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Ferguson, Davidson, and Co. Saw-
mills, Leith
Hutchinson and Eodgers, 18 Juuc-
tioa st.
Hutton, J. and Co. 31 Rankeillor
Lumsden, J. 29 Horse wd. Cowgate
Millons, D. N. Torphiclien street
Millons, G-eo. 69 Fountainbridge
Mitchell, Thomson, and Co. Gran-
Park, R. & Co. 20 Constitution st.
Pentzlin and M'Adie, 56 High st.
Philips, J. 41 G. Junction street
Eaffin, Wm., Cottage, Clerk st.
Robertson, A. 12 Haddington pi.
Stewart, "Wm. Bangor road
Wool Brokers.
(See also Skinners and Wool-
Adam and Macgregor, 129, 131,
and 133 Constitution street
Burns, Thomas, Bonnington
Deans, W. Bell's mills
Girdwood, Robert, Tanfield
Reid, W. and G. Stores, Granton
Russell and Ramsden, 62 Great
Junction street
"Woollen Drapers.
(See also Drapers and Tailoi-s.)
Bower and Brown, 22 South br.
Christie and Kilpatrick, 104 South
Clapperton, J. & Co. 371 High st.
Craig Brothers & Co. 11 South br.
Dudgeon, R. and Co. 9 South br.
Gribson, Jas. & Co. 106 South br.
Goodsir, Geo. 24 South bridge
Harrison and Co. 36 and 37 North
Harrison, Geo. & Co. 31 North br.
Hay, John, and Co. 55 North br.
Hoitum and Welsh, 6 George st.
Hunter and M'Donald, 94, 96, and
98 South bridge and 1 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Kellock, A. and Co. 40 South br.
M'Laren, Son, & Co. 329 High st.
M'Gibbon, Geo. R., 90 South br.
JMarshall & Aitken, 27 North br.
Middlemass, J. & A. IS^South br.
Panton and Young, 35 and 36
South bridge
Rausch and Douglas, 8 George st.
Richardson and Brown, 3 Hunter
Robertson, J. an^ J. 128 and 142
High street
Sim, W. 34 Frederick street and
72 George street
Smith, J. 102 South bridge
Taylor & TurnbuU, 107 South br.
Thomson, A. & Co. 63 North br.
Thyne and Tait, Lothian road
White, Wm. 12 Frederick st.
Young, James, 126 High street
Adamson, Alex. 33 Dean street
Alexander, G. Mayfield loan
Alison, J. 21 Upper Gray street
Anderson, James, 12 Potterrow
Anderson, Thos. 49 Bridge st.
Annandale, J. Gilmore park
Barnetson and Kinlay, 19 Buc-
cleuch street
Beattie, W. and Sons, 15 Foun-
tainbridge and 4 S. Frederick st.
Bell and Scott, Heriot hill. Canon-
Black, Archibald, Timber bush
Borrowman,J. Cumberland street
east lane
Brown, C. 23 Wright's houses
Brown, John, jun. Pitt street,
Bryden, Adam, Hamilton place
Burns, Thos. 118 Causewayside
Burton, James, St Stephens st.
Carr, David, 43 N. Pitt street
Clunas, Alex. Upper Grove pi.
Golden, J. Morrison street
Craig, And. 24 W. Lauriston pi.
Cunningham, A. 21 Admiralty st,
Cunningham, J. 32 Elbe street
Curie, Andrew, 7 Glover st.
Dalgleish, John, 42 Pleasance
Davidson and Chisholm, Grove st.
Dickson, Geo. 14 N. St Andrew
street lane
Doig, W. 5 Bank place, Ferry rd.
Don, J. 25 Great Junction st.
Douglas, Wm. 4 Vennel
Doull, James, 6 Park street
Dow, AVm. Dean path
Dryden, James, 4 Horn lane
Edwards, H. 212 Canongate
Flemington, And. Circus lane
Forbes, A. 3 W. Newington pi.
Fotheringham, R. Fish market
Fountain, James, 3 Coal hill
Frazer, Thomas, Low Broughton
Gallie, James, 36 St Cuthbert st.
Gilmour, Andrew, 5 Shrub st.
