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Justice of Peace ClerFs
Office— A. J. Russell
Justice of Peace, Small
Debt, and Roads Courts
Finance ClerJc^s Office — J.
M. Balfour
County Meetings
County Weights and Mea-
sures Office — A. lieid,
Murphy, Peter, housekeeper
Sinclair, Allan, office serg.
1. Patriothall.
Girdwood, Dav. bleachworks
Gray, Geo. Patriothall ho.
Denholm, A. Patriothall ho.
2 Meikle, Alexander
7. Pattison Street. 1
{Elbe Street.)
7 Munnocli, Misses
Paterson, Jas. builder
Bell, Peter
3. Paul's Work. 8
{Foot of Leitli Wynd.)
Ballantyne and Co. printers
and stereotypers
1. Peel Terrace. 13
{Mayfield Street.)
'1 Wedderburn, Miss S.
1. Pembroke Place. 10
{Osborne Terrace.)
1 Farquharson, Andrew
« Marshall, George AV.
7 Cameron, John
3. Physic Gardens. 8
{Loio Market Street. )
M'Kay, George, cartwright
Fotheringham, R. cabinetm.
1 M'Pherson, Hugh, smith
1 Ross, William
1 Cameron, Miss
1 Thorburn, James, turner
1 Campbell, George
1 Porter, G.
1 Archibald, J.
1 M'Lauchlau, W. B. fish sales-
2 Carrie, J. and Co.
3 Lumsdaine, Jas. spirit dealer
4 M'Vey, Joseph
5 Robertson, A. ham cnrer
5 M'Vey & Son, brassfounders
6 M'Vey, James
7 Lindsay and Son, corn mer.
8 Lindsay, James, truit mercht.
8 Hay, John
9 Henderson, D. spirit dealer
3 Wilson, Pet. dairyman
5 Simson, James, accountant
5 Runciman, John, waiter
5 Dow, Misses
5 Runciman, Mrs, lodgings
5 Scott, Henry
5 Russel, William C.
7 Veitch, Mrs, of Stewartfield
9 Brodie, Hamilton, & Co. tea
11 Millar, A.
11 Masters, Mrs William
11 Stewart, Mrs
11 Walker, Alex.
13 Wjlie, Alexander, W.S.
15 Martin, G. plumber — ho. 5
21 Banh of Scotland Branch
Office — J. Haswell, agent
22 Renny, James, jun.
18 Falkirk Iron Co. — Robt. K.
Mitciiell, agent
18 Muir, W. H., S.S.C.
16 Ranken, Francis
16 Cameron, H. artist
16 Beitlich, A. glass engraver
16 Robertson, D. architect
16 Smart, J. landscape painter
16 Hay, George, artist
16 Keith, John
14 Scotfs School — G. Robert-
son, jaiiitor
14 Scott, A. S. B. teacher
12 Church of Scotland Normal
School Boarding-house —
Mrs D. Harrower.'matron
10 Gibson, Peter Clarke, surgeon
8 Campbell, T. B. and Co.
8 Mill, Mrs John
8 Slimon, James
6 Daun, Robert, M.D.
4 Sinclair, Veitch, M.D.
2 Hill, Robert, W.S.
7. Pillans' Place. 2
(^Sea field.')
4 Utterston, Robert
5 Thomson, Thomas
7 Clarkson, Joseph
Pilrig Cottages. 3
{Pilrig Street.)
1 Simpson, Robert
2 Hay, Mrs
4 Johnston, John
Guthrie, John
17 Thomson, Benjamin
19 Grieve, James
20 Vallance, Alexander
21 Muir, Robert
22 George, J. A.
24 Reid, Arthur
25 M'Chlery, William
26 Air, John
27 M'Leod, William
27 Slight, Mrs
28 Penman, John
28 Sommerville, Alexander
30 Montgomerie, Robert
31 Tod, Mrs
32 Stewart, Alexander
33 Hunter, William
34 Rankin. John
36 Nelson, John
37 Henderson, Peter
39 Seaton, Charles
40 Black, Hugh
41 Beavis, David
43 Johnston, Mrs
43 Tennant, John
44 Lothian, Alexander
46 Barker, H.
48 Hutchison, Robert
49 Miller, N. {G.P.O.)
50 Ferguson, Andrew
51 Brown, James
52 Henderson, Mrs
53 Bourhill, James
54 Cowie, James
56 Ireland, James
57 Garland, Alex.
58 M'Rea, John
59 Soraerville, William
60 Ormiston, Thomas
61 Glass, Alex.
62 Robertson, J. R.
2. Pilrig Place. 2
{Leith Walk.)
1 Oswald, John
1 Drummond, John
1 Stewai't, Mrs
*Pilrig Street. 2, 3
{Leith Walk.)
(*South side, 2. North side, 6.)
2. Picardy Place. 2
{l:ork Place.)
1 Jenkinson, Wm. spirit mer.
PHrig Model Build.
{Pilrig Street.)
1 M'Donald, James
4 Dickson, Robert
6 Heriot, Mrs, ladies' nurse
7 Stewart, Alex.
8 Muir, William
9 Nixon, Mrs
12 Brown, John
13 Collie, Charles
14 Brown, David
15 Campbell, William
16 Gould, WilHam
Mitchellliill, Peter
Carse, David
M'Naughton, Mrs
Cunningham, Peter
5 Muir, John
7 Lindsay, Robert
9 Wallace, Alexander
9 Wallace, Misses
11 Tod, John
13 Wright, Mrs Mary
15 Scott, John
17 Johnston, William
19 Thomson, R. H.
21 Wright, Mrs
23 Walker, Mrs
25 De la Condamine, John
27 Mann, Alexander, solicitor
Macphail, Rev. James, Pilrig

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