maofarlane.
Hotels— Lews Hotel, Allan Clark ; Royal, J.
Hunter ; Imperial, J. H. Morgan ;
Temperance. Mrs Carmichael.
Station— Strome Ferry (Skye Rwy.)
Sub- Postra. — Norman Morrison.
Stornoway Castle : Stornoivay (1|) : Sir James
Matheson of the Lews and Achany, Bart.
Stornoway Lighthouse : Stornoioay : 3.
Stotfaukls : Craigton, Ca7-?ioustie {8) , Forfarshire.
Stotfaulds : Newbigging, Dundee (8^) : James
Stotfield : Lossiemouth (IJ), Elgin : village.
Stotford Head : Coldstream (4|) : Gilbert Turn-
bull, farmer.
Stotliart's Croft : Kirkmichael, Blairgowrie :
Peter Boyd. T. 0. Pitlochry, 9^.
Stourhead Lighthouse : Lochinver, Lairg.
Stove : Walls, Lerwick (25) : village.
^STO W : S. 0. Mid-Lothian. Pop. 2306.
(Tel. hours, 7.30 a.m. to S p.m. ; Sun., 9.80 to 11.30 a.m.)
Clergy —Est, C, Rev. J. M. Robertson, M.A.
F.C., „ T. N. Brydon.
U.P.C, ,, John Wilson, M.A.
School Board — Chairman, Eev. J. M. Robertson.
Clerk, John F. Walker.
Med. Prac. — James MiJdleton.
Registrar — J. F. Walker, insp. of poor.
Railway Hotel — Mrs Dickson.
Station— (N. B. Rwy.)
Sub-Postmistres.s — Agnes M'Intyre.
Stow Mill : Stow (0), Mid-Lothian : James Mercer
& Co. , manufacturers,, and Walter Mercer,
yarn spinner.
Strabane : Brodick (0), Isle of Arran.
Stracathro House : Brechin (4), : Alex. James
Stracathro Manse : Brechin : Rev. Robert Grant,
School Board— Chairman, John Shepherd.
Clerk, Rev. Robert Grant.
Registrar— W. Cameron.
Stracathro, Newton of : Brechin (4) : Mrs Fyfe.
Stracathro, Westerton of : Brechin (3^) : Andrew
Oskr, farmer.
Strachan : S. 0. Aberdeen.
Manse — Rev. Alexander M'Leau, M.A.
F.C.— Rev. D. S. Fergusson, M.A.
School Board— Chairman, Douglas Wimberley.
Clerk, John Sim.
Registrar— Neil Gilchrist.
T. 0. and M. 0. 0. Banchory, 3J.
^{iStrachur : S. 0. St Catherine's, Argyllshire.
T. 0. Invera7-ay, 8.
Manse — Rev. Hugh F. Macdonald.
F.C. — Rev. William Lauder.
School Board. See ' Stralachlan and Strachur."
Registrar— Archibald Weir.
Hotel — Mrs Campbell.
Sub-Postm.— William Montgomery.
Strachurbeg : Strachur, St Catherine's, Argyll-
shire : village. T. 0. Inveraray, 8.
Strachurmore : Strachur, Inveraray (8|) : John
Strachur Park : Greenock : Rev. J. Seton Karr
T. 0. Inveraray, 7 J.

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