Gosman, J. Lindsay rd. Newhaven
Gourlay, J. Blackford place
Greig, David, 29 Rankeillor st.
Grieve, Nathaniel, Haymarket
Hall, W. 27 Duke street, Leith
Hamilton, J. and W, 25 Great
Junction street
Harkess, James, 4 Chalmer's close.
High street
Harkness, Peter, Shrub hill
Hastie, T. and J. Hawthorn bank
Heggie, Robert, 25 Hillhousefield
Henderson and AVilson, 27 Char-
lotte street, Leith
Hillson, Wm. 54 Bristo street
Honeyman, A. 44 Caiisewayside
Hume, John, 33 Coatfield lane
Hunter, H. Cumberland St. S.-W.
Hutton, William, 35 Rankeillor
Irvine, Jas. 196 Canongate
Jameson, John, 50 George st.
Jamieson, Henry, Hope st. lane
•Johnston, T. and Sons, 69 Rose st.
Laidlaw, J. & G. 35 Whitfield pi.
Laidlaw, Jas. 6 Park street
Laidlaw, Wm. Morrison street
Laing, G. Palmer's buildings, 17
West Nicolson street and 70
Lawson, A. 23 Blackfriars' wynd
Leask, John, 11 Dock street
Lothian, G. 24 W. Lauriston pi.
Lowe, D. Gilmore park
Lowrie, John, 77 Abbey hill
Lumsden, Jas. 'l9 Horse wynd
Lyon, Alex. Grove street
M'Ansh, John,Beverbank, Canon-
M'Dougall, AY. 76 Fountainbridge
M'Farlane and Gibb, 20 Dundas
st. and 44 N. Pitt st.
M'Gillivray & Couttie, 32 Horse
M'liain, James, General's entry,
Bristo st.
M'Kay, G. 1 Physic gardens
M'Laren, Thomas, 24 Brown sq
M'Rae, Duncan, 3 Dairy park
Mackenzie and Moncur, 12 Mor
risen street
Marr, G. and Son, Stanley road.
Whale brae
Marr, J. B. Ferry road
Marr, Thos. Church lane, Heriot
Marshall, Rob. 20 Spittal street
Matheson, John, 13 Vennel
Mathison, John, Heriot place Ian
Matson and Bl'Intosh, 6 Coal hill
Meikle, Alex. 25 Hamilton place,]
Menzies, And. Morrison st.
Menzies, Thos. St John's hill
Miller and Anderson, 20 Grindlay
street and 21 Bread street
Miller, Wm. 8 Bread street
Mitchell, John, 78 Abbey hill
Moffat, Wm. 9 Darling's brae
Muir, James, 26 S. B. Canongate
Neilson, W. Duke street lane
Newlands and Thomson, Dublia,
street lane
Notman, D. jun. 41 and 4!
Quality st.
Phimister, Alex. 27 London st
Pirrie and Co. 24 and 25 Duk|
street, Leith
Ponds, Jos. 5 Couper street
Ponton, T. M. Broughton house
Porter, T. Northumberland sti-eef
North lane
Pringle, Jas. 22 Brunswick st.
Proudfoot, A. Morningside
Pullar, David, Gilmore park
Raffin, W. Clerk street cottage
Ramage, James, 206 Rose street
Ramsay, Wm. 3 Thomas street
Ranken, Jas. 166 Fountainbridge
Reid, J. 195 and 197 Pleasance
Reid, Thos. 6 lugliston street
Reid, William, Tolbooth wynd,
Robertson, James, 2 Blackford
place, I\Iorningside
Robertson, Magnus and Co. 3 Hope
terrace, Leith
Robertson, M. Junction bridge
Robertson, J. 18 Albany st. Leitif
Robin, James, 31 Horse wynd
Robson, Steven, 17 N. Junction st.
Rodgers, J. 23 W. Lauriston pi.
Russell, A. Carrubber's close
Russell, Wm. 4 Seafield row
Samuel, John, 25 Leven street
Saunders, J. 18 Mitchell street
Scott, W. & Son, 169 Rosest. lane
Scott, W. E. Granton cottages

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