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Clarke, James, tobacconist, Town Hall buildings,
95 High street
Clay, Mrs, 2 Mount Pleasant, Joppa
Clegborn, Miss, 16 Pitt street
Clephane, Colonel Robert D. 1 Elcho terrace
Clydesdale Banking Co. Branch, 99 High street,
(William Newlands, agent)
Coates, Mrs, 11 Pitt street
Cockburn, A. M. (M. S. and Co. ), 5 Wellington pi.
Collie, David, inspector, Commercial Bank, 3 Elcho
Comrie, Peter, teacher, 37 Tower street
Condie, Mrs, Koyton cottage, 113 High street
Conway, Mrs, 7 Mount Pleasant, Joi)pa
Coopei-, Eichard, & Co. Forth Bottle- works, Pv-ose-
bank and Baileyfield
Cooper, Joseph E. (R. C. & Co.) 22 Brighton place
Cooper, Eichard (E. C. & Co.), 22 Brighton place
Co-operative Society (limited), John Hall, secretary,
37 High street
Council Chambers, and Offices of Commissioners of
Police, (A. Paterson, town clerk,) Town Hall .^
Court, Eev. Eobert, 33 Tower street
Cowan, William, dairyman, 61 High street
Craig & Co. David, paijermakers, mills, Bridge st.
Craig, David (D. C. & Co.), 10 John street
Craig, James (D. C. & Co. ), 18 Brighton place
Craig, George, Robertson's place, Jojjpa
Craigie, John, painter, 8 Tower street
Crawford, David, S. S. C. Commissioner, High Court
of Chancery, 2 Elcho terrace
Crawford, J. K., S.S.C. 8 Brighton crescent, east
Crease, Alex, commercial traveller, Eathbone house
Crighton, David, painter, glazier, and decorator,
218 High street
Crombie, John, bookseller, 6 Adelphi street
Crompton, Mrs, lodgings, 10 Wellington street
Cross, Miss, Eobertson's place, Joppa
Cruickshanks, Mrs, 11 Eegent street
Cumming, Miss, 204 High street
Curr, Henry, West Bank house
Curi'ie, John, spirit merchant, 79 and 81 High st.
Curtis, Mrs, New buildings. Tower street
Dalrymple, Mrs, 1 Hamilton villas
Dalziel, Mrs, 7 Abercorn terrace
D'Ai-cy, Eev. W. (R.C.) 1 Sandford street
Darling, Miss, 13 Mount Pleasant, Jopjaa
Davidson, Henry, commer. traveller, 1 HoiJe st.
Davidson, John, grocer and wine merchant, 112
High street — house, Marionville, Regent st.
Dawson, Mrs Major, 15 Straiten place
Dean, Mrs Eobert, 1 Windsor place
Deans, Eev. George (U. P. Church), Jessfield
house, E,osefield avenue
Deans, J. C, S.S.C, Jessfield
Deans, Peter Dods (of Deans and Moore, Inveresk,
and M'Lean and Hope, Leith), Mount Charles,
Bath street
Dickie, George E. hairdresser and perfumer, 132
High street — ho. 5 Union jslace
Dickson, Mrs J. dairy, 10 Eamsay lane
Dobie, Miss, 13 Pitt street
Dods, Peter, 14 Wellington street
Doig, Henry (D., M'Kechnie, & Davies, Edinburgh),
15 Mount Pleasant, Joppa
Doig, William, bookseller, stationer, and news
agent, 94 and 96 High street
Donaldson, William (W. D. & Co. Edinburgh),
clothier, St Mary's, Eoselield place
Douglas & Smart, liouse factors, auctioneers, ap-
praisers, upholsterers, undertakers, and insur-
ance agents, 156 and 158 High str(;et
Douglas, James, rail converter, 13 Adelphi street
Douglas, Mrs William, 9 Melville place
Douglas, Miss, 3 Brighton crescent, east
Drummond, Miss E. 5 John street
Drysdale, Misses, 4 Wellington place j
Duft'us, Eobert, 1 Maryfield '■
Dunlop, Andrew, causeway-layer, Berry square
Dunlop, Eobert, hairdresser, 73 High street
Dunn, John, joiner, 19 Tower street
Edmonston, Samuel (F. E. & Sons, Edin.), 1 James'
Edward, John, 137 High street
Edward, Eobert, painter, &c. 216 High street
Edwards, Henry, wood merchant, Towerbank ho.
Elliott, Mrs Colonel, 5 Melville street
Ellis, William (Scougall, E., & Co. Leith), Welling-
ton lodge, Wellington street
Erskine, Miss, 11 Melville street
Esplin, Charles, commer. traveller, 1 Adelphi st.
Ewart, Eobert, vnright, 4 Adelphi place
Ewart, Mrs, 22 Wilson's park
Fairbairn, Andrew, grocer and wine merchant, 36
High street — house, 2 Grove place
Fairley, John, carter, 37 Joppa
Fairley, Robert, grocer and vdne merchant, 134
High street
Fallon, A. D. 204 High street
Falkner, Andrew, 17 Regent street
Falkner, Miss, 10 Melville place
Falshaw, James, 7 Straiten place
Farquhar, William, general grocer, 22 High street
Fenwick, John, 4 Maryfield
Ferguson, John, engraver, 15 Brighton place
Ferguson, George, (Red Lion,) wine and spu-it mer-
chant, 32 High street
Findlater, Miss, Rosebank
Finlayson, David, mason, 26 Henderson row
Flockhart, J. ironmonger and tobacconist, 98 High
I street
Forsyth, John, baker and confectioner, 102 High
street — house, 21 Bath street
Forsyth, Robert, Marine house and baths, Bath st.
Fortune, James, Eosefield aventie
Fraser, Eear-Adrairal Thomas, 19 Brighton place
Fraser, Mrs James, 115 High street
Fraser, Mrs B. S. Eegent cottage, Eegent street
Fraser, Miss, lodgings, 2 Eegent street
Fulton, Adam, tailor, 29 High street
Fyvie, Miss, 168 High street
Gardiner, Miss, 6 Bath place
Garland, J. C. Eobertson's place, Joppa
Gebbie, James, 7 Pitt street
Gentle, John, teacher, Eathbone house
Gibb, John, builder, 32 Tower street
Gibb, James (M'Farlane and G.) 7 Eegent street
Gibson, Alexander, commercial traveller, 9 Mount
Pleasant, Joppa
Gibson, Thos. 10 Brighton crescent east
Gilbert, James, brickmaker, 12 Tower street
Gilfillan, Henry (councillor), late of H.M. Customs,
28 Tower street
GHfillan, Mrs, New buildings, Tower street
Gillespie, Joseph, smith, 4 Tower street
Gillespie, William, blacksmith, 5 Adelphi place
Goodsir, David, grocer and wine merchant, IZOHigh
street — ho. Wallacefield cottage, Windsor pi.
Gordon, Maxwell, 3 John street
Gordon, Mrs C. D. Marine villa, Pitt street
Gourlay, Eobert, com. trav. 11 Brighton place
Gow, Charles, plumber and gasfitter, Brighton n
place and 91 High street
Gow, John, bottle-maker, 4 Adelphi street
Graham, Miss, Graham lodge, John street
Grant, Joseph, W. S. 3 Bath place
Grant, Mrs, 12 Brighton crescent, west
Gray, Begbie, grocer, 18 Joppa

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